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31 Cards in this Set

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Set out to accomplish a "new frontier" - started the space race. Stimulated the economy, implemented deficit spending. Started the space race. Cut unemployment by 20%. Aided developing nations. Started the Peace Corp.

Richard Nixon and televised debates

Nixon didn't appear well on television and was sweating. JFK looked cool and collected. First time image was more important than word.

Robert Kennedy

Younger brother of JFK. Fought for civil rights. Was a chief advisor for JFK. Ran for president and was assassinated.

Flexible response

JFK set aside non-nuclear military spending during Cold War. Goal was to avoid MAD.

Bay of Pigs Invasion

1300 Cubans ex-pats were taken into Cuba by CIA to overthrow Castro. Mission failed miserably - many imprisoned or killed.

Cuban Missile Crisis

Soviets put ICBM's in Cuba within firing range of US. US took this as act of war and put a blockade in place. Used diplomacy to avoid armed conflict. They traded removal of Turkish ICBM's for Cuban ICBM's.

Fidel Castro, Nikita Khruschev

Fidel is the leader of Cuba. Khruschev (Soviet) was backing Fidel with weapons and monetary support.

Berlin Wall

Divided East and West Germany. East was controlled by Soviets, West was a democracy.

Hot line, lessening tensions

Direct line from Kremlin to D.C. in an attempt to promote diplomacy.

Limited Test Ban Treaty

Prohibits nuclear tests in space, in atmosphere or underwater. Proved difficult to enforce because it was hard to distinguish between legitimate tests and military action.

New Frontier

Pioneering American innovation and industry. Pushing for American excellence. "We are going to the moon not because it's easy, but because it is difficult"


A Presidential mandate is a unilateral action that holds the same weight as law.

Peace Corps

JFK's attempt to help Latin American and African countries. Designated $12 billion to start the program.

Alliance for Progress

Aimed to establish economic cooperation US between Latin American.

Assassination of JFK

Took place is Daley Plaza on November 22, 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed President Kennedy.

Warren Commission

Set up to investigate the assassination of JFK. Concluded the Oswald acted along when he killed Kennedy. Also concluded that Jack Ruby acted alone in killing Oswald.

Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ)

JFK Vice President. Took over for Kennedy after his death. Johnson was reelected for another term and served until 1969. Continued Kennedy's legacy.

Economic Opportunity Act

Known as the "War on Poverty". Established educational and work programs for young people. Provided loans to families and assistance for needy children.

Great Society Programs

Term used to describe LBJ's policies which were designed to help disadvantaged Americans. They addressed education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty and transportation.

Medicare and Medicaid

Medicare provides free medical care for those in poverty. Medicaid is a similar program designed for people over 65.

Immigration Act of 1965

Abolished the immigration quota system and replaced it with a policy that encouraged reuniting immigrant families and bringing skilled labor to the US.


A part of Economic Opportunity Act which provides aid to local and state volunteers who are involved in non-profits in order to combat poverty.

Job Corps Youth Training Program/Project Head Start

Head Start - A program of Dept of Health and Human Services designed to support low income children and their families.

Job Corps - A program under the Economic Opportunity Act which provided vocational and academic training to youth 16-24.


Redistricting on a national level. Similar to principle established in Baker V Carr

Warren Court

Supported the liberal agenda. Provided clarification on constitutional issues.

Baker v Carr

Case from 1962. Required each state to redistrict every 10 years when the census has been conducted.

Reynolds v Sims

A case from 1964 which addressed redistricting issues in Alabama. Strengthened Baker v Carr decision.

Mapp v Ohio

A case from 1961 which addressed the 4th Amendment's treatment of "unreasonable search and seizures". Court voted 6-3 that the state violated Mapp's rights and strengthened an individual's rights during search.

Gideon v Wainwright

A case from 1963 addressing the 6th Amendment. Established the right of an accused person to have an attorney during trial.

Escobedo v Illinois

A case from 1964 again addressing the 6th Amendment. Established the right of the accused to have an attorney present during police questioning.

Miranda v Arizona

A case from 1966 which makes any statement given by a defendant inadmissible unless "Miranda Rights" are read first.