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32 Cards in this Set

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Three Domains of Development
physical- size, appearance, function, health, motor
Cognitive- intellectual
Emotional & Social- self understanding, relationships, morals
Periods in Development
Prenatal: conception-birth
Infancy & Toddler: birth-2 yrs
Early Childhood: 2-6yrs
Elements of a Theory
statement that describes, explains, & predicts behavior
basic issues in development
continuous vs discontinues
one course or many
nature vs nurture
continuous vs discontinuous
gradually adding to the skills he already has (rounded hill) VS new ways of understanding emerge at specific times (stairs)
one course of development or many
universal or varies between children based on their personal and environment contexts. Combinations of these can result in different paths of change.
Nature VS Nuture
Are we born with it (genetics) or are we influenced by our environment (physical & social world)
resilience children
-ability to adapt effectively in the face of threats in development.
personal characteristics- biological endowed
warm parental relationship
Social support- strong bond to an adult
community resources & opport.
medieval era; 5-15 century
children were vulnerable beings and of childhood as a distinct devlopmental period.
evil & stubborn, had to be civilized.
tabula rasa-blank slate
noble savages- sense of right & wrong
Erikson's Psychosocial Theory
Basic trust vs. mistrust
Autonomy vs. shame & doubt
Initiative vs. guilt
Freud's Psychoanalytic
children move through a series of stages in which they confront conflicts between biological drives and social expectations.
Freud's Psychosexual theory
oral- babies sucking
anal- potty training
phallic- same sex parent
latency- same sex peers
genital- puberty, sexual impulses, marriage & bearing kids
social-cognitive- Bandura

Traditional behaviorism
stimuli and response
modeling, imitation or observational learning- power source of development- lead to self-efficacy.
classical, operant & social learning
Piaget's Cognitive-developmental theory
children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore their world through 4 stages: sensorimotor, pre-, concrete & formal operational
Information Processing
precise steps individuals use to solve problems and complete tasks. is commitment to rigorous research methods.
adaptive, survival, value of behavior and is evoluntionary history. critical & sensitive periods.
Evolutionary developmental psychology
seeks to understand the adaptive value of species-wide cognitive, emotional, & social competencies.
Vygotsky's Sociocultural theory
children acquire ways of thinking and behaving that make up a community's culture through dialogues. FOCUS: on how the values, beliefs, customs and skills of a social group-transmit to next generation.
Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory
views the child as developing within a complex system of relationships affected by multiple levels of the surrounding environment. Biological model.
Ecological Levels & examples
Microsystem- immediate surroundings (individual)
Mesosystem- connections b/t micro (family, day care, neighborhood)
Exosystem- social settings; can affect child's experiences (work, health services)
Macrosystem- affects the support they receive at inner levels of the environment. (laws, customs)
Chronosystem- time related
Naturalistic Observation
observes natural behavior. -reflects everyday behaviors.
-not all have same opportunity to display a certain behavior.
Structured Observation
observes behavior in lab.
-each one has = opportunity to display behavior.
-display untypical behavior NOT in everyday life.
Clinical Interview
flexible interview that gets ones thoughts.
-great depth of thoughts, comes close to everyday thinking.
-flexible results in hard to compare.
Structured Interview
One is asked same ?, in the same way.
-effecive comparisons
-subject to inaccurate reporting
Clinical, Case Study Method
combined interviews, observations, & test scores.
-rich insight
participant observation of a culture or social group. extensive field notes.
Correlational Design
gathers info w/o alternating experiences & examines the relationship between them. NO cause & effect. Magnitude= #; closer to 1-stronger the Relation. Direction= - (variable incre, other decre) or + (variable incre, other incre);
Independent VS Dependent Variables
changes/manipluates- expected to cause change in another variable. VS
measures/not manipulated- expected to be influenced by indepen. variable.
same participants studied repeatedly at diff. ages
cross sectional
participants of diff. ages all studied at the same time
several long. or cross sec. studies are conducted at varying times.
Children's Research Rights
protection from harm
informed consent
knowledge of results
beneficial treatments
* age 7- can give full explanation of the purpose of the research