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50 Cards in this Set

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Ho Chi Minh
Communist leader of North Vietnam
Organization whose goal it was to win Vietnam's independence from foreign rule.
Domino Theory
Idea that after the take down of one communist nation, they rest would fall like a series of dominoes.
Dien Bien Phu
French output in Vietnam
Geneva Accords
Divided Vietnam along the 17th parallel between North and South.
Ngo Dinh Diem
South Vietnam's president, anticommunist who refused to participate in the 1956 election.
communist opposition group in South Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh Trail
network of paths used by Ho Chi Minh to transport arms to the Vietcong.
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
granted Johnson broad military powers in Vietnam.
Robert McNamara
Secretary of defense for President Johnson
Dean Rusk
Secretary of state fro Johnson
William Westmoreland
Commander of troops in South Vietnam
Army of the Republic of Vietnam
South Vietnamese army that wasn't believed to be well equipped to fight by Korea.
Gasoline based bomb that set the jungle on fire
Agent Orange
leaf killing toxic chemical
Search and Destroy Missions
Uprooted civilians with suspected ties to the Vietcong, killing their livestock, burning villages.
Credibility Gap
Growing gap between what Johnson was telling America during the war and what was really going on.
Males made to register at age 18, and if there were no serious injuries or college deferments, would be sent to war if it became necessary.
New Left
growing youth movement during the war
Students For a Democratic Society (SDS)
New left organization compromised of college age students.
Free Speech Movement
Occurred at Berkeley University in CA, student angry at teachers.
Anti-war, believed United states should withdraw troops from Vietnam.
Pro-war, believed the government should unleash as much military power as necessary in order to defeat communist North Vietnam.
Tet Offensive
Surprise attack on U.S. during a day long cease fire for the Vietnam new year (Tet), 12 US bases attacked.
Clark Clifford
Replaced Robert McNamara after his resignation from Defense Secretary
Robert Kennedy
JFK's brother, almost ran for president but was assassinated in 1968 for his support of Israel.
Hubert Humphrey
Took Johnson's spot running against McCarthy for the 1968 democratic nomination.
Eugene McCarthy
Minnesota senator who was set to go against Johnson for the democratic presidential nomination.
George Wallace
Raced as a third party candidate against Nixon.
Richard Nixon
Summer 1969- announced US troop withdrawal from Vietnam
Henry Kissinger
National Security Advisor
Gradual withdrawal of the U.S. troops in order for South Vietnamese to take on a more active combat role in the war.
My Lai
Small village massacred during a search and destroy mission where US soldiers were ordered to "kill everything that moved"
Kent State University
Site of massive student protests, police shot into crowd killing 2 innocent bystanders.
Pentagon Papers
7000 page long press release showing Johnson's plan not to leave South Vietnam and continue in war as long as North Vietnam persisted.
War Powers Act
Stipulated that president must inform congress within 48 hours of sending forces into a hostile area without declaration of war.
Cesar Chavez
Mexican American farm worker, fought to stop the exploitation of Mexican immigrants.
United Farm Workers Organizing Committee
Group of unionized Mexicans that worked to gain better working conditions, better pay, and better hours for Mexicans.
La Raza Unida
The People United, Independent Latino political movement.
American Indian Movement
Militant Native American rights organization.
Betty Friedan
writer of the 1950's, wasn't happy even though she had "the perfect life". Wrote "The Feminine Mystique"
Belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality with men.
National Organization for Women (NOW)`
Organization created by Betty Friedman that pursued women's goals. Members pushed for the creation of child care so women would have time to pursue careers.
Gloria Steinem
Journalist, political activist, and ardent supporter of the women's liberation movement, made her voice heard on the subjects of feminism and equality.
Equal Rights Amendment
Would guarantee that both men and women would enjoy the same rights and protections under the law.
Phyllis Schlafly
Conservative who felt that ERA would lead to a parade of horribles.
A movement made up of mostly white, middle-class college youths who had grown disillusioned with the war in Vietnam and injustices in America during the 1960's
City in San Francisco known as the hippie capital (CA didn't outlaw hallucinogenic drugs until 1966)
the Beatles
The band that helped propel rock music into mainstream America.
400,000 people showed up for the festival that represented the sixties movement of peace and love and some higher cultural cause.