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70 Cards in this Set

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bladassare castiglione
wrote the book of the courtier teaching manners skills learning and cirtues that a member of the court should have
niccolo machiaveli
worte a guide for rulers on how to gain and maintian power
sir thomas more
wrot ebook utopia s=describing an ideal society
early reniisance poet humanist and scholar assembled a library of greek and roman manuscripts
henry VIII
first stood agaisnt protestant revolt but changed his ideas so he could get divorced and remarry several times
anne boleyn
second wife to henry and gave birth to elizabeth
edward VI
inherited the throne when nine died in his teens then mary took the throne
queen elizabeth
took over throne after marys death and instated a compromise between protestent and catholic
catherine of aragon
first wife of henry had now children
mary tudor
took throne from brother and killed lots of protestents
thomas cranmer
was appionted archbishop of the new church and annuled his first marrige
charles the fifth
was appointed holy roman emporer and summoned luther to the diet and declared him an outlaw
johann tetzel
Luther was inspired to write his Ninety-Five Theses, in part, due to Tetzel's actions during this period of time.[1]
ulrich zwingli
was a priest and admirer of erasumus stress bible and rejected church rituals leader of swiss reformation
teresa of avila
created stricter rules for nuns and established own order was canonized and writings rank very high in religous circles
ignatius of loyola
was injured in battle and found time to started the juesits found comfort in reading and wrote up program for them
juesist go on crusade because of him
franciso pizarro
spanish intrested in peru inca empire and arrived right after ciivl war king refused to convert and therefore killed alot took king capitvie they paid ransom but killed him anyway got a lot of land for spain
indian civ that colombus killed in west indes friendly
she was an indian women that served as a translator said that aztec were hated and helped arrange alliences to kill aztecs
was incan king when he got invaded refused to convert got captured paid for ransom but was killed anyway
repersenitaves who ruled in his name in each province
bartolome de las casas
condemned the ways of encomiend system reported to spain what happened and asked for them to stop
workers forced to labor for a land lord in order to pay off a debt
owners advanced them things they could never pay back
american born desendents of spainish settelers
owned most of the plantations ranches and mines
people of native american and europeans desent
africans and european descent
people born in spain
tupian indians
lived in brazil but had been mostly wiped out by disease
jacques cartier
sailed to north america for france told to find spices gold and a passedge
found none
king louis 14
sent people to the americas and to boost revenues
olaudah equiano
slave that wrote an autobiography telling his story about being captured and brought to america
diet of worms
was a diet (a formal deliberative assembly, specifically an Imperial Diet) that took place in Worms, Germany, and is most memorable for the Edict of Worms (Wormser Edikt), which addressed Martin Luther and the effects of the Protestant Reformation.
catholic reformation
the pope set out to revive moral authority of th church and roll back the protestant tide
ended corupition in church itself in 1530's
protestant reformation
1500s rennisance sparked religous upheaval that affected christains
tried to stop coruption in government and popes
spanish armada
1588 phillup sent huge armada eith more ten 130 ships to invade england but in the english channel they lost because the spanish ships were to big and bulker compared to the small monverable ships of the english
invention of the pringitng press
the peace of augsburg
1555 charles and the prrnces reached a settlement where each prince could chose a religon for his lands
council of trent
1545 established by the pope reaffirmed the tradittional catholic views and siad that the bible was not the only souce of religon
act of supremecy
passed in 1534 by henry the 8th saying that he was the suprem head on earth of the church
not widley accepted and were executed
inventing of the printing press
invented by john guttengurg in 1455 which allowed books to travel around europe
peasents revolt
peasents that took up luthars banner and hoped for social change
luther favored the social order and didnt support the revolt in 1524`
the peace of augsburg
in the 1530s and 1540s charles and the princes decided of a settlement which siad that princes could choose the religon for their land
council of trent
was organized in 1545 by the pope and met for 20 years and reaffirmed the traditional catholic views siad bible was not lony source of god work to get into heaven
act of supremecy
inacted by henry in 1534 making him the supreme head on earth of the church of england
many catholics refused this and were exucuted
the elizabethian settlement
started in 1558 and implamented over time preserved catholic ritual and the hierarchy but didnt cal her self suprem head also accepted protestent doctrine and allowed english in church services
pope paul instated in 1530s
used secret torture, testimony and execution to root out heresy
also made index of forbbiden books which were considered to imoral and irreligous to read
index of forbben books
list of works made by the inquisition that were to immoral and irreligous to be read by catholics
founding of the jesuits
reconized in 1540
made by ignatius of loyla
wrote rules for strict spirtual and moral discipline and religous training
set up schools and went on crusades
witch hunts 1
1450 to 1750
mostly in germany swizterland and france
tens of thounsands killed becasue of being witches
conquering of mexico
in 1519 cortes and his crew set out to conquor and explore mexico for spain
killed off aztec empire along with several other small tribes
french indian war
britian and france fought all over the world
turned into world wide struggle called seven years war
ended in the treaty of paris
treaty of paris
officially ended war and ensurred britians dominence in north america
france got land east of mississippi river and gave lousiana territory to spain but france got backs its surgar islands in the carribean ans slave trade in africa
the prince
book by niccolo machiavelli on how to get and keep power that stressed the end justifies the means
urged to use any methods nessecary
the pieta
marble scuplture by michelangelo that captures sorrow of mary as she cradles dead son james
the school of athens
painting by raphael dipicting an imagenary gathering of great thinkers and scientists from romen times
book written by thomas more about a land of harmony and peace ending cirmanal acts of all kind
gargantua and pantagruel
book written by fancois rabelais telling the tale of two gentle giants but uses it to exspress his feeling about the world
book of common prayer
restored by elizabeth and allowed some additions form protestants
new laws of the indies
passed in 1542 and forbade enslavement and abuse of natives but spain was to far away to enforce and many natives were forced to become peons
study of classical greece and rome used to increase knoldege of own time
grammar rhetoric poetry and history
new technique of oil painting that produced strong colors and a hard surface that last centuries and creates depth
disocery of perspective
allowed artists to create much more realistic art by making things loook 3 d
technique brought to the north by durer were etches a desgin in metal with acid and prints using ink
religous belief that stated that life was predestined if you were going to heaven or not
govrnment run by church leaders

ex: geneva calvin
to be recognized as a staint by the catholic church
the right to demand labor or tribute from native americans in a particular area
used this for free labor on plantations
colombian exchange
vast global exchange of goods and money that affected the whole world started by columbus
aimed to strengthen the national econemy
believed that a nations wealth was determened byits gold and silver
to get this must export more then inport