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96 Cards in this Set

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a steel company that owns the coal mines, limestone quarries,and iron ore fields it depends on is an example of
vertical integration
world war 1 resulted in the end of 4 empires: the Austro Hungarian,the Russian, the German Empire and
Ottoman Empire
who overthrew the Russian government in November 1917 and established a communist government there
payments for war damages
Supreme commander of the Allied forces
Ferdinand Foch
Realizing a draft was necessary, Congress created a new system of conscription called
selective service
Wartime fears led to mistreatment and persecution of
German Americans
African Americans leaving the South to settle in northern cities
the great migration
used to raise money and cover cost of wars
liberty and victory bonds
Created to coordinate the production of war materials
War industries board
Made any expression of opposition to the war illegal
Sedition Act of 1918
Since Germany did not want to strengthen the Allies by drawing the US into war it agreed with certain conditions to sink no more merchant ships in a promise called the
Sussex pledge
A major problem in Germany's plan to invade France was that its forces first had to advance through neutral
What country made an offer to the Mexican government proposing that Mexico become its ally if the United States entered the European war
One reason for the tension between the European power was there intense pride in their homelands called
Great Britain France and Russia
Triple entente
The aggressive build-up of armed forces to intimidate and threaten other nations
On April 11th 1898 President McKinley asked Congress to authorize the use of force to end the conflict in
Under the Treaty of Paris, cuba became an independent nation, United States agreed to pay Spain 20 million dollars for the Philippines and the US acquire Puerto Rico and
When the explosion of the Maine happened many Americans blamed it on
Aggressive nationalism
Volunteer Cavalier regiment
Rough riders
Commander of the naval squadron that attacked Manila Bay
George Dewey
Governed the relations between United States and Cuba
The Platt Amendment
When Americans began looking overseas for new markets in the 1880's they naturally tended to look towards
The Pacific
What was the territory called when an imperial power allowed local rulers to stay in control
took a naval expedition to Japan to negotiate a trade treaty
Matthew Perry
The ideas that English speaking nations had superior character, ideas and systems of government
Anglo saxonism
The idea that Latin America in the United States should work together
Pan Americanism
The economic and political domination of a strong nation over other weaker nations
who formed the National Woman's Party and wanted to use protest to force President Wilson to take action on suffrage
Alice Paul
The right to vote
Journalist who investigated social conditions and political corruption
Progressives campaigned against this emotional issue
Child labor
Laws banning the manufacture, sale, and consumption of alcohol
Who claimed there would be a workers revolution in which workers would seize all private property and create a socialist society
The first leader of the american federation of labor, samuel gompers, believed that unions need to stay out of
What did several railroads announce in July 1877 that triggered the first nationwide labor protest
Wage cuts
First nationwide Union
Knights of Labor
Loans mortgages and taxes are an example of a company's
Fixed cost
Used for making high quality steel efficiently and cheaply
Bessimer process
The railroad boom began in 1862 when President Abraham Lincoln signed the
Pacific Railway Act
___________ was equally important as natural resources in the nation's rapid industrialization
New technology
Supporters of laissez-faire generally favor
Free trade
Companies that could only hire union workers
Closed shop
Craft workers formed this Union to organize their trade
Trade unions
Companies that made agreement to keep prices at a certain level
The cost of manufacturing is decreased by producing goods quickly in large quantities
Economies of scale
Shares of ownership in a corporation
The federal government gave land to railroads, sold the land to settlers and businesses
Land grants
Development of machines to mass-produce products
Econommic system that operates on supply and demand
Free Enterprice system
a belief that the government should keep its hands off American businesses
laissez faire
Franklin Roosevelt's policies for ending the depression became known as the
New deal
Agricultural Adjustment administration tried to help farmers by
Paying them not to grow crops
The National Industrial Recovery Act allow business, labor, and the government to cooperate in setting up
Codes of fair competition
To regulate the stock market Congress created the
Securities and Exchange Commission
Most economist agreed that the cause of the depression was
Over production and surpluses of goods
President Hoover opposed direct federal relief to the unemployed because he believed that
Individuals should be responsible for taking care of themselves
Farmers on the Great Plains begin to lose their crops during the depression because
A terrible drought dried the soil
In the 1920s the Federal Reserve contributed to weakness in the stock market by
Keeping interest rates low
According to the excerpt whom did the people of the United States turn to in order to solve difficult economic problems during ww1
The government
President Hoover hoped that public works would
Provide jobs lost in the private sector
From what historical document does the author quote in this excerpt protesting attacks on African Americans
Gettysburg address
Which party included woman suffrage as part of its platform
Bull Moose Party
The flowering of African American arts in the 1920 became known as the
Harlem Renaissance
The NAACP lobbying efforts influenced the House of Representatives to pass in 1922
Anti lynching
Henry Ford's business philosophy was to increase sales by
Lowering the cost of cars
Henry Ford's system for making cars increased efficiency by
Dividing operations into simpler tasks
Thousands of ww1 veterans came to Washington in 1932 to lobby Congress to
Pass legislation giving veterans there promised early bonuses
As strikes erupted across the United States in 1919 the fear that communists might cease power let to the
Red Scare
President Wilson's peace plan was known as the
Fourteen points
After ww1 most Americans wanted to avoid future wars by
Avoiding involvement in world affairs
President Wilson called for the creation of a general association of Nations known as the
League of Nations
In 1880 the American opinion began to shift and more people wanted to make the United States a
World power
Criticism of ww1 at home was effectively silence by
the espionage and Sedition Acts
The last two sentences in this excerpt represent _____, that soght to justify imperialism expansion
Anglo saxonism
US actions in the Pacific and Latin America were primarily focused on
Improving in the US economically
What was the main goal of progressive government reforms
To give voters more control over the government
What was the focus of progressive reforms
Interested in changing several aspects of American culture; government, business, and culture
To restore public confidence in the banking system Wilson supported the establishment of a
Federal Reserve System
What did progressives think needed to play a more active role in solving society's problems
The government
Allowed a man to vote only if he had an ancestor on the voting rolls in 1867
Grandfather Claus
Mississippi took the first step to prohibit African Americans from voting when it required that all citizens register to pay
Poll tax
With what US Supreme Court decision upholding segregation was Justice Harlan disagreeing
Plessy vs Ferguson
According to the excerpt how will African Americans gain privileges
Through continued struggles
What does the chart indicate happened to immigration patterns between 1870 and 1914
Immigration from northern and western Europe peaked shortly after 1880
Which choice below best completes the diagram
Angel island
Nativist wanted to
Limit or cut off immigration
The great migration during World War 1 was a flow of
African Americans moving north
What did several railroads announce in 1877 that triggered the first nationwide labor protest
Wage cuts
United workers in a particular industry
Industrial nation
A _______ was a technique for breaking a union in which the company refused to allow workers on their property
The government reacted to disgruntled railroad employees in 1877 by
Calling out troops to restore order
New technology helped farmers produce more crops which tended to
Lower prices
What is one advantage that big corporations had over small businesses
They could produce goods cheaper and more efficiently