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22 Cards in this Set

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Radisson and Grosellier


men who wanted to expand the fur trade in 1668 They followed the Great Lakes, the rainy river, lake of the woods, Winnipeg river and then lake Winnipeg


bigger and held more furs

made more money with the nonsuch as they went back to Britain and got furs for cheap

henry kelsey

-Served in the Hudson's Bay company for 40 years.

-first man to enter present day saskatchewan

La Verendrye

-Sent west to see if trading is good there

-first white french man in the Winnipeg area

David Thompson

-single most famous cartographer

-travels throughout the Northwest, then maps it as he goes along

what year did the two companies merge?


custom of the country (country wives)

Europeans married aboriginal women for skills and sex

How did the native women played a role in the fur trade

Because of their knowledge of surviving in Northern American, they accompanied explorers and fur traders and provided food and prepared furs and gathered supplies for canoe repairs. They also paddled and guided. Also created relationships between the explorers and the fur traders.

how country wives led to the rise of the Metis

the aboriginal women were having sex with the Europeans, thus they were reproducing English/French & Aboriginal Children (Metis)

York boat

-Hybrid of canoe and a boat

-very shallow

-bigger than other boats

-good for moving large amounts of items

-small enough for rapids & portaging

why was pemican important and how was it produced

-dried meat and fat

-very high in calories

-very good for when the men would do heavy loads and paddle

-women prepared the pemmican

why was alcohol an important trade item and what were its effects? (know both sides of the trade)

-french would trade alcohol to aboriginals

-they would keep selling which caused the aboriginals to become alcoholics --> society would fall, relationships would end & cultures

addictive and consumable

-when the two companies were fighting over the trading they become better deals for aboriginals



Worked for HBC

also known as middlemen


french fur traders licensed by the government of Nouvelle-France

home guard

first nations people working in the fur trade who settled near Hudson's Bay company trading posts


adoption of values, beliefs and behaviours from another culture in result of contact with that culture

Country born

children of first nations women and British employees of the HBC


Fur traders employed by the North west company

the french british rivalry

the furs for the French were always passing through Montreal The British were sitting at Hudson bay waiting for the traders to come to them The two groups were both fighting for the same thing The British thought that they were right because of the Hudson's Bay charter so they believed that the French were taking their furs The French didn't like the Hudson's Bay charter Both sides disliked the facts that they were each giving better deals to the aboriginals to bring the furs to them and alcohol was more likely traded by the French

Be able to describe the rivalry between the North West company and the Hudson's Bay company the people involved, how did they do business, who were the employees, what has the competition like and what the difference between the two companies were

in 1779 NWC is formed and in competition with HBC (1670). they believe they are trading illegally, h&c didn't have an army therefor NWC could do what they wanted. the HBC got tired of losing so they built forts where the NWC were also trading which created conflict. the result is that they traveled far west so this competition leads to the founding of north western Canada. It was good for the aboriginals until the NWC started using alcohol as their trading currency with the aboriginals.

Samuel Hearne

An explorer who made journal entries about his encounters and travels with first nations and inuits

why did the fur trade lead to the exploration of western canada

The two companies traveled rivers so far west this competition leads to the founding of northwestern Canada (explored and mapped)