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24 Cards in this Set

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theory by aristotle in 300 bc that said everything revolves around the earth
geocentric theory
time when people started to write their own ideas about the world and experiments to prove the theories right
scientific revolution
the 5 steps in science- problem, hypothesis, experiment, results, and conclusion- written by Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes
scientific method
man who believe experiments helped you to learn things and wrote the scientific method
francis bacon
man who thought reason was important and helped francis bacon write the scientific method; "i think therefore i am"
rene descartes
astronomer in poland that said that the geocentric theory was incorrect; wrote the heliocentric theory
nicolaus copernicus
theory by copernicus in the 1500s that said that the sun was the center of the universe
heliocentric theory
astronomer from denmark who discovered a supernova; also said that the sun revolved around the earth, but the planets revolve around the sun
tycho brahe
an exploding star seen from earth discovered by tycho brahe
a mathematician from germany who helped tycho brahe make a theory that said that the planets travel in an ellipse at different speeds
johannes kepler
suuporter of heliocentric theory; made the first telescope in italy; first to discover saturn, the craters on the moon, sunspots, and moons of jupiter; published Starry Messenger
galileo Galilei
brought together math, physics, and astronomy; wrote principia; created universal gravitational law; invented calculus
isaac Newton
philsopher from germany who came up with calculus the same time as newton
gotfried von leibniz
man whose works were looked at by other doctors because he thought that human bodies are like animal bodies
man who said galen was incorrect and was famous for his works on anatomy after looking at deah bodies; helped wm harvey to learn about hearts
andreas vesalius
man helped by andreas to study the heart, blood, and circulatory system in the 1600s
william harvey
man who invented a microscope to look at things like bacteria and microorganisms
anthony van leeuwenhoek
physicist and inventor who looked at plants through a microscope and discovered cells
robert hooke
man aka "the father of modern chemistry' who wrote a law about temps, volume, and pressure; defined elements
robert boyle
discovered law of conservation of mass; named oxygen; made metric system; first periodic table of elements
antoine- laurent lavoisier
pope who put galileo on trial for believing in the heliocentric theory and placed him under house arrest in april 1633
pope urban vii
a chemical thought to have been let out during combustion but was proved wrong by antoine l.
people who believed that there were only 4 elements (earth, air,water, and fire) but were proved wrong by boyles law and antoine l.
man who discovered carbon dioxide and used it to make carbonated drinks that helped boost energy
joseph priestly