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41 Cards in this Set

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What was the impact of the Mexican war?
there was nnew territory for the united states, there was new controversy over slavery expansion
the country divides along north/south lines
willmont proviso
Who was against who over the land gained from the mexican war?
northern abolitionists and souther fire eaters
what was belived to be the wisest strategy in the issue of slavery?
ignore it
election of 1848
Lewis Cass- democrat
father of popular soverignty
said that people of the territory should determine the status of slavery
this appealed to both sections so that each section had a chance (south sent people illegally to vote pro slave)
Zachary Taylor Whig
the whig campaign had no stance the south thought he was pro slave because he owned them
election of 1848 the ________ party emerged
free soilers
free soilers platform
oppose expansion of slaves into new territoryies
many people cant get jobs because of the slavery institution
Who wins the election fo 1848
Zachary Taylor, Van Buren diverted the democratic votes from cass in new york
What do we do with mexican cessesion?
no slavery in new territories (the free soilers arent abolitionists
What happens with California?
there is alot of crime in california and it needs protection so it bypasses the territorial stage of a state and it drafts a constitution (excluding slavery)in 1849 it applies for statehood, free state
January 1848
americans and immigrants rush to califnornia where gold was discovered at sutters mill, many more move out to the land
why are the southerners mad about california?
it throws off the balance in senate, the balance between free and slave gave the south the ability to block any anti slavery legislation, california threatened the balance
Southern thoughs on fugitive slaves
south is upset thaat the slaves keep running away, people like harriet tubman are thieves, the south demands more figutive slave laws, they rest the argument among the consitution, where slavery is protected
what are the major issues congress has to deal with
california, free or slave
what should be done with fugitive slaves
should there be slavery in the new territories
should there be slavery in the us
where is the balance between free and slave
who debated the major issues
clay calhoun and webster
Clays compromise of 1852
calirnoia is free (north)
new fugitive slave law gives slaves back (south)
in utah and new mexico, popular soverignty (north/south)
no slave trade in DC (north)
John c Calhoun in the compromise
hes a unionist, he is the most radical voice of southern oppostition, he says the south is weak and the north neweds to step up
slavery is protected by the constitution
leave slavery alone
return runaway slaves
states rights, (two presidents with power to veto)
south will fight if slavery is touched
Daniel webster
urges southern concession, compromise is key, new fugitive slave laws opens northern free states to slave owners
no slavery in califnoria, it doesnt support the system of slavery
Northern radical in congress
william seward, anti slave. anti concession (dont give into south)
Sewards argument
slavery is a moral wrong, god says so too
president taylor does what about clays compromise?
he threatens to veto the compromise, he wants cali to be free but he doesnt want concessions
does senate approve clays compromise
no it is rejected in 1850
Stephen douglas
helps compormise get passed, he gets it passed by passing the parts indivudally
calhouns death has what impact?
the southerners are less extrene
Impact of Taylors death?
filmore supports and signs the comprimise, there is great oppostition to the compromise in the south
talk of boycotts and sucession
Explain the sectional scales of the compromise
north benefits more, south looks for slave territory in south america
fugitive slave law
it is a federal crime to assist runaway slaves (face fine and jailtime)
allowed for the arrest of escpaed slaves where slavery was illegal
they were forcibly returnens, no trial by jury cannot testify arrest based on description commisioners bribe
north resistence ?
no law in 1850a does more to create animosity by the north and the south, nothern resistence, underground railroad
how did the north resist/
personal liberty laws, long tirals and lots of money
threatened to nullify
Franklin Pierce, (prosouthernortherner)
Winfield Scott supports compromise
the whig party split and it weakens the party slavery is the key issue, pierce wins
What do southerners want from pierce?
acquire slave territories and american relations in panama and nicaragua (even though its against the bulwer treaty)
Matthew C Perry
Japan trade
Cuban Appeal
sugar slave territory
How does pierce try to get cuba
peaceful, offers 100 million, fails, black warrior is siezed, he says we can fight them now, goes to war
ostend manifesto
offer 120 million if they say no, take it
gasden purchase
10 milllion, southern arizone and mexico, 1853transcontinenetal raildroad
kansas nebraska act
stephen douglas wants nebraska territory splitinto two
what are douglas motives
bring business and wealth to chicago, southern support for presidency, railroad and land, organize the territoy
divides nebraska into nebraska and kansas, popular soverignty, repeal missouri compromise, a plot to turn them into slave territoyies,
bleeding kansas
kansas territory before the civil war when it was a battleground btw pro slavery and antislavery forces
bleeding kansas
kansas territory before the civil war when it was a battleground btw pro slavery and antislavery forces
parties after kansas nebraska
repealed, democrats support kansas nebraska, republican party is formed,with free soilers, abolitioniststr poeple who hate whigs and democrats, goal isnt to abolish slavery but to keep it from spreading