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71 Cards in this Set

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What example did Washington set?

Talked to head gov.'s cavinets

Why did political parties form

To organize support on views

Alexander Hamilton-

Federalist. Strong ties w Britain for trade

Who decided the presidential election of 1800?

House of Representatives

Washington s first term

Set examples for future presidents

Goals of Hamilton as secretary of treasury

Reduce debt by taxes

What leader thinks the French Revolution was justified?

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson-

Democratic-Republican. Small federal gov. Ties with French.

Why was it difficult for the government to maintain a neutrality policy?

American merchants profited from both Britain and France.

What were the effects of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

Discovered new species. Allowed settlers to settle into the Louisiana territories.

How would a water route to the Pacific benefit overseas trade?

Provide a direct route to China and Indian markets.

Who wrote the decisión establishing judicial review?

Chief Justice Marshall (John Marshall)

What were the results of the Embargo Act?

Volume of smuggling increased. Economy of US dropped.

What were the results of the Pike expedition?

Expanded the America's knowledge of the Southwest.

William Henry Harrison described ___ as an uncommon genius.


Describe water transportation.

Steamboats made shipping faster

How did the us gain florida?

Adams-Onis treaty. From spain. $5 million

How did Congress help us industry after war of 1812?

Established second bank of America.

What was the effect of sectionalism on the Era of Good Feelings?

It made national unity more difficult.

Daily life in 1800 factories-

Long hours, hot summers and cold winters. Poor work conditions

John C. Calhoun-

Supports state rights and slavery growth. Vice of Andrew Jackson.

Rise of Latin American nations

Won indépendance through revolutions.

Why did President Monroe announce the Monroe Doctrine?

To keep European powers out of the western hemisphere.

How did Congress protect American manufacturers after the war of 1812?

Raising tariffs on import goods.

Why did President Jackson think the 2nd bank of America was unconstitutional?

Thought the states would charter banks.

Describe the election of 1824.

House of rep chose John Adams as president. "Corrupt bargain"

Why did South Carolina pass the Nullification Act?

To protect the 'Tariff of Abominations'

How did Andrew Jackson earn support among voters?

'Champion of the Common Man'.

What change in voting requirements were made by the 1830s?

White men didn't have to own land to vote.

Why did Jackson say 'corrupt bargain'?

Clay urged members of the house to vote for Adams.

Who suffered financially from the Tariff of Abomination?

Southern planters.

What was the biggest threat to traveling west by wagons?

Diseases and illnesses.

How did Mexican influence us culture?

Mining/irrigation techniques. Language. Food . And laws.

Why did Texans seek revenge against Santa anna?

Fall of the Alamo.

He was a butthole .

Why was their conflict between American settlers and Mexican gov in texas?

They felt no loyalty to the Mexican gov.

Why did Mormons move west?

Social and religious freedom.

What did the us get as a result of the Mexican war?

New mexico.

What made it possible for southern planters to boost their profits after 1793?

Invention of the cotter gin.

How did steam powered machinery change manufactering?

More factories could be built everywhere.

What did factory workers hope to achieve by forming trade unions?

Working conditions improved.

Who thought railroad competition would lose them money?

Canal operators.

How did slavery hurt the development of southern industry?

Mainly slaves in south, who had no money to buy goods.

Describe the experiences of free blacks in the south.

States limited slaves rights.

How was the central influence on the styles of American painters before 1800?

European painting traditions.

What was the result of Dorothea Dix's efforts at social reform?

Insanity was treated as an illness.

Who would have benefited the most from Thomas Gallaudets reform efforts?

Deaf people/ with disabilities

What was the achievement of Elizabeth Blackwell?

First woman to become a licensed doctor.

Who was supposed to be educated at the Seneca falls convention?


What political party was formed in 1848 for the purpose of banning slavery in the West?

Free-soil party.

What were the terms of the Compromise of 1850?

Popular sovereignty for New Mexico. California as a free state. Texas/ New Mexico border is defined.

How did the Civil War begin?

Confederate troops attacked Fort Sumter. (In South Carolina)

What was the goal of the free soil party?

To ban slavery in western territory.

Why was there conflict in 1848 in the Western territories over the issues of slavery?

Legally of slavery to be decided for New Mexico and lands from Mexico.

Describe the effect of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Opened people's eyes to slavery.

How were the goals of the Republicans and free-soilers alike?

Both wanted to keep slavery put of the western territories.

What was the effect of Dred Scott?

Slaves were considered property and could not go to court.

What were the effects of the emancipation proclamation?

Added abolish slavery of southern slavery to their war goals.

How did blacks in the union army contribute to the war effort?

Fought in major battles (1863)

Why did small southern farmers resent the Confederacy's draft law?

Men who owned more than 20 slaves were not drafted.

Summarize the early efforts of reconstruction.

Lincoln signed a bill establishing Freedman ' s Bureau.

Who were the new forces in southern politics after the civil war?

White Republicans and blacks.

What helped end reconstruction?

Election of 1876.

How did the South develop it's industry after the civil war?

More textile mills.mineral mining...iron and coal.oil refinery.

Why did Congress rebel against President Johnson's reconstruction plan?

It was too lenient to the South

How did southern conservatives resist reconstruction?

They formed secret societies

How did the results of the election showed the growing political tensions in the United States?

Pro British voters were with the north

How did Jefferson confront the issue referred to in the quote?

He argued that states have the right to notify the law / helped pass the Kentucky and Virginia law.

Why would a black school child in the North hide their books in brown paper sacks?

Blacks were not trusted and people would think that the children would steal the books.

Where did most of the new immigrants in the 1850s come from?

Ireland and Germany

What territories to the Missouri Compromise divide?

Land from the Louisiana Purchase.

What is the best interpretation of Sumner's opinion?

The president has no regard for the Constitution or its laws, that he was allowing slavery in the South.