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10 Cards in this Set

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Anthtopometric laboratory

Galton established the first at the International Health Exiibition in London 1884 to find the best people. He measured primarily physiological things as sensory acuity and reaction time. 9,337 people were measured.




-Reversion (regression towards the mean)

Comte du Buffon (1707-1788)

Theorized that the earth was much older than the Bible says. Lamarck tutored his children for a while.

Alphonse de Candolle (1806-1893)

Swiss botanist. Interested in environmental influences on the development of eminence in families. Read Galton's "Hereditary Genius", published " History of the Sciences and Scientists over two centuries". Studied biography of over 300 eminent European scientist, found support for: heredity, but also environmental influences such as, size country, climate, type of government, degree of religious tolerance.

Composite portaiture

Galton's invention: combine a lot of photos. Get the average. Ex average murderer.

Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882)

Originator of evolutionary theories and natural selection.

Erasmus Darwin (1721-1802)

Darwin's and Galton's grandfather. Had ideas about the changes in the species, but wrote everything in verse, so they were not taken very seriously in scientific communities.


Coined by Galton. The Improvement of humankind by selectively breeding the "best" people.

Evolutionary associationism

In Spencer's "Principles of Psychology". Added frequence to Bains pelasant/unpleasant theory.

Spencer-Bain theory: actions with a pleasant outcome, made frequently, are more likely to be passed on to further generations.

Captain Robert FitzRoy

Took Darwin on a trip to South america on HMS Beagle. Was very religious.

Francis Galton

-Loved to measure everything

- made maps of Africa

- discovered the anticyklone

-invented the questionnaire

- believed in the inheritance of both physical and mental characters, but not in acquired characteristics.

- nature and nurture made it popular

-study of twins

-eugenics coined

- scatter plots

regression towards the mean

- word association experiment


-composite portaiture

-correlation and regression

-pioneered experimental psychology in England

- never had a academic position


- Pearson
