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73 Cards in this Set

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Schooling in 19th century was the responsibility of
Private institutions
Judge Sargent Murray held that women
have ed. opportunities
equal intellect and potential
have a role in society
first american medical school
U of Penn
Early 19th century there was a ________disapproval of the study of anatomy
The expansion in the 19th century in the medical profession, there was a _____ in midwives
The emergence of industrialization in america affected
social patterns
cultural assumptions
religious beliefs
All of the above
the cotton gin in the 18th century helped
revive slavery
Spread cotton production inland
_____is known for his invention of the cotton gin
Robert fulton
19th century is known as the turnpike era because
toll roads were built
People didnt want taxes to be for roads
popular entertainment for urban americans was
horse racing
John Marshal was appointed chief Justice by
Thomas Jefferson
______ contended with jefferson and lost in congressional tie breaker
Harry Truman
jefferson's decision to buy Nola was based on
His fear of war with France
One reason Napolean decided to sell Lou-territory was
needed money for war with Europe
Lewis and Clark expedition was
organized by thomas Jefferson
Arron Burr was convicted and imprisoned for
Murder of Alexander Hamilton
The war of 1812 was the result of conflicts
in the west
on high seas
On the road to the war of 1812, france and England
violated American neutrality rights
At the Battle of Horseshoe bend, Andrew Jackson fought
Creek Indians
The low point for the United states was when the British
burned parts of Washington
What treaty ended the war of 1812
treaty of ghent
Missouri compromise was intended to
preserve an equal number of slave and free states
The monroe doc was the work of
John Quincy Adams
The policy in th Monroe doc was directed toward
The Monroe doc declared that
european powers can't colonise western hemisphere
john C Calhoun argued that fed government was a creation of the states- document called
doctrine of nullification
Jacksonian era
woman couldnt vote
free blacks couldnt vote anymore
greatest influence on Pres Jackson
Martin Van Buren
The trail of Tears led the cherokee to
Under___________ the bank was financially sound and profitable
Nicholas Biddle
Racial Jacksonians
Evangelical Protestants viewed Irish and Germans as
a threat to national progress
Martin V Buren won the election because
he ran against Jackson
Election campaign of 1840 saw
first influence of Penny Press
William Henry Harrison was part of
Wealthy land owning elite
39. The overwhelming majority of immigrants who arrived in the United States during the three decades before the Civil War came from
Ireland and Germany
Mid-nineteenth-century American industrialization benefited from this new source of energy
Which immigrant group began to dominate the New England textile mills labor force by the 1840s
As the immigrant labor force in New England textile mills increased, payment by piece rate replaced a
daily wage
On the eve of the Civil War, the typical white male citizen of the old Northwest was
Owner of a family Farm
46. The “Cotton Kingdom” of the first half of the nineteenth century did not rely on large numbers of slaves imported directly from
The majority of white southerners owned____slaves.
The “cavalier” tradition in the South placed what group at the top of the social order
Wealthy Southern Whites
Southern white women
generally lived lives that were isolated from the wider world
Within the American South, the institution of slavery created a unique bond between
masters and slaves
The conditions of a slave’s life
varied widely depending on a number of factors
Free blacks in the slave South occasionally attained wealth and prominence and
owned slaves themselves.
To “manumit” means to
Set Free
what form of resistance by slaves was the most common
Defiant patterns of behavior
one of the reasons for the southern hardening by whites on the issue of slavery was the slave uprising led by
Nat Turner
What was the name given to the effort by whites and blacks to help runaway slaves escape?
Underground Railroad
African-American slave religion as compared to nineteenth-century white American religion
incorporated non-Christian religious traditions

was more emotional
was more joyful and affirming
American romanticism was _____ with traditional Calvinist assumptions
1. Artists in the ___________ ____________ _______________ emphasized in their paintings the importance of America’s rugged and wild natural beauty.
Hudson River School
engaged in the effort to create a distinctly American literature EXCEPT
George Ripley
The American Colonization Society helped to transport blacks from the United States to ___________________.
The leading black abolitionist was
Fredrick Douglas
Abolitionists constituted a _____ minority of Americans
________ called for full equality for women within the abolitionist movement
William Lloyd Garrison
American beliefs promoted the concept of Manifest Destiny EXCEPT:
America was a promised land where racial groups would find eventual equal social status.
Just prior to its admission to the Union, Texas was
An independent Republic
The Battle of San Jacinto
led to an independent Texas
In 1844, James K. Polk supported the acquisition of
Oregon and Texas
When it came to the issue of slave expansion, President Polk favored
the Missouri Compromise
During the ___________ in 1848, many of the participants abandoned their farms, jobs, and homes.
California gold rush
Among the various effects the gold rush had on California, it solved a
statewide labor shortage.
To the white South, the most important part of the Compromise of 1850 was
the strengthened Fugitive Slave Act
The Gadsen Purchase
accentuated the rivalry between North and South
was made with Mexico
What political party came into being largely in response to the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Who was caned in response to an antislavery speech he gave
Charles Sumner
What important legal decision held that slaves were property and that the Missouri Compromise was illegal
Dred Scott Decision
Abraham Lincoln gained national recognition from his 1858 debates with
Stephan Douglas
John Brown was executed following his raid on
Harper's Ferry