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108 Cards in this Set

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Treaty of Paris

1763 treaty that ended the seven years war according vast french territories in north america and india to britian and Louisiana to spain

Declaration of independence

The 1776 documeny in which the american colonies declaired independence from great britian and recast traditio al english rights as universal human rights


Opponents of the american constitution who felt it diminished individual rights and accoreded too much power to the federal government at the expensive of the states

Estates General

Traditional representative body of the three estates of france that met on 1789 in response to imminent state bankruptcy

National Assembly

French representative assembly formed in 1789 by the felegated of the third estate and some members of the clergy, the girst estate

Jacobin club

A political club during yhe french revolution to which many of the deputies of the legislative assemby belonged to


Led by robespierre, the jacobin clubs radical faction, which led the french national convemtion in 1793


A moderate group and the Jacobin club that fought for control of the French National Convention in 1793


The laboring poor of Paris, so called because the men wore trousers instead of knee breeches of the aristocracy and middle class; the term came to refer to the militant radicals of the city

Reign of terror

The period from 1793 to 1794, during which Robespierre's Committe of Public Saftey tried and executed thousands suspected of treason and a new revolutionary culture was imposed


A reaction in 1794 to the violence of the reign of terror, resulting in the execution of Robespierre and the loosening of economic control

Napoleonic Code

French civil code promulgated in 1804 that reasserted that 1789 principles of the equality of all male citizens before the law and the absolute security of wealth and private property

Grand empire

The Empire over which Napoleon and his allies World, encompassing virtually all of Europe except Great Britain

Continental System

A blockade imposed by Napoleon to halt all trade between continental Europe and Britain, thereby weakening the British economy and military


People of Spain or other European descent born in the Americas


A term for natives of Spain and Portugal

Industrial revolution

A term first coined in the 1830s to describe the burst of major inventions and economic expansion that took place in certain industries, such as cotton textiles and iron, between 1780 and 1850

Spinning jenny

A simple inexpensive hand-powered spinning machine created by James Hargreaves in 1765

Water frame

A spinning machine created by Richard Arkwright that a capacity of several hundred spindles and use water power. It therefore required a large and more specialized Mill. A factory

Steam engines

A breakthrough invention by Thomas Savery in 1698 and Thomas Newcomen in 1705 that burn coal to produce steam, which was then used to operate a pump. The early models were superseded by James watt more efficient steam engine, patented in 1769


The name given to George Stephenson effective locomotive that was first tested in 1829 on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway and reached a maximum speed of 35 miles per hour

Crystal palace

The location of the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London, an architectural masterpiece made entirely of glass and iron

Iron law of wages

Theory proposed by English economists David Ricardo suggesting that the pressure of population growth prevents wages from rising above the subsistence level

Tariff protection

A government's way of supporting and aiding its own economy by lying high taxes on imported goods from other countries, as the French responded to the flood of cheaper British goods and their country by imposing high tariff on the imported products

Factory act of 1833

English law that led to a sharp decline in the employment of children by limiting the hours that children over nine could work and banning employment of children younger than 9

Seperate spheres

A gender division of labor with the wife at home as mother and homemaker and the husband as wage earner

Mines act of 1842

English law prohibiting underground work for all women and girls as well as for boys under 10


Group of hand craft workers who attacked factories in northern England in 1811 and after, smashing the new machines that they believe for putting that out of work


An individual sense of class differentiation, a term introduced by Karl Marx

Combination acts

English laws pass in 1799 that outlawed unions and strikes, favoring capitalist business owners over skilled artisans. Bitterly resented and widely disregarded by many craft guilds, the acts were repelled by Parliament in 1824

Bride wealth

In early modern Southeast Asia, a sum of money the groom paid the bride or her family at the time of marriage. This practice contrasted with the dowry in China. India and Europe, which the husband controlled


Spanish for conquer. A Spanish soldier Explorer, such as Hernan Cortes or Francisco Pizarro, who thought to conquer the new world for the Spanish crown


A small, maneuverable, three massive ship develop by the Portuguese in 15th century that gave the Portuguese a distinct advantage in trade and exploration

Ptolmelys geography

A 2nd century work that synthesized the classical knowledge of geography and introduce the concept of longitude and latitude. Reintroduce to Europeans in 14 10 by Arab scholars, the ideas allowed cartographers to create more accurate maps

Treaty of tordesillas

The 1494 agreement giving Spain everything west of the imaginary line drawn down the Atlantic and giving Portugal everything to the east

Aztec Empire

Also known as the Mexica Empire, a large and complex Native American civilization in the modern Mexico and Central America that possess advanced mathematical, astronomical engineering technology

Inca empire

The vast and sophisticated Peruvian Empire centered in the capital city of cuzco that was its peak in the 15th century


The name for the four administrative units of Spain possessions in the Americas. New Spain, Peru, new granada, and la planta


A system established by the Portuguese in Brazil in the 1530 S, whereby heredity grants of land were given to the nobles and loyal officials who bore the cost of setting and administrating their territories

Encomienda system

A system whereby the Spanish Crown granted the conquerors the right to forcibly employ groups of Indians. It was a distinguished form of slavery

Columbian exchange

The exchange of animals, plants, and diseases between the old and the new worlds

Valladolid debate

A duvet organized by Spanish king Charles V in 1550 in the city of Valladolid that pitted defenders of Spanish conquest and forcible conversion against critics of these practices

Black legend

The notion that the Spanish were uniquely brutal and cruel and their conquest and settlement of the Americas, an idea prontagated by rival European powers


Ruling house of the turkish empire lasted from 1299-1922


The region of modern turkey


An arabic word originally used by the Selijuk Turks to mesn authority or dominion. It was used by the ottomans to connote political and military supremacy


Chief assistants to caliphs


A process whereby the sultans agent swept the provinces for Christian youths to he trained as soldiers or civil servants


Turkish for "recruits" they formed the elite army corps.


A woman who is recognized spouse but of lower status than a wife


Persian word for "king"


The dynasty that encompassed all of Persia and other regions. Its state religion was Shi'ism


Nomadic sufi tribesmen who were loyal to and supportive of the esrly safavid state


Religious scholars whom sunnis trust to interpret the qur'an and the sunna, the deeds and saying of Muhammad


A term meaning "mongol", used to refer to the Muslim empire of India, although its founders were primarily Turks, Afghans, and Persians


A poll tax on non-muslims

Factory forts

A term first used by the britisn for their trading post at Surat that was later applied to all European walled settlements in India


The native indian troops who trained as infantrymen

Protestant reformation

A religious reform movement that began in the early 16th century and split the western Christian church


Members of the society of jesus, founded by Ignatius Loyola and approved by the papacy in 1540, whose goal was the spread of the riman catholic faith through humanistic schools and missionary acitivity

Moral economy

The early modern European view that community needs predominated over competition and profit and that necessary goods should thus be sold at a fair price

Thiry years war

A large scale conflict extending from 1618 yo 1648 that pitted protestants against catholics in central europe, but also involved dynastic interests, notably of spain and france


Authority of states that possess a monopoly over the instruments of justice and the use of force within clearly defined boundaries and in which private armies present no threat to entral control; 17th century european states made important advances towards sovereignty


Political system common to early modern europe in which monarchs claimed exclusive power to make and enforce laws without checks to other institutions. This system was limited in practice by the need to maintain legitimacy and compromise with elites

Divine right of kings

The belief propagated by absolulist monarchs that they derived their power from god and were only answerable to him


A system of economic regulations aimed at increasing the power of the state derived from the belief that a Nations International power was based on its wealth, specifically its supply of gold and silver


A form of government in which power is limited by law and balanced between the authority and power of the government, on the one hand, and the rights and liberties of the subject or citizen, on the other. And includes constitutionalism monarchies and republics


Members of a 16th to 17th century reform movement within the Church of England that advocated purifying it of Roman Catholic elements, such as bishops, elaborate ceremonies, and wedding rings

Bill of rights of 1689

A bill passed by Parliament and accepted by William and Mary that limited the powers of British monarchy and affirm them of parliament


A form of government in which there is no monarch in power rest in the hands of the people as exercise through elected representatives

Navigation acts

Mid 17th century English merchantilist laws that greatly respected other countries right to trade with England and its colonies


Free group an outlaw armies living on the borders of Russian territory from the 14th century onwards. By the end of the 16th century they had formed an alliance with the Russian state

Copernican hypothesis

The idea that the Sun, not the earth, was the center of the universe

Law of inertia

Law formulated by Galileo say that motion, not rest, is the natural state of an object and that an object continues in motion forever unless stopped by some external force

Law of universal gravitation

Newton's law that all objects are attracted to one another and that the force of attraction is proportional to the object's quantity of matter and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them


A theory of induced reasoning that calls for acquiring evidence through observation and experimentation rather than reason and speculation


An intellectual and cultural movement in the 17th and 18th century Europe and its colonies that use rationale and critical thinking to debate if you said his politics sovereignty, religious tolerance, gender roles, and racial difference


An idea, espoused by John Locke, that all human ideas and thoughts are produced as a result of sensory impressions


A group of French intellectuals who proclaimed that they were bringing the light of knowledge to their fellow creatures in the Age of Enlightenment


Belief in a distant, noninterventionist deity, shared by many enlightenment thinkers

General will

A concept associated with rousseau, referring to the common interests of all the people, who have replaced the power of Monarch

Economic liberalism

The theory, associated with Adam Smith, that the pursuit of self-interest in a competitive market suffice to improve living conditions, rendering government intervention unnecessary and undesirable

Enlightened absolutism

Term coined by historians to describe the role of 18 century monarchs who, without renouncing their own absolute authority, adopted Enlightenment ideas of rationalism, progress, and tolerance


A Jewish enlightenment movement led by Prussian philosopher Moses Mendelssohn


The controversial progress of fencing off common land to create privately owned field that increased agricultural product at the cost of reducing poor farmers access to land

Cotton industry

Manufacturing with hand tools in peasant cottages in work sheds, a form of economic activity that begin important in the 18th century Europe

Public sphere

An idealized intellectual space that emerged in Europe during the Enlightenment. Here, the public came together to discuss important social, economic, and political issues


Regular social gatherings held by talented and rich Persian women in their homes, who philosophies and their followers meant to discuss literature, science, and philosophy


An item of personal property. A term used in reference to enslave people that conveys the idea that they are sub human, like animals, and therefore may be treated like animals

Age grade systems

Among societies of Senegambia, groups of men and women who may society initiated into adulthood at the same time


The title of the king of Benin


A settlement in the Western Sahara, the side of the main salt mining center


Along with the Moors, warriors who controlled the north-south trans-saharan trade in salt

Cowrie shells

Imported from the Maldives, they serve as the medium of exchange in West Africa

Coptic Christianity

Orthodox form of Christianity from England practiced in Ethiopia


Meaning people of the coast, the term used for the people living along the East African coast and on nearby islands

Middle passage

African slave voyage across the Atlantic to the Americas, a long and treacherous journey during which lived endured appalling and often deadly conditions


A collection or batch of British goods that would be traded for a slave or for a quantity of gold, ivory, or dyewood

Shore trading

A process for trading goods and which European ships in both a shower or invited African dealers to bring traders and slaves out of the ships

Ming dynasty

The Chinese dynasty and power from 1368 to 1644. It marked a period of agricultural reconstruction, foreign expedition, commercial expansion, and vibrant urban culture

Civil service examinations

A highly competitive series of written test held at the prefecture, province, and capital level to select men to become officials

Qing dynasty

The dynasty founded by the Manchus that ruled China from 1644 to 1911


Units of the qing army , composed of soldiers, their families, and slaves

No theater

A type of Japanese theater in which reformers convey emotion and ideas as much do gestures, stances and dress as through words


Regional lords and Japan, many of whom were self made man

Tokugawa Shogunate

The Japanese government in Edo founded by Tokugawa letasu. It lasted from 1603 to 1864

Alternate residence system

Arrangement in which lords lived in edo every other year and left their wives and sons there as hostages

Kabuki theater

A popular form of Japanese drama that brings together dialogue, dance, and music to tell stories the actors wear colorful costumes and dramatic makeup