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61 Cards in this Set

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How did the U.S. acquire Florida?
-1816 Us troops crossed east Florida to pursue hostile Seminole Indians (1st Siminole war) lead by Jackson
- Adams informed Spain that the Us acted in self-defense and they would stop the fighting if east Florida was handed over to the us
- Spanish empire was breaking apart so they didn't resist the US
- Adams-Onis treaty was signed 1819
Explain the commercial interest in the early Far west
- New york merchant, John Jacob Aster, founded the fur-trade post of Astoria on Columbia River in Oregon town
- This began the Rocky Mt. fur trade 1822
Name the primary sellers of much of the land bought by settlers
- Squatters would settle onto lands before it was acquired by govt. and put it up for auction
- speculators
Name the components of the revolution in transportation in early 19th century
-Land transport
-coastal shipping
- water transport was required(national system of river transport gave economy rapid development)
- Steam power river boats were invented, which reduced the cost and increased speed of moving goods and people
- allowed a two-way route on the Miss and Ohio
Name the inventor of the steamboat
-1807 Robert Fulton "Clermont"
Explain the origin and importance of the Erie canal
-Provided a way to ship western farm produce east
- linked seaboard cities to the Great Lakes, Ohio, and Miss
- 364 long, 40 wide, 4 deep, 84 locks
- Reduced the cost of moving goods from Buffalo to Albany by 1/12
- helped make NYC the commercial cap of the nation
Describe how the Canal Age ended
-1830's and 1840's most waterways were unprofitable
- state credit was overextend
- Panic and depression forced retrenchment
- railroads were beginning to compete
Describe the New American market
- Staple crops, credit, and battering
- The intermediaries shipped crops to larger markets and charged fees
- The need for credit encouraged the growth of money and banking
- Private and state banking began
Name the principle export of the South
Name the industry in which the factory system developed first
-textile manufacturing
- cotton mills used power looms and spinning machinery
Describe the basic beliefs of the Democratic-Republicans by 1815
- Reestablishment of the National Bank
- Protective tariff for industrial growth providing a "home market"
- A program of federally financed internal improvements to bind
Discuss Madison's position on the protective tariff in 1790 and 1816
-1790 he was against it
-1816 he was for it
Name the president associated with the Era of good feelings
James Monroe
Describe the Missouri Compromise
-Missouri was a slave state
- Maine was a free state
- Prohibited slavery in Louisiana
- Was a law passed 1820 as a way to determine whether slavery would be allowed in Western territories
Discuss the basic beliefs of chief Justice Marshall
- Federalist
- Discouraged dissent and sought to hammer out a single opinion on almost every case that came before court
- Nationalist; strength, security, and happiness of American people depended on economic growth and new wealth
- Wanted protection of liberty, right to acquire land above political, social, or economical equality
- wanted the court to enforce the constitution
Describe the basic tenants of the Monroe Doctrine
-Recognize and establish diplomatic ties with Latin American Republics
- Us opposed any further colonization in Americas, or any effort by European nations to extend their political systems outside
- Us pledged not to involve itself in the internal affairs of Europe or European wars
Explain the results of the decline of deference in political terms.
-self made men could rise to power and have an effect in politics
- not in of exclusiveness were much more likely to be scorn in politics
Describe how politics changed in the 1820's
-Universal white man suffrage "if you were a white man, you could vote"
- increase in officials being elected rather than appointed
- rise of the 2nd two party system
- dramatic rise in people in politics
Name the presidential candidates in 1824
- J.Q. Adams
- Jackson
- Clay
Explain the elements of the "Corrupt Bargain" of 1824
-No one won the majority of votes, but Jackson got the most electoral votes
- The house elected Adams over Jackson
- Clay became secretary of state
Describe the reason John Quincy Adams had problems as president
- Suspicion of corrupt bargaining
- foreign affairs
- domestic affairs (wanted more federal involvement in economy, but the people did not)
- 1826 congress changed to a pro Jackson congress
Name the supporters of Andrew Jackson in 1828
- Van Bureau
- John Callahoun (leader of states rights for pro-slavery
- Francis Blair and Kindle
Discuss the basic elements of the election of 1828
- Rise of mass Democracy
- Race become "man of the people" vs. "aristocrats"
- Jackson wins
Describe the basic aspects of the "Spoils System"
-AKA patronage system
- political party, after winning, gives govt. jobs to its supporters (sometimes friends and relatives) as a reward for working toward victory
- goods or benefits taken form the loser in a election
Explain Jackson's Indian policy
-Immediate removal of all Eastern Indians & move them West of the Miss
- Indian removal policy
- states rights over Indians rights
- trail of tears
Explain why the tariff hurt South Carolina so much
- Raised the price on manufactured goods because they had to import them
- Economic crisis
- threatened to undermine their foreign markets by inciting counter-protection
Name the leaders of the souther states rights movement
-John Calhoun (vice president)
Explain the Doctrine of Nullification in 1832
-states could nullify any federal law they saw unconstitutional
- South Carolina disputed a states right to nullify a federal law
- tariff acts of 1828 and 1832 are unauthorized by the constitution and dare therefore null and void
- Made by Andrew Jackson
Describe the events & result of the Nullification crisis of 1832
-Jackson threatened to use military force on south Carolina
Name the author of the Compromise Tariff of 1833
- written by Henry Clay
- Jackson signed it
Name the president of the Second National Bank
Nicholas Biddle took over in 1823
Describe the events of the bank war of 1832
-Biddle wanted renewal through congress
- Jackson moved against it
- Congress favored the bill to recharter the bank and passed it
- Jackson vetoed it
Explain how Jackson destroyed the Second National Bank
- he removed all Federal deposits from Biddle's vault (which hurt the bank)
- Jackson tells secretary of treasure to deposit money in the state banks
- vetoed the re-charter by congress
Name the candidates for president in 1836
-Van Burren (Wins, Democrat)
Explain why Martin Van Burren's administration failed
-state of the economy (depression)
- cotton prices fell by 50%
- Banks suspended specie payments
-businesses went bankrupt and tons were unemployed
- panic of 1837
Explain the presidential campaign of 1840
-whigs used Jackson propaganda against Buren by portraying him as an Aristocrat
-election was in favor of Harrison
-whigs won
-whigs proceeded to revive the bank and restore the economy
Explain the relationship of Antebellum white society with slavery
-Society was divided by class and region
- Large planters were the dominant class and non-slave-holders were of lower social rank
- All whites were free and most blacks were slaves
- Slaves were converted to Christianity
Describe the daily life of the average slave
- worked sun down to sun up
List the occupations held by slaves
-dug ditches, built houses, worked on boats and mulls
-labored as house servants, caretakers
-healers (women)
-Built railroads
Describe the sociological relationship of the slave family
-strong sense of family and kinship
- large plantation kids typically had sets of parent because they would get separated
- marriage lasted 20-30 years
- children and parents were close on small plantations
Name the major American Slave revolts
-Vesey Conspiracy
- Gabriels army
- underground railroad
Describe the various methods of slave resistance in the South
-Day-today resistance (runaway, armed, faked illness, set fires, poisoned their masters)
- tried to seize local armies and develop escape routes to the north
Explain the role of Free Blacks in the Old South
-Free people of color had to register or have white guardians who were responsible for their behavior
-Had to carry papers proving their free status
-in some state they to get permission to move from one country to the other
Describe the role of the large planter in the Old South
-set the tone and values for much of the society
- wealthy planters held more than their share of high offices and often has an influence on the public policies
Explain how large planter of the cotton kingdom lived
-entrepreneurs who kept a watchful eye on the market
-most plantation families did live in the manner of traditional aristocracy
-big houses and a lot of servants
Discuss the role of the small slaveholders in the Old south
-need domestic slaves only for domestic services
-Farmers who used 1 or 2 slaves to ease the burden of their own labor
- lived in log cabins, slaves lived in lots or sheds
-relationship between owners and slaves were more intimate (but not aways treated better)
Describe the economic and social characteristics of the Yeoman whites in the Old South
-Shiftless poor whites, ambitious young men seeking to become land owners
-Stayed in backcountry where slaves were rarely seen
-Mountaineers who lived too high to farm, relied on hunting
- Women worked the gardens and made clothes
- Main source of income was livestock
-tolerated slavery but opposed abolishment
Describe the basis of the proslavery argument
-enslavement was the natural and proper thing for people of African decent
-Slavery was held to be sanctioned by the bible and Christianity
- efforts were made to show that slavery was consistent with the humanitarian spirit of the 19th century
Describe the internal slave trade
-As slave prices fell, the internal slave trade took off
- the most profitable business for slaveholders in Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland, and the Carolinas was selling surplus slaves from upper south
- interstate slave trade sent 6-7 hundred thousand slaves in the south 1815-1860
Name the major cash crops in coastal South Carolina and Georgia
-rice and cotton
Name the major cash crop in Southern Louisiana
Explain the role of short staple cotton in the southern economy
- the seeds were more difficult to remove by hand
- could be grown anywhere south of Virginia and Kentucky
- strengthened the hold of slavery in the South
Explain the issue of the profitability of slavery
-depended on access to new and fertile land
- prices of slaves rose, and squeezed many operators
- slavery reached limits and became unprofitable
Describe the Second Great Awakening on the southern frontier
-50 thousand ministers gathered at Cane Ridge Kentucky
-Emotional camp meetings, organized mostly by Methodists or Baptists
- Social and emotional discipline (improved morales)
- if sinner, your neck would get broken
Describe the Second Great Awakening in the North
-New England and New York less emotional than south
- Mostly Presbyterians and Congregationalists
- Followed New England's Puritan traditions
- Started as an efforts to defend Calvinism against the liberals
- Ability to overcome a natural inclination to sin
Explain how the northern wind of the second great awakening inspired social reform
- voluntary associations that tried to stop sins and social evils and win the world for Christ
- New York, Evangelicals worked towards stamping out gambling, prostitution, and dueling
Discuss the change in marriage and sex roles in 19th century reforms
- Parents took less control over their children's selections of mates
- desire to protect family and maintain a social status
- First names became "honey" and "darling"
- felt lost without their mate
- no equality for women, men had the legal authority
Describe the role of the child in the 19th century
-Viewed as the main function of the family
- Learned to be disciplined
-Women and children were used for labor
Explain how education was extend in the 19th century
-free public schools
-prepared them to make a living and bear burdens
-established the state board of education and got tax support
Describe the Abolitionist movement in the north
-free the black community
- negro convention movement
- refused to fight in war against Spain for land west of the south (because they liked slavery)
Describe the women's rights movement in the mid 19th century
-equal rights of leadership roles
- right to vote
-married women be freed from unjust laws given by husbands
-reject the cult of domesticity