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54 Cards in this Set

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Howard Zinn
Civil Rights Activist
Taught at Spellman College(Alice Walker)
Write book at Boston U.
Spanish Nobility
Queen Isabelle fund voyage to West Indies in search for gold.
Arawak Indians
Society killed in less than 200 years by Columbus. Remarkable for hospitality and sharing.
Worked in ecomiendas.
Poisoned with cassava.
Las Casas
Young priest, participated in conquest to Cuba, chief source of information about what happened on islands.
Wrote History of the Indies.
Thomas Jefferson's plantation in Virginia. Tons of slaves.
Middle Passage
The forcible passage of Africans from Africa to the New World.
Europe brought goods in return for kidnapped Africans.
Slave Resistance
At least 250 instances where 10 or more slaves rebelled. Rebellion was always there but somehow controlled.
Triangular Trade
1800's slave ships toward E. America(Savannah huge port) sell slaves>load up on cash crops>Sell cash crops in Europe>Go back to Africa and sell manufactured goods.
Territory of Indian Confederacy led by Powhatan.
Settled in 1619
Haitian Revolution
Hispanola, French Colony. Thriving, black slaves, working on sugar plantations. Brutal Slavery. Toussant L'overture got together with fellow slaves and overthrew French. 1st Black Republic. French Left in 1803, but demand compensation and bankrupts the country.
First European military base in western hemisphere. From Italy expert sailor. Three sailing ships in october 1492. Claimed to see land first.
Indentured Servant
Agrarian Society that was effected by England's decision to stop growing food and let sheep graze for wool. Went to city to look for work, they were poor and had no choice but go to the Americas under 7 yr contract, taken to slave trade, had no money, property or rights. Replaced by slaves.
Land Enclosure
The rich are settling on the coast which creates conflict between Natives and poor whites. The rich are pushing the poor whites closer and closer.
Bacons Rebellion
Nathanial Bacon, Jameston, VA, burnt things to act against state or property against the elite. Wanted protection from the government. B&W's get together, govt freaks and gives pension to whites.
Wealth Gap
Top 1% owned 44% of land. The rich are getting richer and getting more land. Same problems of wealth that were in Spain.
Divisive Measures
Bacon's Rebellion brought poor whites and slaves together, but govt separated the two by giving whites pension and job(overseer/punisher)
When slaves ran away they would run to the Indian(law against Indians and slaves to be around each other) would bribe indians to give back slaves.
England is having a lot of wars and colonist are being forced to quarter British troops and also taking jobs from them.
Boston Massacre
1770, group of angry ropemakers of impressments and British Soldiers taking jobs, and the BS shoot 6 of them, put on trial and acquitted, founding father John Adams was British Soldiers lawyer.
Stamp Act 1765
A tax on all printed materials (from birth certificates to marriage to newspapers)Colonists feel they have no say of Englands expansion of power.
Boston Tea Party
Not a tax, Ship loads of tea show up in colonies and colonists are being forced to buy it. Men meet crew at door and demand them to turn around, and they don't and colonists jump aboard and dump tea.England is pissed, marital law in effect, dissolves British Government.
Tom Paine
Common Sense: Pamplet distributed throughout colonies. All classes. Why was it time to sovereighn England. 1st cry for Independence. Tis time to part. Continental congress meet in Philly 1776
Declaration of Independence
Adopted July 2, 1776. Thomas Jefferson-All men created equal, poor whites and black not included. Just needed poors to help. Knew they had to serve in army, but rich could pay for other men to serve for them, Tyranny is Tyranny.
Pontiac's Conspiracy
War 1763 b/t N. American tribes and the British. Indians not happy>attacked british> peace treaty, gave them a lot blankets that were infected with small pox. Biological warfare.
Proclamation of 1763
Promise to N. Americans to not go passed line and after French and Indian War/Seven Years' War
1787-Sets framework for US govt. getting away from 1 person in power and three branches:
Executive Branch
Judicial Branch
Shay's Rebellion
Daniel Shay wounded in army and couldn't pay of debt. Joined in Springfield MA>700 Farmers marched to courthouse>Court shuts down proceding to court.
Riot Act 1792
Haberas Corpus allows authority to hold people without trials.
Sedition Act 1798
The right to say anything about government but will have consequences.
Private/Public Sphere
Private Sphere: Home life
Public Sphere: Women weren't allowed to have any say on outside world..
4 ways inferiority was reinforced:
Law and Religion, Education, Fashions, and Ideology
Cult of Domesticity
The set of ideas that teaches women how to be and basically be domesticated.
Women Rights Convention
Sinneca Falls, NY, 1st time people talk about women rights. Included slaves.
Delclaration of Principles
The declaration written in exact form of Declaration of Independence stating women wanting the same rights as men
Soujourner Truth
Akrin, OH I am a woman speech, calling on feminists to include black women too.
Andrew Jackson
Promises land to N. Americans ans they still keep getting pushed further west.>advocates Indian Removal Act
US and N. American Treaties
Treaty after treaty broken, within 90 years 370 treaties were drawn up, and 415 million acres was taken.
Indian Removal
ethnic cleansing of natives forced to move west beyond MI.
Seminole War 1818
Andrew Jackson's campaign to march to FL and basically wipe out INdians there, including red sticks.
Five civilized tribes:
Cherokee, Choktaw, Chikassaw, Seminole, Creek
Calhoun, GA
Cherokee Indians land, changed their ways to keep their land. Basically converted but efforts worked against them. Jackson says live under our rules or lewave. Worchestor vs. state ga, won case but forced to leave anyways.
Trail of Tears
Van Bern sent US army to remove Cherokee Indians in 1838. !7,000 Indians captured walked to OK from GA on gunpoint.Govt hired private contractors but didnt meet needs. Moved them to OK bc land wasnt as fertile as Ga.
Louisiana Purchase
Acquisition of the French Territory by the US in 1803. Included 14 states, and doubled the size of the US. French sold for 15 million>deep hate for Britain.
Manifest Destiny
US is destined to have land from Atlantic to Pacific. Basically land is supposed to be ours according to POLK.
Mexican land invaded by white settlers that claim land to be theirs. Mexico wants its land back or war will be declared.Mexico declares war but US takes land anyays.
Whig Party
Do not support war, violation of nations sovereignty
La Intervencion Norte Americana
Mexican American War in Mexico
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Peace treaty forced by US to have TX and give them money for it. Lost 55% of their pre war land
Fugitive Slave Act
Puts a bounty on slaves> return south if you go north. Northerners got paid to return runaways.
Dred Scott
Slave. Supreme court case. Master died tried to buy freedom from mistress. Supreme court refused>said he was not a person but property
Abolition Movement
Religious movement to end slavery forever, made up of free blacks and whites.
Frederick Douglass
Writer of Abolotion Movement
James Oglethrope
Founded Savannah 1733, was against liquor and slaves, wanted settlers to have an equal amount of land. colony to be a buffer between the carolinas(british) and florida(spanish)
Rice Plantation
Very hard work, died from DISEASES and hard work, regulated by overseers, pregnant women even had to work. Irish free blacks and slaves.
Fountain Hughs
Virginian Slave interview conducted in Baltimore. Grandfather was Thomas Jeffersons's slave.