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25 Cards in this Set

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New England farming and Industry

New England soil and climate made it difficult to grow food they practice subsistence farming which is making enough just to meet the needs of a family. Everyone in the family helped do stuff on the farm. Shipbuilding was a major industry.

Middle Colony cash crops and diversity

Climate and soil allowed for more crops to be grown. In New York and Pennsylvania Farmers grew large quantities of Wheat and other cash crops that can be easily sold in markets in the colonies and overseas

Middle colonies diversity

Many settlers were Scotch-Irish German Dutch and Swedish meaning they were from lots of different places in Europe that gave middle colonies farming knowledge and diversity in their people that was not found in northern colonies

Southern Tidewater plantations and rice

Southern colonies made their living off of farming because of rich soil and warm climate not as much trade and Industry in the southern colonies mostly farming.

Tidewater is a region of flat low-lying Plains along the Seacoast where people built plantations

Tobacco and rice

Tobacco was the main cash crop in Maryland and Virginia.

Rice was the main cash crop in South Carolina and Georgia people did not know how to grow rice so they had to rely on the knowledge of enslaved Africans who had grown rice back home

The Middle Passage and triangular trade

Trip across the ocean was called the middle passage this name came because it was the middle leg of a three-part route known as triangular trade. The route is called triangular trade because ships traveled between their destinations and formed a triangle.

Slave codes and anti-slavery groups

Rules governing the behavior and Punishment of enslaved people. For example some colonies made it illegal to teach slaves how to read and write.. and the slave codes governed whether a enslaved worker could leave the plantation with without permission from the slaveholder.

Not all colonists supported slavery many people refused to own enslaved people eventually that started the Civil War between the North and the South

The Magna Carta and protected rights

Magna Carta was signed by King John in 1215 this document gave English people protection from unjust punishment or treatment basically all people had protected rights

Representative government and Parliament

Representative government means people were elected represent the majority of people in government.

English Parliament was the group of people elected to pass laws. English Parliament had two Chambers or houses House of Lords in the House of Commons.


Mercantilism says a country builds wealth and power by building a supplies of gold and silver. To achieve this a country must export more than it Imports or sell more than it buys.

Navigation Acts

A series of laws that forced colonists to sell their raw materials to England even if they could get a better price elsewhere goods bought by colonies from other countries had to go to England to be taxed all Goods had to be carried on English ships the crew on the ship had to be English


Permanent moving of people from one country to another helps populations grow in countries


Outbreaks of diseases that affect large numbers of people


Somebody who agrees to work with a skilled craftsperson is a way of learning a trade... Also a Jedi

Colonial education

Collins valued education kids were taught at home in 1647 Massachusetts passed public education law requiring communities with 50 or more homes have a public school 85% of men could read 50% of women can read

The Great Awakening

Religion had strong fluid influence in colonial life religious revival called the Great Awakening swept through the colonies trying to get people to return to strong faith. Jonathan Edwards gave convincing sermons and was preacher

Freedom of the press and John zanger

Freedom of the press is when newspapers and people like that can print what they want and not be sent to jail...Censorship is when somebody is prevented from printing what they want. John Zenger criticized the New York governor and accused him of corruption... he was put in jail for this

Civic virtue

Democratic ideas practices and values that form a truly free Society

French and British

They each thought they had rights to the Ohio River Valley set up Forts and got in a fight

George Washington and Fort Duquesne

French set up Fort Duquesne George Washington set up his own fort nearby called Fort Necessity French attacked and beat George Washington's troops

Albany Plan of Union

Benjamin Franklin tried to unite colonial governments. In order to do this each colonial government would have to give up some of its power and no but he was willing to do that

William Pitt and Quebec

William Pitt was prime minister great military planner sent more troops to America to fight French... tax colonies after French Indian War

Plains of Abraham

field where French were defeated by British troops led to the fall of Quebec and Montreal

Treaty of Paris of 1763

France had to give Canada and most of its lands east of the Mississippi River to Great Britain

Great Britain also receive Florida from Spain

Spain got French lands west of the Mississippi River called Louisiana and Port of New Orleans

Pontiac and Proclamation of 1763

Pontiac was Indian chief of an Ottawa Village he attacked British outposts.

Proclamation of 1763 said colonist could not settle west of Appalachian Mountains and were kept on coast so British could control them