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125 Cards in this Set

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how did the life of most people change from the onset of the industrial revolution

it use to be small farming but it changed to complex machines and country villages become industrial towns and cities, rural way of life dissapeared

what was the land enclosure that parliament allowed during the 1600s and 1700s

fewer workers needed, higher crop yield, small out-of-work farmers migrate to cities for work, larger farms

how did Abraham Darby improve iron production?

use coal instead of charcoal to smelt iron, separates iron from iron ore, also built the first iron bridge

who made the steam engine an efficient way of power factories and railroads?

James watt

the first factories developed in what industry

textile industry

what was the putting out system

cotton industry where cotton is spun in peasants homes

what were the results of the development of steam power

powerful machines

what were some of the results of the industrial revolution

extreme hardships brought reforms, labor unions won the right to bargain, wages increased and more jobs

who were the luddites and what did they do?

opposed to technological change, burned factories and labor organizations

what were the tenements and who lived there?

multistory buildings, divided into apartments poor people, working crew

why were most early factory workers women?

thought women could adapt more easily and we're easier to manage

what were the "Factory acts" passed in the 1800s

reduce child workdays to 10hrs, no one under 8 or 9 could work in cotton mills, children workers were educated

what did Thomas Malthus propose for population control

Poverty was unavoidable because population was increasing faster then food supply

according to laissez-faire economists, what is the cure for poverty

lower prices of goods, increase factory goods

what was Jeremy benthams philosophy on laws and government

supported individual freedom, saw need for government to become involved under certain circumstances

according to socialists, what is the solution to poverty and injustice

shared ownership means or production by people

what group of people established communities were all work and property are owned in common?


why did Germany form a social democracy in the 1860s?

gradual transition from capitalization to violent overthrow

why did Karl max despise capitalism

he believed it corrupted society

who wrote the communist manifesto and what was it about

Karl max economics was driving force in history


drug that prevents pain during surgery


people who assume the financial risks of starting a business


the working class According to Karl max


multistory apartment buildings, they had no running water


the final stop on the English rail line, depending on where you start

James watt

made the steam engine more efficient

Karl max

co-wrote the communist manifesto on communism and scientific socialism

means of production

businesses that produce and distribute goods like farms, factories, railways

Thomas malthus

economist who believed poverty was unavoidable due to population growth

social democracy

German ideal where there is a gradual change from capitalism to socialism


form of classless socialism where the means of production are owned by the community

Jeremy bentham

British economist who promoted utilitarianism


idea that society's goal should be the greatest happiness for the greatest number

Eli Whitney

inventor of the cotton gin


to separate iron from iron ore


private road which charges a toll to travelers


money used to invest in enterprises

liver pool

English city on the 1st rail line where the practical locomotive was created


a business organization such as mining,railroads,or factories

Robert owen

socialist utopian who set up a community in new Lanark, Scotland


practice of taking over land shared by peasants


the movement of people to citites

labor union

work organization illegal in britain

putting out system

cottage industry where cotton is spun in peasants homes


system where a group of people as a whole own the means of production, not individuals

the swiss-city state of Geneva became a model of protestant morality under the leadership of

John calvin

what resulted from the peace of Augsburg in 1555

each German prince could decide the religion for his lands

Humanist scholars differed from me medieval thinkers in that humanists

tended to focus more on worldly subjects

sir Thomas more was executed because he

would not accept Henry VIII as head of the church in england

in the 1600s, Robert Boyles work transformed the feild of


the age of great change marked by renewal interest in classical learning and the arts is called the


the last supper and the Mona Lisa were the work of the great artist

Leonardo da vinci

the inventor who perfected the microscope and was the first person to see cells and microorganisms was

Anton van leeuwenhoek

what triggered the events that resulted in the formation of the church of england?

Henry VIII wanted a divorce

today's baptists, mennonites, and Amish can all trace their religion ancestry to the


the main goal of the Jesuits was to

defend, restore, and spread the Catholic faith

many scholars agree that between 1450 and 1750 people's beliefs in both Christianity and magic led to

the persecution of people as witches

in the scientific method, a hypothesis I'd a

possible explanation to be tested

during the Renaissance, what culture is being reborn?

Greek and roman

why does italys geography play a role in making it the center of the Renaissance

it's the center of the Roman empire

what aspect of the Renaissance was art with utility


what did Leonardo da vinci do to better understand how the human body works

dissected bodies

what modern day building is modeled after Michelangelos design of St peters cathedral

us Capitol building

what was the first book to be printed on the move able type printing press?


sir Thomas more called for social reform through what book


what invention caused the spread of the protestant reformation throughout europe?

printing press

according to John calvin, what is the belief that God has already chosen who will go to heaven?


according to copernicus the sun is at the center of the universe in what theory?


what crime brought galileo in front of the inquisistion?


what German astronomer showed that the planets orbit the sun in an ellipse or oval path

johannes kepler

which scholar showed that gravity keeps the planets in orbit around the sun?

isacc newton

during medieval times what was the feild of chemistry called?


what form of mathematics was created by isacc Newton to help explain his theories?


the line of demarcation divided world Trade and exploration rights between the

Spanish and Portuguese

who were the boers?

Dutch farmers who settled around cape town

in the 1400s Europeans searched for new trade routes to obtain valuable spices that came mainly from

the moluccas

how did Portuguese Explorer Bartholomeu Dias seek a sea route to Asia in 1460

he rounded the southern tip of Africa

in 1513, Spanish adventurer Vasco Nunez de balboa reached the Pacific Ocean by

traveling overland through Panama

how did Europeans usually acquire African captives for the slave trade

they relied on African traders to bring captives to African ports

what statement best describes the significance of the settlement in capetown

it was the first permanent European settlement in africa

how were the Europeans introduces to luxury goods such as spices,perfumes, and medicines

the crusades

the Americas are named after what sailor

America vespucci

although magellan is credited with circumnavigating the globe, he was actually killed in the


what did an Indonesian ruler mean by, "you may be able to take our plants but you will never be able to take our rain"?

spices won't grow in europe

what rules discoverable by reason did enlightenment thinkers try to apply to the study of human behavior and society

natural law

in a vindication of the rights of women, Mary wollstonecraft argued that women and men should have equal


an enlightenment despot was a ruler who

influenced political and social change

the system of checks and balances in the United States Constitution was influenced by the ideas of which enlightenment thinker?


diderots encyclopedia was important because it

spread enlightenment ideas

economist Adam smith argued that, in a free market, business activity would be regulated by the forces of

supply and demand

enlightenment writers sometimes tried to avoid censorship by

disguising there ideas as fiction

elegant compositions by handel,haydn,and Mozart reflected a new musical style of the enlightenment known as


during the enlightenment, what argument did government and church officials use to justify their war of censorship

God set up the old order

the enlightenment slogan "free and equal" did not apply to what group of people


why was the Rococo style of art criticized by the philosophes?

it was superificial

which country was able to remain outside napoleon's European empire


what war tactic helped the Russians defeat napoleon

scorched earth policy

in Frances old order, which of the following groups were members of the bourgeoisie


the women who marched on Versailles refused to leave until the king agreed to

return to paris

robespierre believed that France could achieve a "Republic of virtue" only through

the use of terror

during the reign of terror trials and executions were carried out under the authority of

the committee of public safety

the continental system was a form of

economic warfare

napoleon's final defeat was at the

battle of waterloo

this grim prison fortress was stormed by a mob of angry Parisians hoping to find weapons


this french queen was hated by her subjects for her spending habits and she paid it with her head

Marie Antoinette

these nobles and clergy fled France during the revolution


this term refers to a strong sense of pride and devotion to one's country


what does it mean that napoleon abdicated his position as emperor of france?

stepped down from power

of the 600,000 soldiers in napoleon's grand army, how many make it back from Russia alive?


during the industrial revolution, life changed in what basic way?

people migrated from rural areas to cities

the first factories developed in what industry?


Thomas Malthus discouraged vaccinations because

disease was a natural means of population control

the greatest happiness for the greatest number was a goal of


steam became an efficient power source because of improvements made by

James watt

the development of steam power enabled the growth of


the putting out system was a method of

producing cloth in individual homes

the people who lived in tenements in industrial industries were part of the

working class

most early factory workers were women because

employers could pay women less then men

what book did Karl Marx Co author with Fredrick engel

the communist manifesto

which of the following was a social darwinist argument in favor of western imperialism

Westerners thought they had a duty to bring there civilization to inferior races

rifle cartridges greased with animal fat were a key cause of the

sepoy rebellion

which country was able to preserve it's independence by defeating Italian invaders in 1896


at the Berlin conference, European powers agreed that, in order to claim part of Africa, a European power had to

set up a government office there

which statement best describes how Catholic and protestant missionaries interacted with African natives?

they saw natives as children in need of guidance

what was one result of the sepoy rebellion

Parliament ended the rule of the East India companys