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21 Cards in this Set

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salutary neglect
when the British used to avoid strict enforcement of parliamentary laws
proclamation of 1763
enacted by British parliament; said there would be no land grants settlement beyond the Appalachian mountains; done to better control people (it's easier to tax people who are closer together) and for financial reasons (they wanted to sell the land past the Appalachians and take the money)
Stamp Act Congress
Oct 1765; colonies went to meet in NY; they write a petition to the king and they reject British argument of virtual representation
virtual representation
members of parliament represent all British citizens all over the world
townsend acts
1767; tax on paper, paint, grass, and tea; creates an English customs board (customs officers in America will be replaced by British)
committees of correspondence
leaders of different colonies become pen-pals
east india co.
has monopoly in India and has backlog of tea and is about to go bankrupt; gets special permission from the Tea Act to trade directly with American colonies
Lexington and Concord
starts the Revolutionary war; no one wins but British have 40% casualties
common sense
pamphlet by Thomas Paine; asks "does it make sense for an island to rule a continent?"
benedict arnold
stops the British army who tries to come down from Canada into America with Horatio Gates at Saratoga
articles of confederation
first national government; very weak; basically created 13 independent states; one-house congress elected annually; can't tax or make economic decision; only has one major accomplishment (congress passed land ordinance of 1785 - survey lands out west and splits it up into homesteads or townships)
NW ordinance of 1787 (aka land ordinance of 1787)
says that 3-5 official territories will be created in that NW section and will be given official status and government appointed by Congress (1 governor, secretary, 3 judges); when population reaches 5,000 they can elect legislature; when it reaches 60,000 they can write state constitution and submit it to congress and apply for statehood
virginia plan
created by James Madison when the colonies' leaders came together to fix the articles of confederation; favored big states
great compromise
the virginia plan and the NJ plan were combined; had a president, congress, judicial system, etc; the constitution was created
Bill of Rights
written to help the constitution gain support
John Jay
was sent by george washington to british to compromise with British king; comes back with Jay's Treaty which said that the British rejected US neutral rights and that they want the money they were owed back; they also wanted the US to leave the NW territory for canada and then they'd allow them to trade with british colonies in the Caribbean; congress is outraged
XYZ affair
X, Y, and Z were the three frenchman who asked for the bribe from americans when the americans wanted to compromise with french
alien and sedition acts
make it a crime to speak against the government; close anti-government newspaper; can deport french citizen without trial; 14 years before you can apply for citizenship
midnight appointments
adam stays up at the end of his presidency appointing as many federalists as he can to supreme court after its expanded; he makes John Marshall Chief Justice (justices are appointed for life)
Olive Branch Petition
before the dec of ind; the 2nd cont. congress writes this document and send it to king george
declaration of independence
cont congress give thomas jefferson permission to write this document which was signed on July 4, 1776