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240 Cards in this Set

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What is communism?
More equal society to be achieved through revolution, state ownership of all property, no titles or ranks, Communist Party only
Whose ideas inspired communism?
Karl Marx
Who ruled Russia in the early 1900s?
Tsar Nicholas II
Why were Russian people unhappy with the Tsar?
He got them into war with Germany and Austria-Hungary, and the war went very badly for them
Who took over from the Tsar in 1917?
Provisional government led by Kerensky
Why was Kerensky unpopular in Russia?
He continued fighting the war
In what months of what year did Russia's revolutions take place?
February and October 1917
Who took over in Russia from Kerensky?
The Bolsheviks led by Lenin
Who introduced communism to Russia?
The Bolsheviks
What does USSR stand for?
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
What was the peace treaty made between Germany and Russia during WWI?
The Brest Litovsk Treaty
What did Russia have to do for peace with Germany in WWI?
Hand over territory which they regained when Germany lost war
Who took over from Lenin in Russia?
Joseph Stalin
In which year did Stalin take over Russia?
What was collectivisation?
When the government took land from peasant farmers to set up communal farms
What were kulaks and what were gulags?
Kulaks-farmers who resisted collectivisation
Gulags-labour camps
What caused food shortages and famine in Russia?
What was the name of the Russian secret police?
The Cheka
What was the result of Stalin's 'purges' and 'show trials'?
Millions accused of treason and executed
What did Stalin's five year plans involve?
Increased agricultural and industrial production, bonuses, holidays etc for good workers
What was the USSR's relationship with the rest of the world?
Countries like GB, USA, France feared communism and didn't want to be associated with USSR, other powers ostracised Russia, Russia not invited to Paris Peace Conference, League of Nations
Give three problems in Italy after WWI
Unemployment, inflation, poverty, strikes
In what year was the Fascist Party set up and by whom?
1919, Benito Mussolini
Give four things associated with the Fascist Party
Roman Salute
In Italy in the early 1920s who was striking and who was breaking up strikes?
Communists striking, fascists breaking up
In which year was the March on Rome?
Which Kaiser abdicated after WW1 in Germany?
Kaiser Wilhelm II
What was the name of the republic set up after WWI in Germany?
The Weimar republic
Give three problems in Germany after the first war
Unemployment, poverty, hyperinflation
What were the reparations of the Versailles Treaty?
Compensation money from Germany to France for the war
Give three problems in Germany after the first war
Unemployment, poverty, hyperinflation
When was Hitler born?
Which country was Hitler from?
What did Hitler originally want to do?
Be an artist
What did Hitler do during WWI?
Served in army, got wounded, awarded the Iron Cross
What was the Nazi party originally called?
The German Workers Party
Who was Joseph Goebbels?
The Minister for Propaganda during WWII
Who was Herman Goering?
The Captain of the Air Force
What does 'mein kampf' mean?
My struggle
What was the name of Hitler's autobiography?
Mein Kampf
In what year was Hitler involved in a revolt? What was it called?
1922, the Munich 'putsch'
Give some examples of the ideas outlined in 'Mein Kampf'
Strong and powerful Germany, gain 'lebensraum' (living room), dismantle Versailles Treaty, anti-semitism
What does 'lebensraum' mean?
Living room, as in more territory for Germany
In what year was the Wall Street Crash?
What had a huge impact on unemployment (increased) in Germany in 1929?
The Wall Street Crash
Why did people support the Nazi party?
Germany's economy was doing miserably and they wanted more extreme action
How did Hitler come across the German Workers Party?
He was sent to spy on them
What was the name of Germany's parliament?
Why would some politicians turn to Hitler?
They feared a communist takeover
What was the name of Germany's president?
President Hindenburg
In what year was Hitler made prime minister?
What did 'chancellor' mean in Germany (1930s)?
Prime minister
How did Hitler gain power in parliament?
He called another election when he became prime minister, SA and SS intimidated opposition
What do we call the burning of Germany's parliament?
The Reichstag Fire
How did Hitler use the Reichstag Fire?
As an excuse to arrest communists and ban their party
What was the law Hitler convinced the parliament to pass after the Reichstag Fire?
The Enabling Act
What did the Enabling Act allow Hitler to do?
To rule by decree
What was the leader of the German Workers Party called?
The Führer
In which year was the Enabling Act passed?
In which year did President Von Hindenburg die?
What was the name of the leader when Hitler merged the jobs of prime minister and president?
What does 'Reich' mean?
What kind of things convinced Germany to be on Hitler's side?
Cult of the leader, propaganda, youth groups, repression of opponents
What does 'rearmament' mean?
Building up the army again, getting back their weapons and vehicles etc
Did Germany's economy improve or worsen under Hitler's rule?
Improve (lower unemployment rates)
What were Nazi Book Burnings?
When Nazis collected books deemed unsuitable by Hitler and burned them in masses
In which year was the Night of the Long Knives?
Why did Hitler have Rohm killed?
He was concerned about the growing power of the SA leaders and the army generals didn't want to merge the SA and the army (Rohm did)
What was the first name change of the German Workers Party?
National Socialist German Workers Party
What was the Night of the Long Knives?
When Hitler used the SS to kill Ernst Rohm and 400 other SA leaders because he was worried about their growing power
What was life like for Jews when Hitler first came into power?
Blamed for Germany's problems, boycotts of Jewish shops, Jews banned from government jobs
When were the Nuremburg Laws introduced?
What was the name of the act that removed Jewish people's rights in Germany?
The Nuremberg Laws
Two things Jews couldn't do after the Nuremberg Laws
Marry non-Jews, vote
When was Kristallnacht?
Give another name for the Night of the Broken Glass
What happened on Kristallnacht?
Nazis organised attacks on Jews, synagogues burnt
How many Jews were killed in Kristallnacht?
How many Jews were arrested in Kristallnacht?
What did the National Socialist German Workers Party change their name to?
The Nazi party
What was the name of the Nazi's private army?
The SA
Give two other names for the SA
Stormtroopers, Brownshirts
Who was the leader of the SA?
Ernst Rohm
What was the name of Hitler's personal bodyguard?
The SS
Who led the SS?
Heinrich Himmler
What was the word for Hitler wanting to make Germany bigger?
What was discussed at the Munich Conference?
Germany's occupation of the Sudetenland
What was agreed at the Munich Conference?
Germany could keep the Sudetenland as long as they didn't invade anywhere else
What did Neville Chamberlain claim he had achieved after the Munich Conference?
'Peace in our Time'
Where did Germany first invade in 1939?
The rest of Czechoslovakia
What was the reaction of Britain and France when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia?
They didn't act but said they would declare war if Germany invaded Poland
When was the Spanish civil war?
Who was the fascist leader in Spain?
General Franco
Who was the Spanish civil war between?
The nationalists and General Franco's fascists with the Popular Front
What was the main force Germany sent to help in the Spanish civil war?
The Condor Legion
What was Appeasement?
Britain and France appeasing or mollifying Hitler rather than attacking when he broke Versailles Treaty
When did Hitler remilitarise the Rhineland?
When was the Pact of Steel made?
Give two other names for the Nazi-Soviet Pact
10 year Non-Aggression Pact and Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
When was the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact made?
What was secretly agreed between Russia and Germany in 1939?
To invade Poland and divide it between them
What tactic did Germany use to attack Poland?
The Blitzkrieg tactic
What does the Blitzkrieg tactic involve?
Bombing via planes, tanks then soldiers
What was the Phoney War?
The period where Britain and France declared war on Germany but no one actually attacked
When was the Phoney War?
Name two countries invaded by Germany during the Phoney War
Norway and Denmark
What was the Maginot Line?
The French line of defence between France and Germany
Why didn't France intervene when the Rhineland was remilitarised?
Britain refused to intervene, France didn't want to act alone
Three countries Germany invaded in 1940 from
Belgium, Holland, France
From where did Brits have to evacuate when Germany invaded France?
Germany captures Paris, France surrenders
Petain and Laval
Leaders of Vichy France
Who replaced Neville Chamberlain as PM?
Winston Churchill
What was the blitz?
The German bombing of London and other cities
When was the Rome-Berlin Axis?
What was the Anschluss?
The annexation of Germany and Austria
When was the Anschluss?
Which part of Czechoslovakia did Hitler first invade?
The Sudetenland
When was the Sudetenland invaded?
Where did the conference after the invasion of the Sudetenland take place?
What is the name of the British Air Force?
The Royal Air Force (RAF)
What is the name of the German air force?
The Luftwaffe
Two planes used by British to fight off Germans?
Spitfire, Hurricane
Five things Britain used for protection against the Blitz
Anti-aircraft guns, blackouts, evacuation, radar (chain home), air raid sirens, air raid wardens, gas masks, Anderson and Morrison shelters, Tube stations underground
Where did Italy (with the help of Germany) start to invade after Germany got control of France?
Greece and the Balkans (countries in the mediterranean)
What was the German code name for the invasion of Russia?
Operation Barbarossa
When did Germany invade Russia?
How many German armies invaded Russia?
What is the name of the British Air Force?
The Royal Air Force (RAF)
Who was the Russian army leader in the battle of Stalingrad?ghen
Marshal Zhukov
What is the name of the German air force?
The Luftwaffe
Two planes used by British to fight off Germans?
Spitfire, Hurricane
Five things Britain used for protection against the Blitz
Anti-aircraft guns, blackouts, evacuation, radar (chain home), air raid sirens, air raid wardens, gas masks, Anderson and Morrison shelters, Tube stations underground
Where did Italy (with the help of Germany) start to invade after Germany got control of France?
Greece and the Balkans (countries in the mediterranean)
What was the German code name for the invasion of Russia?
Operation Barbarossa
When did Germany invade Russia?
How many German armies invaded Russia?
Which three areas of Russia were invaded?
Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad
Which German General led the attack on Stalingrad?
Von Paulus
Which Russian army leader was involved in the Battle of Stalingrad?
Marshal Zhukov
What was so important about the Battle of Stalingrad?
It was a turn in the war for Germany (defeat)
In which years was the Battle of Stalingrad?
What did Hitler want with Caucasus?
Oil and gas
What did the US call their staying out of the war?
When did Japan bomb Pearl Harbour?
What was Rommel's nickname?
The Desert Fox
Who was Rommel?
The leader of the Afrika Korps
What was the name of the German army sent to North Africa?
The German Afrika Korps
What kind of tanks did the German Afrika Korps use?
Panzer tanks
What was used in Operation Overlord to reach French shores?
Landing craft
What were the codenames of the beaches in Operation Overlord?
Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, Sword
What was Dwight Eisenhower's nickname?
What was the name of the French resistance in WWII?
The Maquis
How did the maquis sabotage the Germans?
Cutting telegraph lines, blowing up railway lines
How did the Allies bring oil across the English Channel?
PipeLine Under The Ocean (PLUTO)
What were floating harbours known as during Operation Overlord?
What was the name of the plot to kill Hitler?
The Stauffenberg plot
Who was plotting to kill Hitler?
Colonel Claus Von Stauffenberg
In which year was the Stauffenberg plot?
Who led the British counter attack in North Africa?
Field Marshal Montgomery
When did the Allies get control of Paris?
August 1944
What were the names of the rockets Germany fired on London?
V1 and V2
What was the name of Germany's counter attack when the Allies had gotten control of France?
The Battle of the Bulge
When did the Allies enter German territory?
March 1945
When was Mussolini killed?
April 1945
When did Hitler commit suicide?
30 April 1945
When did Germany surrender?
7 May 1945
Which British army fought in North Africa?
The British Eighth Army
What was the nickname of the British Eighth Army?
The Desert Rats
In which battle were the German Afrika Korps beaten?
The Battle of El Alamein
When was the battle of El Alemein?
Which American led the US troops in North Africa?
General Eisenhower
When did Italian and German troops surrender in North Africa?
What was the name of the operation in which British and Americans landed on French shores?
Operation Overlord
When did Operation Overlord take place?
D-Day, 6 June 1944
What kind of tanks did the German Afrika Korps use?
Panzer tanks
What was used in Operation Overlord to reach French shores?
Landing craft
What were the codenames of the beaches in Operation Overlord?
Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, Sword
What was Dwight Eisenhower's nickname?
What was the name of the French resistance in WWII?
The Maquis
How did the maquis sabotage the Germans?
Cutting telegraph lines, blowing up railway lines
How did the Allies bring oil across the English Channel?
PipeLine Under The Ocean (PLUTO)
What were floating harbours known as during Operation Overlord?
What was the name of the plot to kill Hitler?
The Stauffenberg plot
Who was plotting to kill Hitler?
Colonel Claus Von Stauffenberg
In which year was the Stauffenberg plot?
Who led the British counter attack in North Africa?
Field Marshal Montgomery
When did the Allies get control of Paris?
August 1944
What were the names of the rockets Germany fired on London?
V1 and V2
What was the name of Germany's counter attack when the Allies had gotten control of France?
The Battle of the Bulge
When did the Allies enter German territory?
March 1945
When was Mussolini killed?
April 1945
When did Hitler commit suicide?
30 April 1945
When did Germany surrender?
7 May 1945
Which British army fought in North Africa?
The British Eighth Army
What was the nickname of the British Eighth Army?
The Desert Rats
In which battle were the German Afrika Korps beaten?
The Battle of El Alamein
When was the battle of El Alemein?
Which American led the US troops in North Africa?
General Eisenhower
When did Italian and German troops surrender in North Africa?
What was the name of the operation in which British and Americans landed on French shores?
Operation Overlord
When did Operation Overlord take place?
D-Day, 6 June 1944
What agreement was made after WWI?
The Treaty of Versailles
Who were the Central Powers in WWI?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey
Who were the Allies in WWI?
Britain, France, USA, Russia, Italy
Two famous battles of WWI
Verdun and the Somme
Failures of Versailles Treaty
Anger amongst Germans, US Senate rejected Treaty, Italians unhappy because they didn't get land they'd been promised
When did WWI end?
11 o'clock, 11th of November 1918
Four new countries after WWI
Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia
What were the Fourteen Points?
US programme for peace after WWI
Who set up the League of Nations?
Woodrow Wilson
Who was the British PM at the time of WWI?
David Lloyd George
Who was the leader in France after WWI?
Georges Clemenceau
Three conditions of Versailles Treaty
Germany paid reparations, limits on army, no troops in Rhineland, Austria couldn't join with Germany
Limits on German army after WWI
Size of max. 100,000 men, no conscription, no tanks, no planes, no heavy artillery, navy greatly reduced, no submarines
Limits on German army after WWI
Size of max. 100,000 men, no conscription, no tanks, no planes, no heavy artillery, navy greatly reduced
Aims of League of Nations
Prevent war, protect small countries, promote 'collective security', provide humanitarian aid
Problems with League of Nations
USA didn't join, Russia and Germany not invited, no army, big powers were selective in supporting the league
Failures of League of Nations
Japanese invasion of Manchuria (China), Italian invasion of Abyssinia (Ethiopia), Hitler and WWII
What was the march on Rome?
March organised by fascists, fears government would be overthrown
Italian secret police
Italian for leader
Il Duce
When was the Lateran Treaty made?
Summary of Lateran Treaty
Italian government paid compensation money to Catholic church for lost land, Vatican recognised Italian state, Pope Pius XI, Catholicism official religion of Italy, church controls religious education in schools, Italy recognised Vatican City, government would pay salaries of bishops and priests
When did Italy invade Abyssinia?
When did Italy join WWII?
When was Mussolini killed and by whom?
1945, Italian partisans
Who appointed Mussolini as PM?
King Victor Emmanuel III
When was Fascio di Combattimento set up?
When was the march on Rome?
How did the Fascists become the more popular party?
By intimidating opponents
Which leader did the fascists kill?
Matteoti of the Socialist party
When was Acerbo Law introduced?
What did the Acerbo Law do?
Gave 2/3 of seats to biggest party
By which year was Italy a Fascist Dictatorship?
How did Mussolini gain popularity?
Cult of the leader, propaganda, youth groups (Ballila), marches, parades, clampdown on opposition
What were the Nuremberg Rallies?
Nazi speeches outlining views, propaganda
2 developments in medicine in the Renaissance
William Harvey discovered the heart pumped blood around the body, Andreas Vesalius used scalpel for surgery