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93 Cards in this Set

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Christopher Columbis

discovered america

Colombian Exchange

exchange between the western and eastern

Hernando Cortes

Spanish exploer


A mix of mexicans and native americans

Juan Ponce de Leon

Spanish explorer

John Smith

Took control of Jamestown

Indentured servant

served for the new settlers in America

Nathanial Bacon

made the bacons rebellion


a group of christians

John Winthrop

A leader of the settlers


A spanish exploere


separated from the church of england

Plymoth Colony

where the settlers lived

King Phillip's War

when he wanted war against the colonists

William Penn

founded Pennsylvania

The new England Colonies

colonies in the north

middle colonies

colonies in the middle

southern colonies

colonies in the south


a group of christinas

navigation acts

a leader of settlers

cash crop

a crop sold lot because it is a good crop

middle passage

a passage where slaves are taken from Africa and moved to America

Benjamin Franklin

A founder of America

Great Awakening

A religious revolution during the 17th or 18th Century

French and Indian War

A war between the indians and the french

William Pitt

founded Pittsburg

sugar act

a tax levied by the british

Treat of Paris 1763

asked british to make peace between them


a group of native americans sided with the native americans during the war

Royal Governor

servants that help settlers

Ohio River Valley

a place where everybody wanted to live

scientific method

observe, hypothesis, experiment

indentured servants

servants that help settlers

Three-fifths compromise

when only 3/5 of the slave could vote

legislative branch

creates laws

executive branch

enforces the laws

judicial branch

interprets the laws

marbury vs. madison

supreme court case

Louisiana Purchase

when we bought the territory of Louisiana and it doubled the size of american


native american guide

William Henry Harrison

9th president. Had the longest innauguration speech, had shortest term

Andrew Jackson

the 7th president, Indian removal act

Treaty of Ghent

1814 declared an end to the war

Eli Whitney

invented the cotton gin

mass production

making more products than you need

Cotton gin

invention made for picking cotton easier

Henry Clay

The great compromise

American System

americans getting things

John Quincy Adams

treaty to make peace with indians

Missouri Compromise

made sure to add california and texas

Andrew Jackson

7th president, sent the indians west with the trail of tears and indian removal act

Indian removal act

removed all the indians from their home land to the west

trail of tears

the trail the indians went on to move west



bank of the united states

held all peoples money

whig party

a group of people with republicans

Martin Van Buren

a president everyone hated because Andrew Jackson went against him.

Panic of 1837

Everyone was freaking out

William Henry Harrison

9th president

John Tyler

10th president


first long distance talking

John Deere

made the first steel plow

oregon trail

trail that leads all the way to the west


a group of church leaders

Joseph Smith

the founder of the mormoms

Brigham Young

leader of the mormons

Fifty-four forty or fight!

James K. Polk campaign

Land grant

to get more land

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

dictator of Mexico was captured by americans

texas revolution

war between texas and mexico


a war fought between mexico and texas - famous battle

Sam Houston

President of Texas

Republic of Texas

when Texas was its own land


to move


11th president

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

made peace between mexico and america


men who moved to california only for the gold

gold rush

when they found gold in California

Missouri compromise

getting missouris


to take something away

fugitive slave act

making slaves

Uncle Toms Cabin

Book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe

Kansas - Nebraska Act

getting nebraska and kansas




someone who takes something


someone who is killed for their beliefs

John Brown

killed 5 men by the river. was an abolitionist

Harpers Ferry

where John Brown killed 5 men

the election of 1860

Abe Lincoln won

Northern Democrat

Jefferson Davis


Abraham Lincoln

Constitutional union

John Breckenridge

Jefferson Davis

Northern Democrat