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72 Cards in this Set

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What is the Fertile Crescent?
arc of land between Tigris and Euphrates that was fertile and provided best farming in SW Asia
What was the result of the rivers flooding?
Silt was left behind.
What are three disadvantages to Mesopotamia?
1. Unpredictable flooding followed by drought periods
2.No natural barriers for protection
3. Limited natural resources
What are solutions to the three disadvantages of Mesopotamia?
1. Flooding/drought- dug irrigation ditches
2. No barriers- built city walls with mud bricks
3. traded grain and cloth for raw materials that were needed
What two things sparked the beginning of organized government?
Leaders needed to oversee irrigation ditch-diggings, need for laws to settle land and water disputes
What is a city-state?
each city and the surrounding land it controlled
What are some examples of mesopotamian city-states?
Ur, Uruk, Umma, Kish, Lagash
Who invented oven-baked bricks?
Who was the chief sumerian god?
what is a dynasty?
series of rulers from a single family.
What is cultural diffusion?
the process in which a new idea or product spreads from one culture to another
What god was believed to bring floods in Sumer?
What Sumerian demons protected humans?
Where did Sumerian's believe souls went after death?
the land of no return
Name the four Sumerian classes.
1. Kings, landholders, some priests
What three things could Sumerian women do?
work as merchants/farmers, hold property in their own name, join priesthood
What three things did the Sumerians invent?
wheel, plow, sail
Which civilization developed a number system with a base of 60?
What were four influences on Mesopotamian civilization?
arches, columns, ramps, and pyramids.
Who created the first Sumerian empire?
What is an empire?
brings together several peoples/nations under the control of one ruler
How long did Sargon's dynasty last?
200 years.
Who established their capital at Babylon?
the Amorites
Who ruled the Babylonian Empire?
How many of Hamurabbi's laws were found?
Who did the Babylonian Empire fall to?
What were 3 risks to living in Egypt?
1. when floodwater was lower, people starved.
2. when floodwater level was higher, there was flooding and things were destroyed.
3. deserts acted as a barrier from Egypt and other countries
What is a delta?
broad, marshy triangular area of land formed by silt deposits at the mouth of a river
Who united Upper and Lower Egypt?
What were both Upper and Lower Egypt's crowns known as?
Narmer's Palette
What was Narmer's capital?
Who was the Egyptian god of the sun and who was the god of death?
Re and Osiris
Who was the most important Egyptian goddess?
What god judged souls in afterlife?
What were the Egyptian social classes?
1. Kings
2. Priests, landowners, etc.
3. merchants/artisans
4. peasants
What does hieroglyphics mean?
sacred carving
What civilization developed the calendar?
What did Egyptian doctors know how to do?
check pulse, use splints for broken bones, perform some surgery
Who gained control of Egypt after the middle kingdom?
the Hyskos from Palestine
What is the Indian subcontinent?
landmass of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
What three things stood out about the Indus?
1. organization/planning of cities
2. sophisticated writing
3. sewage system
What is the plateau in Indus Valley?
the Deccan Plateau
What makes up the Indo-Gangetic Plain?
Indus and Ganges rivers and the areas they water
What were the three largest Indus Valley cities?
Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, and Kalibangan
What is Indus Valley Civilization also known as?
Harappan Civilization
What was the center of Indus Valley Civilizations?
What was done in Harappan Civilization to prevent damage from flooding?
Harappa was partially built on mud-brick blocks.
What did Indus Valley trade with Afghanistan?
gold and silver
What caused the end of the Harappan Civilization?
a shift in tectonic plates reversed course of Indus River; possibly causing Sarswati river to dry up
What are two Chinese rivers?
Huang He (Yellow River)and Chang Jiang
What is the yellow silt deposited by Yellow River called?
What river had the nickname "China's Sorrow"?
Yellow River
What percentage of China is suitable for farming?
What is China's heartland?
North China Plain
What was the first Chinese dynasty and who was the leader of it?
xia; lead by yu
Who was the first of Chinese rulers to record written records?
what was the oldest and most important shang city?
What was China's own nickname for itself?
Middle Kingdom
Who was the supreme Chinese god?
Shang Di
what were oracle bones?
animal bones/tortoise shells which priests used to "consult gods"
What was an advantage and disadvantage of Chinese characters?
Advantage: all throughout China had same written language; unified land
Disadvantage: over 10,000 characters to memorize; 1500 to be barely literate
What dynasty created Mandate of Heaven?
What are three innovations of the Zhou dynasty?
roads/canals, coined money, blast furances to make cast iron
Name three Sumerian exports and imports.
exports- grain, cloth, crafted wool
imports-wood, stone, metal
What does Lower Egypt include?
Nile Delta Region
Who was the ruler of hell in Egypt?
What are jars that hold organs?
Canonic jars
Who invented the first step pyramid?
First block on step pyramid:
Who was teh step pyramid built for?
Who made Edwin Smyth Papyrus?
What are three Egyptian cities?
Memphis, Thebes, Edufu