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39 Cards in this Set

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A region stretched around eight hundred miles from western Pennsylvania to Georgia.
Great Awakening
A sudden spontaneous series of protestant revivals which had a profound impact on the lives of ordinary people.
Fort Duquesne
Established after the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle during the 1750s by the French army, the most formidable fort and was located in the Ohio Valley. Was abandoned in 1758 during the Seven Years’ War.
King Georges War (Actually – every king’s or queen’s war in the chapter)
Began in 1743, the colonists had scored a massive victory over the French in which they had captured a giant fortress, Louisbourg.
Albany Plan
Created by Benjamin Franklin, it was a blue print for a colonial union which envisioned the formation of a Grand Council.
Albany Congress
Made up of elected delegates to oversee matters of common defense, western expansion, and Indian affairs.
Seven Years War
Was also known as the French and Indian War which was fought from 1756 until 1763 when the Peace of Paris was signed, in which the French had lost to Great Britain
Peace of Paris
Ended the Seven Years War and gave Great Britain possession of the French empire resulting in an empire that stretched across the globe.
George Whitefield
A young inspired preacher from England who toured the colonies from New Hampshire to Georgia. He was an effective public speaker and kept the beliefs of the Great Awakening alive
Jonathan Edwards
He sparked the Great Awakening in a town called Northampton and preached to the people the beliefs of Calvinism
Enforced the English Constitution and was the governing force of Great Britain and law. Passed many laws that restricted the colonists such as the Navigation Act
William Pitt
The most powerful minister in George’s cabinet who if it wasn’t for him, the British might have lost the Seven Years War
General Braddock
Led the British army to destroy Fort Duquesne but sadly was humiliated and defeated by the French and Indians and then led a counterattack and lost once again, dieing himself in the attack
a trading post where goods can be imported and exported without paying import duties, often at a profit
Seven Years War
also known as the French and Indian war in which the British had won a war against the French and Indian
John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon
wrote a series of essays called the Cato's Letters between 1720 and 1723
John Locke
a 17th century philosopher who stated that all people possessed natural and inalienable rights
Pennsylvania Dutch
Germans who had came to America in search of a better life and religious toleration
Middle ground
area where the Indians make an effort to overthrow the settlers and survive as a people
Gilbert Tennent
one of the preachers for the Great Awakening, created protest from established ministers that were insulted
Molasses Act
placed heavy duty on molasses imported from foreign ports in 1733
Charles Chauncy
minister of the prestigious First Church of Boston, he had raised issues that were extremely troubling
Cato’s Letter’s
was written by John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon, stated that if England's rulers were corrupt, then people could not expect the constitution to save them from tyranny
James Davenport
a deranged revivalist who urged people to burn books by authors who had not experienced the New Light
“Old Lights”
traditional Christians who had not changed there old ways and believed in the original beliefs
“New Lights”
Congregationalists and Baptists who had changed there beliefs from the old origins to the new ideas proposed during the first Great Awakening
those who preached a new form of religion that was proposed during the Great Awakening, such as George Whitefield and James Davenport
Henry Muehlenberg
leader that helped German Lutherans through a difficult cultural adjustment
Cotton Mather
a leading congregational minister who stated that the colonists were united by the most unanimous resolution
people of mixed European and Native American heritage or descent
people of mixed white and black heritage or descent
Transportation Act
passed in 1718 to allow judged in England, Scotland, and Ireland to send convicted felons to the Americas
King William’s War
King of England, William lll, declared war on Louis XlV in 1689 and was ended in 1697
Queen Anne’s War
lasted from 1702-1713, the bloody combat fought along the American frontier ended when Great Britain and French signed the Treaty of Utrecht
King George’s War
1743-1748, in which the colonists had scored a great victory over the French at Louisbourg but when the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle was signed, the British gave Louisbourg right back to the French
Navigation Acts
series of laws passed to eliminate the dutch enemy from competition with England
Benjamin Franklin
a person of reason and science, who was high in stature, created the Albany Plan as well as inventions such as the lightning rod and an electric stove
consisted of three distinct parts that were supposed to balance the government as well as be socioeconomic groups but in reality, were not
What powers did Royal Governors have and not have?
could veto legislation and dismiss judges as well as serve as military commanders in each province, however they were advised by a council on their actions and could not do some of them