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27 Cards in this Set

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How many people came to the United States from European Countries in the 1800's?
14-19 million
How many people moved from farms to factories?
9 million
In the cities, what did people live in?
Describe the life in the city.
overcrowded, filthy, no sewage, fire hazards, no waste disposale, lots of disease.
Why did everyone in the family work?
the wages were so slow
At what age did children leave school to work?
What were some advantages of having young children working in the mills?
they were small and could fit in small places, you could hit them, no back talk, you could pay them less
Why was it incredibly unsafe to work in mills?
there was no life insurance
How long was a work week?
6-7 days, 12 hours a day.
Why did people rarely ask for a raise or promotion?
There was an unlimited supply of workers. There were people who needed a job so bad they would work for very litte.
Define Piecework.
being paid for each finished product [cigars]
What were some disadvantages with piecework?
if people were old or had arthritis, they were at a disadvantage. they made less product and therefore less money.
Who dominated Efficiency?
Fredrick Winslow Taylor: Time & motion studies
What were some ways to control workers?
corporal punishment [beat them], fire them
Fill in the Blanks. Most time efficiency _______ but wages stayed or _______.
increased, decreased
What suffered the most with workers?
their safety
Conditions of the mill -
monotonus, boring, sleepy; dangerous
What was the average # of people killed in mills in 1882?
What were common jobs for women?
sewing machine operators, domestic workers [nannies, cooks, maids]
Children represented what percent of the work force?
Define Socialism:
Government owned everything
Define Scab:
person who replaced a striking worker.
Define Anarchist:
Someone who strongly disbelieved in socialism and government; felt that government limited individuality.
Define Pinkertons:
special, undercover, police forced specifically organized to break up or prevent strikes.
How bad was the average income in Europe compared to in the states?
91$ a year compared to $676 a year.
Who stabbed and shot Frick?
Alexander Berkman
After he shot Frick, who did the public believe anarchists sided with?
the people opposed to the government.