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18 Cards in this Set

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MARCO POLO: A traveler that created interest in lands to the east

PRESTER JOHN: Fictional king supposed to be a Christian and very wealthy

COMPASS: Instruments sailors could use in navigation and mapmaking

LATITUDE: One's distance from the Sun

CARAVEL: A light, versatile vessel popular with early explorers

PRINCE HENRY: Called "The Navigator" he was largely responsible for Portugal's early success in exploration

BARTOLOMEU DAVIS: Traveled down the coast of Africa hoping to find a water route to India

VASCO DE GAMA: First European to reach India by sailing around the tip of Africa

CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS: First European to reach North America

1492: Year that Columbus sailed from Spain

LINE OF DEMARCATION: The line that divided to Earth into two halves. Spain got land to the East, Portugal got land to the West.

FERDINAND MAGELLAN: Set out to accomplish what Columbus did not. Sail around the southern tip of the Americas.

CIRCUMNAVIGATION: Sailing completely around the globe

MAYAN CIVILIZATION: Noted for their artistic and intellectual achievements.

AZTEC CIVILIZATION: A violent civilization, offering human sacrifice, and other awful things. They never developed a real empire.

INCA EMPIRE: Was at it's height from 1380 to 1570. Unlike the Mayans and Aztecs the Incas actually built a real empire.

CONQUISTADORS: Conquerors, searched for lands and forced Indians to convert to Catholicism

BALBOA: Came to the new world in search of adventure, found himself instead working on a plantation, stowed away on ship for the mainland, and eventually plotted and gained control of the colony.

CORTES: Called the greatest conquistador of all time. Sunk his ships after landing at Mexico so no one with him could desert. Stated that Spaniards suffered from gold fever.

PIZARRO: Was probably the cruelest of all the conquistadors. Came to the new world for one reason. To find gold!

ATAHUALPA: The Inca Ruler, who was killed by Pizarro.

LAS CASAS: A Roman Catholic friar who devoted his life to improving the plight of the Native Americans.

REQUERIMENTO: A statement informing the Indians that God gave the Pope authority "... That every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff."

HERNANDO DE SOTO: Served Pizarro in Peru, landed near Tampa Bay in search of golden cities.

FRANCISCO CORONADO: Hoped to find the 7 cities of Cibola. Some of his men eventually discovered the Grand Canyon

JACQUES CARTIER: Made voyages to what is now Canada. Said that he "was rather inclined to believe this was the land that God gave to Cain."

Founded Montreal (Royal Order)

Samuel de Champlain: "The Father of New France" Explored the area around the Saint Lawrence River.

Jacques Marquette: Helped find "Louisiana" with Louis Joilet

Henry Hudson: A Dutch gentleman, hired by the Dutch to find a shorter route to the east.

John Cabot: An English Explorer, he was to lead the first English expedition to North America.

Jamestown: Founded in 1607

Captain John Smith: Lead the Jamestown settlement

Pedro Cabral: Established a trading post in India

Affonso de Albuquerque: In 1506 was named the Viceroy of Portuguese holdings in the east. Discouraged cruelty to the natives.

Francis Xavier: Jesuit Missionary who was welcomed into Japan at first