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13 Cards in this Set

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What did Kievan rulers do after the death of Yaroslav I?
They gave outlying towns to their younger sons to rule and ended up causing fights between them all over extending territories
Who were the Polovtsians?
Turks who ruled the region south of Kievan Russia; they raided Russia and caused trade to decline in Russia
What invaders took over during Kiev's weakness?
What did the Mongols do? (not good)
taxed harshly; peasants owed landlords both some sort of taxes whether it be in money or in goods and they had to labor at specific times
What did the Mongols do that was good?
They didn't impose their way of life on the people
What did the Mongols do that was beneficial?
Created roads and improved taxation and communication
What neighbors caused the Eastern Slavs trouble? WHY?
Lithuania and Poland; because they took over northwestern Kievan territory to create their empire which was harsh towards the Eastern Slavs; also western christianity vs. eastern orthodox
Who was Ivan I?
Ivan I was the prince of Moscow that caused it to become the strongest principality because he cooperated with Mongols who rewarded him with the title of Grand Prince?
Who was Ivan III?
Ivan the Great; Grand Prince of Moscow; overthrew the Mongol rule; first ruler of the independant state of Russia; considered himself autocrat by the Grace of God; created a monarchy to last in Russia for a long time
Who was Ivan IV?
Ivan the terrible; got throne at age 3; boyars held power until he was old enough; when he was old enough he named himself czar-greek for ceasar and meant able administer; crazy; had own army (oprichniki); killed his own son; expanded Russia to be huge; autocracy
Ivan IV's personal army of several thousand men
metropolitan new name
third rome
Russians felt Moscow was the 3rd Rome because the first fell to heresy and the second to noncatholics so they were the final that would bring spiritual light