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61 Cards in this Set

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John Marshall

Chief Justice Of the Supreme Court, appointed by John Adams

Judicial review

Power of Supreme Court to decide whether laws passed by congress were constitutional and to strike them down if they weren't.

Louisiana purchase

Land purchased from France in 1803 that doubled the size of the US and gained us control of the Mississippi

Meriwether Lewis

Jefferson's private secretary and leader of the corps of discovery

William Clark

Leader of the corps of discovery


Shoshone woman who joined Lewis and Clark on their expedition of the Louisiana territory

Zebulon Pike

Explorer of the Louisiana territory who mapped much of the upper Mississippi and provided a description of the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains


A legalized form of kidnapping


A government ban on trade with other countries

Supreme Court was weak until...

Marbury vs. Madison, which strengthened the Supreme Court by asserting the courts rights of judicial review

Napoleon sold ____ for $____.

Louisiana territory and New Orleans for $15 mil

Aaron Burr...

Shot Alexander Hamilton

War Hawks

Supported war with Britain


Shawnee leader who worked for Native American resistance against encroachment on Native American lands

William Henry Harrison

Governor of Indiana territory, fought Tenskwatawa at the Battle of Tippecanoe

Commodore Oliver Perry

Attacked British ships on Lake Erie

The Treaty of Ghent...

... ended the war of 1812

President in 1808

James Madison

Outcome of The Battle of Tippecanoe

Shattered Native American confidence, Native Americans fled to British-held Canada, British supported and armed the Native Americans

Causes of the War of 1812 (5)

British impressment

British seizure

British roll in Native American attacks

Trade restrictions

Failed US negotiations

Constructed a fleet on the coast of Lake Erie and attacked the British

Commodore Oliver Perry

In 1814 a British fleet landed troops near...

... Washington DC. The capital was seized, Madison and the gov fled. The White House and the capital were both set on fire.

In 1815 a British fleet landed near New Orleans...

General Andrew Jackson used cotton bales to absorb British bullets and eventually defeated the British.


The feeling of strong patriotism

The Treaty of Ghent... (3)

Restored prewar boundaries

Did not mention neutral rights or imprisonment

No territory changed hands

Whiskey rebellion

Farmers protest gov's tax on whiskey


Incitement to rebellion

Little Turtle

Led a confederacy of Native Americans against General Anthony Wayne

Treaty of Greenville

Resolved fighting with Little Turtle's Native American confederacy (temporarily)

"Manifest Destiny"

American belief in Divine right to Westward expansion

John Marshall

Chief Justice of Supreme Court after (and appointed by) John Adams

Judicial review

Supreme Court's right to judge the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress

Louisiana Purchase

Louisiana territory and New Orleans purchased by US from France for $15 mil. in 1803, doubling US size and granting control of Mississippi river

Meriwether Lewis

Jefferson's private secretary and leader of the Corps of Discovery

William Clark

Leader of Corps of Discovery


Shoshone woman who joined and guided Lewis and Clark through the Louisiana territory


Belief that the strength of a country is in its independent farmers

Zebulon Pike

Explored Louisiana territory; mapped upper Mississippi and and described Great Plains and Rocky Mountains

Impressment =


Legal kidnapping; gov ban on trade

Supreme Court was weak until...

Marbury vs. Madison asserted judicial review


Shawnee leaders who worked for Native American resistance against encroachment on land

William Henry Harrison

Governor of Indiana territory; fought Teskwatawa at Battle of Tippecanoe

Commodore Oliver Perry

Attacked British ships on Lake Erie

Causes of War of 1812: (5)


- impressment

- seizure

- involvement in Native American attacks

- Failed US negotiations

- Trade restrictions

When Brits landed in Washington in 1814...

They burned the White House and Capitol

British troops lands near New Orleans...

Andrew Jackson used cotton bales to stop bullets, and eventually effected the British

Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812 and... (3)

Restored prewar boundaries

Didn't mention neutral rights or impressment

No territory changed hands

Bill of Rights

10 amendments that defend the rights of individuals against acts of the federal gov

Implied powers = which clause?

"Necessary and proper" clause in Constitution

Federalists want

Strong national gov

Democratic Republicans - leaders (2) and principles (2)

Leaders: Madison and Jefferson

Principles: Agrarianism and Antifederalistic, state-centric gov

Jay's treaty

Treaty between Brits and USA that prevented war in 1794

Pinckney's treaty

Granted USA rights to navigate the Mississippi

Quasi war

Undeclared war at sea between US and France

Alien and Sedition acts

4 Laws that meant gov could export aliens and slander of gov was criminal

First 4 presidents in chronological order:

Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison

Feud between Hamilton and Burr

- Burr plans presidency of Essex Junto (secession)

- Hamilton calls him out

- Burr calls out Hamilton's sleeping around

- They agree to a duel

- Hamilton fires first, shoots into trees above

- Burr shoots Hamilton in the chest and flees

Where were the Brits beaten in the War of 1812

Fort McHenry

Why did anti-slavery founding father's put up with the 3/5ths compromise?

They thought slavery was dying.

South threatened secession.

Massachusetts had abolished already, and 4 more states were in the process.

Connecticut Compromise

Bicameral gov

The only real power of the Articles of Confederation

Allowed the Confederation Congress to change the Articles of Confederation