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63 Cards in this Set

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Old Order
political structure creating inequalities by dividing society into 3 social groups: First, Second, and Third Estates
King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette
King and Queen during revolution, lived in Versailles
First Estate
took 1% population and 10% land with the Roman Catholic clergy who was tried in church court instead of law court. Court divided into upper and lower courts.
Second Estate
estate with nobels controlling 2% of population and most of the wealth. Holds all high positions of the military
Third Estate
97% of population that paid the most taxes. One to the king, rent to the 2nd estate and a tithe to the 1st estate
3 groups of 3rd estate
bourgeoisie, sans culottes and pheasants
top group, city men and educated of the 3rd estate that understood the enlightment ideas that the king was taking advantage, had no say in gov. or military
King Louis XVI
had power over everyone especially the 3rd estate and had a financial crisis with a solution of taxing 1st and 2nd estates too
Marie Antoinette
queen from Austria and unliked because she loved herself
Lower clergy are socially closer to the 3rd and the poor resent their priviledges.
Why did division of courts in First Estate cause problems?
sans culottes
2nd group, working class of the 3rd estate that was without breeches
Estates General
meeting called by the king who was forced by the nobels to call it
used by the people to tell the king grievances
National Assembly
group that met after the estates general, giving the 3rd estate the right to make laws; met in August 1789 adopting the "Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen"; took the tennis court oath
Tennis Court Oath
oath taken by the National Assembly vowing to make a new constitution, 1st and 2nd est. ordered to help, but the N.A. are afraid the king will use violence against them
old prison holding prisoners of the state and weapons, where the storming occured resulting in the Great Fear, represents the social injustices and inequalities
Great Fear
rumors that the king hired thugs to punish the 3rd est. so they will come to punish them, pheasants take revenge
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
declaration by the N.A. ending federal dues and the 1st est priviledges, and giving liberty, equality and fraternity
Olympe de Gouges
famous Paris playwright that wrote a declaration turned down by the N.A. giving rights to women
people who wanted extreme changes, such as abolishing the monarchy in France.
Charlotte Corday
Girandist who killed Jean Paul Marat and was later executed
The Mountain, Montagnards
Had support of lower class, radicals seperated into sans culouttes and Jacobins who were afraid of losing control after Jean Paul Marat was killed (wanted him killed and Europe was in shock)
part of the mountains and radicals along with the sans culottes
moderates that wanted a constitutional monarchy, resisting extreme changes and don't want king killed, but lost
swing vote to support from the Girondists switching to the mountains, which caused the king to be beheaded publically
Jean-Paul Marat
leader of the sans culottes who was killed by C. Corday and was part of the National Convention
Georges-Jacques Danton
one of the radical leaders killed during the Reign of Terror by Robespierre; a compromiser and agitator of the Paris Commune
Maximilien Robespierre
led National Convention during Reign of Terror, when they set up commitee of public safety, revolutional tribunal, metric system, and closing of churches, used guillotine to execute people, such as Danton
machine invented by Dr. Joseph Iganece used to publically behead people because it was easier and quicker than being hanged
Committee of Public Safety
group by the national convention created to run the war and draft men ages 18-45
Cult of Supreme Being
replaced the church and the clergy when they were closed to worship the revolution, created by Robespierre
revolution against a government that was established by a revolution, avoided by revolutionary leaders who were afraid of losing control
Reign of Terror
time when Robespierre executed people on a grand scale by using guillotine, resulting in civil war with pheasants
Catholic Royal Army
army in western France made of the pheasants that formed because of the king's execution, churches closing, taking their food, and the draft
Revolutionary Tribunal
court set up to eliminate enemies of the revolution that went after the Girondists
governing board after the terror consisting of 5 men, created some financial reforms, but became a weak government because all of the men fought for power just like the old order
Napoleon Bonaparte
young emperor who controlled much of Europe as the first consul, showed his authority by winning many battles and taking the crown from the pope, was voted with a plebiscite and eventually made the continental system. legacy- everyone is equal under law and nationalism
Admiral Horatio Nelson
British navy commander that defeated the french after Napoleon destroyed Egypt
Battle of the Nile
battle between the British and French navies, where the British destroyed most of the French fleet and was located in the Mediterranean Sea in 1798
coup d'etat
quick transfer of power of Napolean replacing the directory with the consulate
consulate, First Consul
group including Napolean as the 1st Consul of 3 as a dictator, but people allow it because he says he will end violence
a question before a vote. Example: Napolean asks did they want to declare France an empire? voters said yes and he became emperor
Pope Pius VII
pope who was offended when Napolean took the crown out of his hands as he was about to crown him emperor. this action showed Napolean's authority
Napoleonic Wars
wars fought by Napolean and his army during the French Rev. gaining power in France, whose enemy was Great Britain.
Battle of Trafalgar
battle won by Britain, which makes it impossible for France to invade, the French also had help from Spain, but their loss lead to the Cont. System
Continental System
system created by Napolean using economic warfare that didn't let French or allied ships to trade with Britain resulting in the Peninsular War
Peninsular War
war won by the French that took place after the Cont. System was made because Portugal refused to follow it
one of Napolean's policies that he used to make peace with the church by religious toleration, saying most French citizens were Catholic
Napoleonic Code
legal system of laws by Napolean that was used to eliminate injustices
sense of identity and unity when people want to be free of control of another country and take pride in their own
Czar Alexander I
Czar of Russia that wanted out of the cont. system and moved his troops to the border, where they fought against France with the scorched earth policy, member of congress of vienna
Elba Island
island that Nap. was exiled to as one of the terms of surrender
new King in France after the switch to monarchy for surrender, sent troops to stop Nap. during the Hundred Days
Hundred Days
time when Nap. returned to France after he was exiled, joined by Louis XVIII troops, his promise is that he will not expand France's borders
Duke of Wellington
duke who controlled the army against Nap. in the Battle of Waterloo, who won, sending Nap. to St. Helena
Battle of Waterloo
battle of Nap. vs British, Belgian, Dutch and the German that was lead by Duke of Wellington. Nap. lost
Saint Helena
second island Nap. was exiled to after the Battle of Waterloo
Congress of Vienna
5 reactionaries meet to restore order and stability in Europe with 7 different goals
Lord Castlereagh (G.B.), Czar Alexander I (Russia), King Frederick William III (Prussia), leader- Prince Klemons von Metternich (Austria) and Charles Maurice de Tallyrand (France)
members of the congress of vienna
Prince Klemons von Metternich
leader of the Congress of Vienna that came up withthe secret police and Metternich System
payment to other countries to compensate them for damages, ex. France gives money and territory to those who fought againse France
someone that favors return to past policy, ex. Congress of Vienna
Metternich System or Concert of Europe
system by Prince Klemons where the leaders of Europe get together to solve problems