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135 Cards in this Set

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6.1 What development made it possible for early people to establish permanent settlements?
6.1 agriculture
6.2 Cuneiform and hieroglyphics were important early steps in the development of what?
6.2 writing
6.3 How did the reign of Alexander the Great change Greece?
6.3 unified the city-states under one ruler
6.4 The Indus River Valley was the location of what ancient civilization?
6.4 India
6.5 The art and architecture of ancient Egypt were designed to emphasize their
6.5 religious beliefs
6.6 What is the name of the earliest set of laws, developed in Mesopotamia?
6.6 Hammurabi’s Code
6.7 Judaism differed from other ancient religions in that it was
6.7 monotheistic
6.8 Democracy in ancient Greece was a direct democracy which means
6.8 all citizens participated
6.9 Ancient India developed a strict social structure called the
6.9 caste system
6.10 The teachings of Confucius were important in Ancient China because he emphasized
6.10 respect for authority and order
6.11 The concepts of civic duty, a written Constitution, and checks and balances were introduced by what ancient government?
6.11 Roman Republic
7.1 During Medieval times what group was legally tied to the land?
7.1 serfs
7.2 Which Roman emperor moved the capital of the Empire to Byzantium in an attempt to protect it from the barbarians?
7.2 Constantine
7.3 As the religion of Islam spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa, what contribution of Islam was adopted in these areas?
7.3 Arabic language
7.4 From what other civilization did the western world get the compass, wood block printing, and gunpowder?
7.4 China
7.5 What religion spread from India to become a major religion in China, Korea, and Japan?
7.5 Buddhism
7.6 Being located between the trans-Saharan traders and the southern gold fields allowed the people of Ghana to act as _________________.
7.6 middlemen
7.7 The pilgrimage of what famous Mali king introduced the African kingdoms to the world?
7.7 Mansa Musa
7.8 Feudal Japan was divided into three distinct groups. Name them.
7.8 shogun, daimyo, samurai
7.9 The feudal system in Europe developed after the fall of the Roman Empire primarily because of a need for what?
7.9 protection
7.10 What do the following facts describe: spread by infected fleas, brought to Europe on trade ships from the East, killed over 3 million people?
7.10 bubonic plague
7.11 The Mayan, Aztec, and Incan cultures all built complex structures for what purpose?
7.11 religious ceremony
7.12 What historic period was characterized by realism, individualism, and an increase in secularism?
7.12 Renaissance
7.13 Many of the scientists of the Scientific Revolution found themselves in opposition to traditional views held by what organization?
7.13 Catholic Church
7.14 What man posted his 95 Theses which led to the movement called the Reformation?
7.14 Martin Luther
8.1 What was the first attempt at self government in the English colonies?
8.1 Mayflower Compact
8.2 The English Bill of Rights attempted to limit the power of whom?
8.2 The king
8.3 What religious movement swept through the colonies and changed colonial religion, society, and politics?
8.3 The Great Awakening
8.4 What 3 basic rights are listed in the Declaration of Independence?
8.4 Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
8.5 What major issue divided the colonies during debate over the Declaration of
8.5 slavery
8.6 The idea of natural laws that govern society came from the European period called the ____________.
8.6 Enlightenment
8.7 In the Declaration of Independence Jefferson stated that there are certain truths that are self-evident. Give one of these truths.
8.7 All men are created equal; they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.
8.8 According to the Declaration of Independence, if a government violates the rights of the people, the people have the right to do what?
8.8 overthrow it
8.9 The English Bill of Rights kept the king or queen from passing new taxes or changing laws without the approval of ____________.
8.9 Parliament
8.10 What document, signed in 1215, required the King to follow the same laws as other English people?
8.10 Magna Carta
8.11 What was the name of the document that created the first central government for the United States?
8.11 Articles of Confederation
8.12 One reason the Articles of Confederation was not a success is that it did not have an ______________ or a _____________ system.
8.12 Executive or court system
8.13 What document written by Thomas Jefferson for the state of Virginia, established a precedent of religious tolerance and freedom?
8.13 The Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom
8.14 Shay’s Rebellion illustrated the need for __________________________________
8.14 a stronger central government
8.15 This proposal created a two-house legislature with representation determined only
by population.
8.15 Virginia Plan
8.16 This agreement determined how slaves would be counted for representation.
8.16 Three-fifths Compromise
8.17 The principle designed to keep any one branch of government from becoming
too powerful is known
8.17 checks and balance
8.18 This proposal created a one house legislature based solely on equal representation.
8.18 New Jersey Plan
8.19 What is the sharing of power between national and state governments called?
8.19 Federalism
8.20 This agreement between the large and small states established a two house legislature with representation in one house determined by population and equal representation in the other house.
8.20 The Great Compromise
8.21. What nation most influenced the formation of the U.S. government?
8.21 England
8.22 How was land divided in the Land Ordinance of 1785?
8.22 into townships with land set aside for public schools
8.23 What foreign country was most influenced by the American Revolution?
8.23 France
8.24 What did many states and individuals demand before the Constitution would
be ratified?
8.24 Bill of Rights
8.25 What are the series of essays that were published in support of ratification of the
Constitution called?
8.25 Federalists Papers
8.26. When Washington appointed Jefferson as Secretary of State what precedent had he
8.26 The Cabinet
8.27 What did Washington’s response to the Whiskey Rebellion demonstrate?
8.27 The strength of the national government
8.28 What were the major warnings given by Washington in his Farewell Address?
8.28 To avoid foreign entanglements and political parties
8.29 From which group of people did Jefferson receive most of the support?
8.29 Farmers
8.30 From which group of people did Hamilton receive most of the support?
8.30 Merchants
8.31 Which political party favored a loose interpretation of the Constitution?
8.31 Federalists
8.32 Which political party favored a strict interpretation of the Constitution?
8.32 Republicans
8.33 During John Adams’ presidency 3 French agents demanded a bribe to discuss a treaty. What was this called?
8.33 XYZ Affair
8.34 What Constitutional rights were limited by the Alien and Sedition Acts?
8.34 Freedom of speech and press
8.35 What is a protective tariff?
8.35 Tax on imports to promote local industry
8.36 What important judicial authority was established in Marbury v. Madison?
8.36 Judicial Review
8.37 Which amendment changed the method by which electors voted for President and Vice President?
8.37 Twelfth
8.38 Why did the U.S. open negotiations with France to purchase Louisiana?
8.38 To gain control of the port of New Orleans
8.39 Why was Napoleon so anxious to sell the Louisiana Territory?
8.39 He needed money for war against Britain
8.40 Why was the Louisiana Purchase significant to the U.S.?
8.40 Doubled size of U.S.
8.41 What was the main purpose of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
8.41 To find a water route to the Pacific
8.42 What was an important result of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
8.42 Encouraged westward expansion
8.43 Why did the U.S. go to war against Britain in 1812?
8.43 Violations of U.S. neutrality
8.44 What region of the U.S. most objected to the War of 1812?
8.44 New England
8.45 Those who were eager for war with Britain were known as ________________.
8.45 War Hawks
8.46 What was the result of the British attack on Washington, DC?
8.46 Many government buildings were burned
8.47 Who was the hero of the Battle of New Orleans?
8.47 Andrew Jackson
8.48 What title was given to the new sense of national unity after the War of 1812?
8.48 Era of Good Feelings
8.49 What was the result of such Supreme Court rulings as Gibbons v. Ogden and McCulloch v. Maryland?
8.49 They strengthened the power of the federal government
8.50 In Dartmouth College v. Woodward the Supreme Court promoted the rise of what type of economic system?
8.50 Capitalism
8.51 In the Adams-Onis Treaty, Spain ceded what land to the U.S.?
8.51 Florida
8.52 What document stated that the U.S. would not allow European
nations to interfere with the free nations of Latin America?
8.52 Monroe Doctrine
8.53 How were more people included in the selection of political party candidates during the Age of Jackson?
8.53 Nominating conventions
8.54 The belief that states have the right to reject any federal law they judge to be unconstitutional is
8.54 nullification
8.55 What term was used when Jackson rewarded his supporters with government jobs?
8.55 Spoils system
8.56 Why did the government want Native Americans in the Southeast moved off their lands?
8.56 For westward expansion
8.57 What Supreme Court case supported the right of the Cherokee to remain on their native lands?
8.57 Worcester v. Georgia
8.58 What name is given to the forced removal of the Cherokees from Georgia to Oklahoma?
8.58 Trail of Tears
8.59 Why did Andrew Jackson dislike the second Bank of the United States?
8.59 It favored the wealthy
8.60 What section of the country considered the Tariff of 1828 to be unfair?
8.60 South
8.61 What is the term for an action by a state that cancels a federal law to which the the state objects?
8.61 nullification
8.62 What state threatened to secede over the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832?
8.62 South Carolina
8.63 The use of machines to do work formerly done by hand is a characteristic of the __________________________.
8.63 Industrial Revolution
8.64 What sparked the growth of industry in the U.S.?
8.64 War of 1812
8.65 Many new factories were staffed with young women from nearby farms called ___________________.
8.65 “Lowell Girls”
8.66 What is the term for the rapid manufacture of large numbers of identical objects?
8.66 mass production
8.67 Why did industry flourish mainly in the North?
8.67 abundant water supply
8.68 What are identical pieces that could be assembled quickly by unskilled workers?
8.68 interchangeable parts
8.69 Name one problem in the new growing cities of the North.
8.69 disease; fires; sanitation
8.70 What new invention revolutionized communications?
8.70 telegraph
8.71 Which form of transportation did the most to tie together raw materials, manufacturers, and markets?
8.71 railroads
8.72 What led many of the Irish to leave their homeland for America?
8.72 potato famine
8.73 While African Americans in the North were free, in housing, education, and jobs they still faced _____________________.
8.73 discrimination
8.74 What invention made the growing of cotton more profitable?
8.74 cotton gin
8.75 What group dominated southern society in the “Cotton Kingdom?”
8.75 large plantation owners
8.76 Name one restriction placed on free African-Americans in the South.
8.76 could not vote; could not serve on a jury; could not testify against white defendants
8.77 What controlled every aspect of the enslaved African-American in the South?
8.77 slave codes
8.78 Who led the most famous slave revolt in 1830?
8.78 Nat Turner
8.79 These were built to connect the major rivers in the East.
8.79 canals
8.80 What balance was maintained by the Missouri Compromise?
8.80 between slave and free states
8.81 Who was the leader in education reform?
8.81 Horace Mann
8.82 What abolitionist called for full political rights for African-Americans?
8.82 William Lloyd Garrison
8.83 Who was the great African-American orator for abolition?
8.83 Frederick Douglass
8.84 Who was the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad?
8.84 Harriet Tubman
8.85 What network secretly helped slaves to freedom?
8.85 Underground Railroad
8.86 What reform movement was advocated in the Declaration of Sentiments?
8.86 Women’s Suffrage
8.87 Name the two women who organized the Seneca Falls Convention.
8.87 Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
8.88 Literature that put more emphasis on emotion rather than reason is referred to as _____________________.
8.88 Transcendentalism
8.89 What 2 American writers emphasized individualism?
8.89 Emerson and Thoreau
8.90 What term refers to the belief that the U.S. is meant to extend across the continent?
8.90 Manifest Destiny
8.91 Because their work was so valuable, women in the West gained more _________.
8.91 rights
8.92 The defeat of what fort became the rallying cry for Texas in its revolution?
8.92 Alamo
8.93 Why was Texas not immediately annexed by the U.S?
8.93 fear of adding another slave state
8.94 What border dispute led to the Mexican-American War?
8.94 the Rio Grande
8.95 The addition of territory that included California, Utah, and Nevada was called
the __________________.
8.95 Mexican Cession
8.96 What water needs sparked disputes over water rights in California?
8.96 irrigation and mining
8.97 How was the population of California affected by the gold rush?
8.97 Grew rapidly with much diversity
8.98 What proposal regarding slavery made the South feel threatened?
8.98 Wilmot Proviso
8.99 What term means that people in a territory would vote directly on issues?
8.99 popular sovereignty
8.100 What agreement allowed the admission of California as a free state?
8.100 Compromise of 1850
8.101 What law allowed the capture of any person accused of being a runaway slave?
8.101 Fugitive Slave Act
8.102 What book aroused feelings in the North against slavery?
8.102 Uncle Tom’s Cabin
8.103 Under the Kansas-Nebraska Act how was slavery to be decided in these territories?
8.103 popular sovereignty
8.104 What term was given for the violence that erupted in Kansas?
8.104 “Bleeding Kansas”
8.105 What Supreme Court decision stated that Congress could not prohibit
slavery in the territories?
8.105 Dred Scott
8.106 In what speech did Lincoln discuss the nation’s dilemma over slavery?
8.106 “House Divided”
8.107 What stand did Lincoln take regarding slavery in his debates with Douglas?
8.107 slavery should be kept out of the western territories
8.108 How did the North view John Brown?
8.108 a hero
8.109 What did Lincoln’s election as President mean to the South?
8.109 less representation in the national government
8.110 What Confederate attack began the Civil War?
8.110 Fort Sumter