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54 Cards in this Set

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Who was Tecumseh and what did he do?

A. he was an indian who thought they should make peace with the Americans.

B. he was a French messenger who asked America for help fighting the French Revolution

c. he was a British ambassador who made a treaty with Americans
- He was an Indian Chief
- He thought they should just make peace. (They don't even take bribes.)
What happened to Tecumseh?
He and his people were defeated by Governor Harrison at Ticppacanoe. (454 people, including women and children, were killed.)
What is a Specie?

A. Coins
B. People
C. Immigrants
D. Land
E. Laws
a coin
What two countries fought in the War of 1812?

A. England AGAINST America
B. French AGAINST French
C. French AGAINST England
England AGAINST America
Why did we fight the War of 1812?

A. England refused to recognize us as a country
B. Indians were attacking us and the English were helping them
C. English were trying to "impress" (force) our ships
D. Boundary Disputes
- England refused to recognize us as a country
- Indians were attacking us and the English were helping them
- English were trying to "impress" (force) our ships

EXCEPT: boundary disputes
What does the word Sectionalism mean? How does this apply to the U.S.?
- A split in the sections of a country
- the protective tariff added a tax. South were upset because they imported most of their goods, so it affected them more than the North.
Which president was in charge during the Era of Good Feelings?

A. George Washington
B. James Monroe
C. Thomas Jefferson
D. Alexander Hamilton
James Monroe
Henry Clay designed the American system, a group of laws, to help build the U.S. What were some parts of the plan?
- funds for a Standing Army
- build roads
- build canals
- buy more frigates (ships)
- protective tariff (tax stuff coming from other countries so people would buy American! Yea America!)
What was the Bonus Bill and why didn't Madison like it?

A. The bonus bill was to build roads connecting North and South and he didn't like it because it created a separation between the North and the South. It hurt the SOUTH

B. The bonus bill was to build roads connecting North and South and he didn't like it because it created a separation between the North and the South. It hurt the NORTH

C. The bonus bill gave extra taxes to combat veterans after the Revolutionary War. They thought this hurt the Loyalists who were on British's side during the war.
A. The bonus bill was to build roads connecting North and South and he didn't like it because it created a separation between the North and the South. It hurt the SOUTH
What was the point of the Hartford Convention?

A. It was when the people from the South refused to help fight War of 1812. Americans were mad at them for not helping.
B. It was when the people from New England refused to help fight War of 1812. Americans were mad at them for not helping.
C. It was when the Senators from Kentucky and Virginia got together to decide how to make laws
It was when the people from New England refused to help fight. Americans were mad that New England was refusing to help their own country.
What's an embargo?

A. When our country prohibits / forbids us to trade with another country.
B. When we put a tax on imported goods
C. When we block ships from entering our waters
When our country prohibits / forbids us to trade with another country.
Who did Burr fight against and why wasn't he found guilty?

A. Thomas Jefferson - he was acquitted (found innocent) because only one witness

B.Alexander Hamilton - he was acquitted (found innocent) because there was no confession

C. Alexander Hamilton - he was acquitted (found innocent) because only one witness
Alexander Hamilton - he was acquitted (found innocent) because only one witness
What was the Non-Intercourse Act and how did help American commerce?
It allowed America to trade with countries (except for England and France)
Who didn't want to fight the War of 1812?

A. Frenchmen
B. the South
C. New England merchants
D. New England Farmers
New England Merchants
What is the Writ of Mandamus?
It is part of the Judiciary Act. It gave the Supreme Court power to carry out an action.
Who were the famous war hawks? (Pick 2)

A. Henry Clay (Kentucky)
B. Thomas Jefferson (Virginia)
C. Alexander Hamilton (Connecticut)
D. John C. Calhoun (South Carolina)
They were Congressmen:
Henry Clay (Kentucky)
John C. Calhoun (South Carolina)
Who led the Battle of Tippecanoe?

A. General Harrison
B. General Jackson
C. General Hamilton
D. General Jefferson
General Harrison
What is the Macon's Bill?
It gave France power because the U.S. said that they will trade with whoever stops attacking the U.S., and the French did in order to squeeze out England.
What was the Chesapeake Leopard Incident?

A. When the French asked for our help and we refused.
B. The English attacked our ships. It hurt our pride.
C. When the Indians attacked us with guns they bought from the British
The English attacked our ships. It hurt our pride.
Who was Citizen Genet?

A. He was French and tried to get the U.S. to help fight the French Revolution

B. Made a treaty with the Spanish to help let us use the Mississippi River

C. He made a treaty with England (to remove the forts/posts from the U.S.)

D. When Napoloen took over Haiti and enslaved the people there, he led the revolts against the French
He tried to get the U.S. to help fight the French Revolution, but they issued the Proclamation of Neutrality (they refused to fight and remained neutral)
Who was Thomas Pinckney?

A. He was French and tried to get the U.S. to help fight the French Revolution

B. Made a treaty with the Spanish to help let us use the Mississippi River

C. He made a treaty with England (to remove the forts/posts from the U.S.)

D. When Napoloen took over Haiti and enslaved the people there, he led the revolts against the French
Made a treaty with the Spanish to help let us use the Mississippi River
Who was John Jay?

A. He was French and tried to get the U.S. to help fight the French Revolution

B. Made a treaty with the Spanish to help let us use the Mississippi River

C. He made a treaty with England (to remove the forts/posts from the U.S.)

D. When Napoloen took over Haiti and enslaved the people there, he led the revolts against the French
He made a treaty with England (to remove the forts/posts from the U.S.)
Who was Toussant L'Ouverture

A. He was French and tried to get the U.S. to help fight the French Revolution

B. Made a treaty with the Spanish to help let us use the Mississippi River

C. He made a treaty with England (to remove the forts/posts from the U.S.)

D. When Napoloen took over Haiti and enslaved the people there, he led the revolts against the French
When Napoloen took over Haiti and enslaved the people there, L'Ouverture led the revolts against the French
Who are the Jacobins?
During the French Revolution, the Jacobins took over and during the REIGN OF TERROR, they killed anyone who spoke badly about the government
What is a Tariff?

A. When our country prohibits / forbids us to trade with another country.
B. When we put a tax on imported goods
C. When we block ships from entering our waters
a tax on goods that are imported (brought into the country)
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
Helped with the 12th amendment, which change how the president was elected,
What is the ALIEN part of the ALIEN & SEDITION ACT?
Says that an immigrant (or alien) has to be in the country for 14 years to be a citizen.
What was Pinckney's Treaty?

A. Made England remove forts/posts from America
B. Was a treaty with Spain who controlled the Mississippi River
C. A treaty with the French to give the money, but no tributes
- Was a treaty with Spain who controlled the Mississippi River
- it allowed U.S. ships to go on the Mississippi river, the gulf of Mexico, port of New Orleans
What is the SEDITION part of the ALIEN & SEDITION ACT?
Says that you can't write or say anything that could incite (or start) a rebellion or revolt
Why did they have the ALIEN & SEDITION ACT?
Because many people in America (the Democrat Republicans) were friendly with the French, and we didn't want to get involved in the French Revolution. So this would stop the French from coming
What is illegal about the ALIEN & SEDITION ACT?
It goes against the 1st amendment: freedom of speech
Why did the french start attacking us after the XYZ Affair?
because we paid millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute (brives)
Jefferson wanted the U.S. to be what type of country?
a country of farmers
What was so important about George Washington's Farewell Address?
He warned us to not get involve with other country's problems. Don't take sides.
What was so important about the Louisiana Purchase?
it gave us control of the Mississippi River
Who were the Barbary States?

A. They were PIRATES from Northern Africa who attacked American ships

B. They were French states that attacked during the French Revolution

C. They were English Ambassadors that paid these people to fight for the War of 1812
They were PIRATES from Northern Africa who attacked American ships
Where did Lewis and Clark go?

A. Mississippi River
B. To explore the land of the Louisiana purchase.
C. England to get a treaty
D. France to make a treaty
To explore the land of the Louisiana purchase.
Why was Jefferson hesitant to go ahead with the Louisiana Purchase?
Because he thought it contradicted his policy on the constitution--that the president can't decide to buy land....but he went ahead with it anyway ;)
Who was Zebulan Pike?

A. He was French and tried to get the U.S. to help fight the French Revolution

B. Made a treaty with the Spanish to help let us use the Mississippi River

C. He made a treaty with England (to remove the forts/posts from the U.S.)

D. When Napoloen took over Haiti and enslaved the people there, he led the revolts against the French

E. He explored the United States in the South with information about the Spanish
He explored the United States in the South with information about the Spanish
How did the XYZ affair lead to an unofficial war between the U.S. and the French?
France was angry that we didn't give money for tributes, so this led to an unofficial naval battle--b/c America wanted to claim they were neutral
Why did Napoleon give up his plan to take over the Western Hemisphere?
because in Haiti, his soldiers made the Haiti people slaves, but they started to fight back....and there was Yellow Fever :(
What did Jay's Treaty decide?
- England should remove forts
- England should remove ships
- Loyalists should be compensated (paid back) for lost land
How did Hamilton and Jefferson disagree about the French Revolution? Who wanted to fight? Who didn't?
Hamilton: he was against the French Revolution.

Jefferson: he wanted to help them fight. It is worth it to make the French free from their leader. To give them liberty (freedom!) is worth it.
What did the Virginia and Kentucky Resolution say?

A. states have the right to declare a war null and void
B. that states have the power to declare laws null and void
C. States have the right to choose the president
D. There is a need for a government
that states have the power to declare laws null and void
What were the midnight judges?

A. judges who were bad during Adam's administration
B. judges were near the end of their term during the administration
C. They were judges that were appointed last minute during Adams' presidency
D. Served until a very old age during Adams administration
They were judges that were appointed last minute during Adams' presidency
Who is Sacajawea?
An indian who helped Lewis and Clark
Who fought a famous duel?
Hamilton and Burr
How did Jefferson fight against the Barbary pirates?

A. He declared war against them
C. He made a protective tariff (so no one would buy their stuff) and sent out a fleet of ships led by Stephen Decataur.
D. signed a peace treaty (Jay's Treaty)
He made a protective tariff (so no one would buy their stuff) and sent out a fleet of ships led by Stephen Decataur.
Madison gave all the reasons for declaring war on Britain in 1812 EXCEPT:

A. Impressment of soldiers
B. Boundary disputes
C. Blockades on American shipping
D. Incitement of Native AMericans
EXCEPT boundary disputes
Which of the following INCORECTLLY identifies one aspect of economic sectionalsim following the War of 1812?

A. The West was a land of small farms
B. The South depended on large plantations
C. New England depended on agriculture
D. The Middle Atlantic States were reliant on commerce
New England depended on agriculture
General Eisenhower followed the career pattern as

A. Andrew Jakcson
B. Thomas Jefferson
C. Henry Clay
D. Stephen Decatur
Andrew Jackson
Which had the most positive effect on American commerce?

A. British orders in council
B. Napoleon's victory
C. Chesapeake Affair
D. Non-Intercourse Act
D. Jay's Treaty
E. PInckney's Treaty
Non Intercourse Act
Millions for Defense, but not one cent for tribute....

A. XYZ treaty
B. Impressments of sailors
C. Jay Treaty
D. Pinckney's Treat
XYZ Treaty
Jefferson hoped that U.S. would become a nation of...

A. Farmers
B. Commerce
C. Industry