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36 Cards in this Set

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"War Of the Tarriffs"
protected Northern manufacturing profits were causing economic difficulty in the slave-holding South
Southerners had to pay much higher prices for imported manufactured goods
Cotton Kingdom
cotton-producing region of the southern United States up until the Civil War.
Short lives in 1860
the employment of slave labor
Sucession of
the Upper South
anti-slavery United States on their frontier, could never hope to maintain slavery as a viable economic and social institution.
Dred Scott Case
African descent imported into the United States and held as slaves, or their descendants[2]—whether or not they were slaves—were not protected by the Constitution and could never be citizens of the United States
Nashville Convention
Delegates met to consider a possible course of action if the United States Congress decided to ban slavery in the new territories being added to the country
Military training
West point and the Napoleonic Wars
Military Men- Baron antoine Heniri Samini
Karl VOn Clauswitz
Developed Mathematical rules
1861- rifles invented , cone shaped barrel.
Military Organizations
Full General- Army- 36,000
Lt General- Corps- 18,000
Major Gen. Division- 9,000
Brigadier. Gen. Brigade- 4,500
Lt.Col. Full Col. Regiment- 1000-1,500
Major or Lt. col. Battlaion (smallest significance)
Captain- Company- 100
Empahzised individual expression, emotuion and logic and reason.
Concerned with problems created by industrial Revolution
Want to Change Constitution
Southern Intangibles
1. War Aims
What are you fighting for? all you had to do was survuve, defend homes resist invasion
2. Spirit of the South Population
People knew that slavery couldnt survive in the south, and why didnt blacks get armed?
3. Boldness, inspirational qualities of the military and civilian leaders
more people of the south joined the armed forces. South with the advantage of leadership- top five southerners. Recruit regiments by poster.
Eastern and Western Theaters

Western:It originally represented the area east of the Mississippi River and west of the Appalachian Mountains
Grand Strategies
1. Tactics- how you conduct battles, left right defence? calvary?
Strategy-How you conduct companies, how you go about position
Grand Strategy: protect the statecraft and warcraft, conduct wars, buy off allies, do things they won't like.
Missouri Compromise 1820-1821
agreement passed between the pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions. It prohibited slavery in the former Louisiana Territory
John Brown's Raid
attempt by abolitionist John Brown to start armed slave revolt by seizing a United States Arsenal at Harpers Ferry in Virginia in 1859. raid defeated Col. Robert E. Lee.
Kansas Nebraska Act
The act established that settlers could vote to decide whether to not allow slavery, in the name of popular sovereignty or rule of the people
Ease relations between the north and south.
Freeport Doctrine
Lincoln tried to force Douglas to choose between the principle of popular sovereignty proposed by the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the United States Supreme Court case of Dred Scott which stated that slavery could not legally be excluded from the territories. Douglas', despite the court's ruling, slavery could be prevented from any territory by the refusal of the people living in that territory to pass laws favorable to slavery.
wage-slaves or Wage Slavery
a person is dependent for a livelihood on the wages earned, draw an analogy between slavery and wage labor
Slavery and the mexican secession
The Wilmot Proviso,by Senator David Wilmot, banning slavery in any new territory to be acquired from Mexico, not including Texas
Election of 1848
Parties- Zach Taylor (Whigs) Lewis Cass (Democrat)
Taylor- talked abou secession, right away as free states
Cass- Supporter of the Doctrine of Popular Sovereignty, which held that the people who lived in a territory should decide whether or not to permit slavery there

Taylor wins election of 1848
Compromise of 1850
Hnery Clay of KT. floor of the senate 5 bills
1. Cali as free state
2.Mex secession into utah and NM
3. Abolition of interstate slavetrade in dist. of columbia
4. Texas NM boundaries in favor of NM
5. Strong fugitive slave law, arrest slaves on the run.
Native American Party/ Know-Nothings
popular fears that the country was being overwhelmed by German and Irish Catholic immigrants, who were often regarded as hostile to U.S. values and controlled by the Pope in Rome
Election of 1856 Parties/candidates/platforms/results
James Buchanan- Democrat
John C fremont- Republican
Milard Filmore- American
Platform- Democrat- popular soverignty
Republican- free white men, high tariffs, free homstead in west. total abolition of slavery
american- Revival of sectional compromise

Buchanan wins 1856 election 1.8-1.3
Nullification of 1832
that the federal Tariff of 1828 were unconstitutional and therefore null and void within the sovereign boundaries of South Carolina.
Rise of The Republican Party
Leader- Abraham Lincoln
goals- anti-slavery
from Kansas Nebraska Act.Main issue, slavery in the territories
Election of 1860
Sets the stage for the Civil War
Parties/Candidates: Lincoln (republican) Breckinridge (Democrat)
Platforms- Lincoln: high tariffs and federal funding, protect and deny slavery.
Breckinridge: Adhear to constitution of laws.

Lincoln wins election of 1860:
Industrial Revolution
tremendous increase in production/population
Hits New England area
Wages controlled
Steam engine- dont get tired/coal/wood.
negative- social impications
fantastic process for entrepenural elite
War- result in industrial revolution
Crittenden Compromise
Amendment that would connect missouri compromise line and extend to Calisfornia . South would get NM and TX
Confederate Constitution
the supreme law of the Confederate States of America,
Panic of 1837
May 10, 1837 in New York City, when every bank stopped payment in gold and silve. followed by a five-year depression, with the failure of banks and record-high unemployment levels.
Election of 1852
Parties/Candidates: Franklin Peirce- Democrats. Winfeild Scott- Whigs
Platforms- Scott- Anti-slavery reputation
Winfield- Mx War Brigadier General
Pierce wins 1852 election
Preston Brooks
was a Democratic Congressman from South Carolina, known for severely beating Senator Charles Sumner on the floor of the United States Senate with a cane in response to a perceived insult
Washington Peace Conference
emphasis for peacefully preserving the Union focused on the eight slaveholding states with the states of Virginia and Kentucky playing key roles. reach compromise over the issues relating to slavery that were dividing the nation
Fort Sumter
The fort is best known as the site upon which the shots initiating the American Civil War were fired, at the Battle of Fort Sumter.
recruiting the ranks and t he camp life
Recruit from posters.
Discipline- rejected authority by nature
larger numbers of population= harsh discipline.
Camp life: Terrible conditions
Significance of the border States
didn't secede and become part of the Confederacy. they believed if they invaded MD, Kt, Ms,DE, they would be greeted as liberators,
James Tallmadge
Tallmadge, an opponent of slavery, sought to impose conditions on Missouri that would extinguish slavery within a generation:

Instead the Missouri Compromise was agreed to.
uncle toms cabin

Hareit Beacher Stowe
Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave around whom the stories of other characters—both fellow slaves and slave owners—revolve