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52 Cards in this Set

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John Quincy Adams
National Republican diplomat and congressman. John Adam's son and Monroe's secretary of state late to be elected President in 1824 putting the Virginia Dynasty to an end.
The Monroe Doctrine
Document writen in 1823 that established the U.S. as the most powerful in the Western Hemisphere. The doctrine renewed relationships with Latin America, and sought nationalism on a military level.
The Missouri Compromise
Document writeen by James Tallmadge in 1820. In 1820s Missouri was made a slave state and Maine a free state. The compromise created a balance between the N. and S. This put off the civil war for another 30 yrs.
James Madison
President elected in 1812 laid out a system of government of economical developmentin 1815, with a national bank, tarrifs, and federally financed improvements on railroads and canals.System was called "American System."
James Monroe
Last of Virginian presidents, elected in 1816 and reelected in 1820. Presided during a time called "Era of Good Feelings."
Andrew Jackson
President from Tenesee elected in 1828. During his two terms he expanded federal power,power of the executive branch,power of the individual, voting rights, removed most natives, created a 2nd party system, and expanded territory and military.
Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun
Republican party leader and nationalist during the early 1800's.
Dorr Rebellion
In 1841 a covention was formed to draft a new constitution for Rhode Island which previously stated that all men had to own property to vote, however the new constituion left out black men who could previously vote if they had property. They then proceeded to inaugurate Thomas Dorr as govenor but the presidet sent troops in disbanding the movement. This showed the continuing issues of excluding any one group of white men from voting.
Indian Removal
Andrew Jackson removed most Indian to new land east of the mississippi river during his presidency. Through Marshall ruled that the cherokee were to be granted the laws they were promised under their treaty Jackson ignored this.
Martin Van Buren
Founder of the democratic party.President elected in 1836. Believed in political party competition, which provided checks for eachother, and offered voters a choice.
Nullification Crisis
The tarrif of 1812 had gained alot of oppostion. John Calhoun was the leading theorist of the nullification. Most of the south wanted to void the tarriff.
Cherokee v. Georgia
A supremem court case where Marshall ruled that Indians are like wards of the government and there fore the court had no juridiction to protect the tribes against Georiga.
Nicholas Biddle
An aristocrat from Phiadelphia who headed the first national bank who had used the banks power to stop the overissuing of money by local banks in the 1820's.
Roger Taney
A maryland democrat appointed by Jackson to the Treasury to care out the move of federal funds to local banks. Later appointed as cheif of Justice.
William Henry Harrison
The whigs nominated him as their candidate for president. Verteran war success with Indians. Promoted as a common man.
Daniel Webster
Senator who was against nullification and said nullification was a form of treason in 1830.
Gabriel Prosser
Lead the first revolt of the Ante Bellum south in 1800. He was not successful because someone leaked the idea.
Nat Turner
Slave rebel and preacher in Virginia. Lead "Nat Turner's Rebellion" in 1831. In his rebellion most of the vitims were women and children and he and his small army killed about 60 whites.
Harriet Tubman
A slave who escaped in 1849, and went back to her native state 20 times to rescure other slaves via the underground railroad.
James D.B. De Bow
A southerner who, through his magazine in 1846, encouraged Southern independance.
John Randolph
Insulted Henry clay in 1826 on the floor of congress and later dueled with him. Both missed.
King Cotton
Cotton had become the most important crop for trade internationally and the South supplied 3/4 of it. As early as 1803 it was the most important American export.
Slave Codes
System of laws suggested by S. to keep slaves in control. All ofenders could be punished by death. Slaves were not allowed out after dark, to have property, to strike a white, to have guns.
Denmark Vesey
Slave revolt in 1822 in Charleston SC. Consisted of 9,000 slaves. Unsuccessful do to information leak.
Joseph Smith
A young farmer in upstate NY who founded the Mormons in 1820's. He along with his followers were driven out of NY,and many other states.
Brigham Young
Joseph Smiths successor as Morman leader. He led over 10,000 followers to the great salt lake in the 1840's.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Writer of Uncle Toms Cabin which was to resemble the autobiography of a fugitive slave. Published in 1852 it sold over a million copies in the next two years. It protrayed slaves as sympathetic men and women,and made slaveholders look like horrible people.
Susan B Anthony
Femenist in the late 1800's who beleived in womans rights, and a different family life.
William Lloyd Garrison
Author of The Liberator, which demanded eaqual rights for blacks in the early 1800's.
Elizabeth Cady Staton
Key organizer in the Seneca Falls convention of 1848. Supported anti-slavery and the womens rights movement.
Horace Mann
A Mass. lawyer and whig politician served on the board of education.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Author who wrote Blithedale Romance in 1852 which showed a skeptical view of life on Brook Farm.
Henry David Thoreau
Jalled in Mass. in 1846 for refusing to pay taxes as a protest to the Mexican War. Wrote an essay call on Civil Disobediance inspiring many others later to partake in peaceful protest.
Texas Independance
Oregon Trail
Assisted by Natives Americans follwed beliefs of Manifest Destiny and migrated West into the Oregon Territory. 1840's
Wilmot Proviso
Congressman of Pennsylvania proposed in 1846 that all territory aquired from mexico be anti-slave.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
In 1848 The US and Mexico agreed to cession of a lot of land from California and the mid-west to the US. In return the US gave 15 mil to Mexico.
Santa Anna
Mexican dictator and war general that lost in the Meican War in 1840.
Sam Houston
Former governor of Tenesee who defeated Santa Anna's army at San Jacinto.
The Compromise of 1850
Replaces compromise of 1820. Declares California as a free state. No ban on slavery on all territory aquired in Mex. American War. Slave ban in Washington. Also puts in plavce the Fugitive Slave acts.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Bill by Stephen Douglas a democrat from Illinois. Replaced Compromise of 1850. Let the population decided if a state had slavery or not.
John Brown
Goes west to get away from slavery, when Kansas is declared a slave state he goes on a murderous rampage killing 4 slave owning families. 1850's
Abraham Lincoln
Elected President in 1860,
Dred Scott Decision
Turning point in war S. on defense from then on 1863 Pennsylvania.
Jefferson Davis
Secretary of War, from Mississippi. One of the countries largests slave holders.
Ulysses Grant
Union Soilder from Illinois. Won first significant battle for Union in 1862 captured Forts Henry and Donelson in Tenessee.
Emancipation Proclamation
In Jan of 1863 Lincoln signed this document freeing slaves in areas of complete Union control.
Sherman’s March to the Sea
Marches from Virginia to Georgia to the sea in 1864-65 destroying all S. railroads.
Thirteenth Amendment
Amendment to the constitution adopted in 1865 that abolished slavery throughout the US.
The Homestead and Morrill Acts
Act passed in 1862that authorized congress to grant 160 acres of public land to a western settlerwho had to live on the land for five years to establish the title.
Appomattox Courthouse
Site of the surrender of Confederate general Robert E. Lee to the Union general Ulysses ggrand in 1865, ending the Civil war.