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70 Cards in this Set

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group of closely related African languages
crop that enable the bantu to survive
results of the bantu migration
africa's ppopulation increased to 22 million; africa developed over 500 langurages traaced to bantu
sub sahran customs that gave women equality to men
women were primary farmers;
family lines were traced thru the female
west africans trade what commodity for salt
how Sundiata secured economic control of Mali
taxed the gold trade
important feature of Timbuktu in Mali
university was an important learning center
state structure of Songhay under Sunni Ali
structured command system for the army; navy patrolled the Niger River
accomplishemnt of tthe Songhay
built numerous mosques and schools
enabled Morocco to destroy Songhay
gunpowder weapons
Swahili is a mix of bantu and
leading Swahili trading port by end of the 1200s
relgion that influenced the Swahili states
established the Delhi sultanate in India
religion that declined in India in PostClass pd
Muslim traders spread influence in SE Asia by
contorling the Indian Ocean Trade
travels of Ibn Battuta are significant because they
demonstrate the widespread influence of Islam
continue to be major trade routes in post class pd
indian ocean; silk roads
examples of spread of religino during post class
Islamic influences in many regions
examples of diffusion of technology in post class
gunpowder weapons from china to europe;
gunpowder weapons to the mongols
disease that killed millions from china to europe in post class
bubonic plague
demographic shifts in post class
nomadic ppl became dominated by settled ppl
between 800 and 1500, which had the most significant impact on sub saharan africa
arrival of islam
region of africa that first converted to islam
north africa
geographical location of Mali and Songhay
between the Niger and Senegal Rivers
the study of population is
why the Eastern Roman Empire survived longer than the western
Byzantine controlled trade routes to Asia and Africa
the Digest section of Justinian's code of law
summary of legal opinions
structure of teh Byzantine govt
military districts governed by generals;
theocracy (emperors were church patriarchs)
profitable industry the Byzantines stole from china
Byzantine practive regarding women that's similar to Athens
women were confined to the home
icon controversy split the Roman Cathlic and wat Church?
eastern orthodox
empire that eventually overthrew the Byzantines
ottoman turks
leader of the Rus in wat became Russia
boyars in Kiev
nobles who counseled the prince
what's the Pravda Ruskia
Russian code of law
how Byzantine influenced Russia
art and architecture;
law codes
distinction between the Islamic world and the European Christians
Islam stressed edu.
the middle ages covers wat time frame
500 ce to 1500 ce
Frankish king that halted the Muslim advance
Charles Martel
Charlemagne's system to rule his kingdom
missi dominici: traveling agents
what is the 'fief' in feudal Europe
land granted to a vassal by a noble or lord
allows the vassal's son to inherit the fief
what is compurgation
witnesses swear an oath and testify for the accused or accuser
economic structure of europe in middle ages
a bishop might also be wat in europe's economic and pollitical structure?
lord or vassal
spread christianity to irelandd
sant patrick
act of closing a church that didn't conform
norman king who dfeated the Anglo-Saxons at Hastings (1066)
William the Conqueror
court system implemented by Henry II
12 man jury
the Magna Carta had wat effect on the English monarchy
limits the powers of the king
in English parliament, the House of Commons includes:
knights and burgesses
German king who was made Holy Roman Emperor for aiding Pope John XII
Otto the Great
document intended to resolve disputes between church and German royalty over bishops
Concordat of Worms
outcomes of the First Crusade
Muslims and jews were slaughtered
describes revival of trade resulting from Crusades
Italian cities became middlemen for European trade
long-distance trade after teh Crusades
Silk Roads linked Europe and Asia;
Indian Ocean linked 3 continents
what does ''banca'' mean
money changer's bench
which is true of merchant guilds
they paid taxes if they traded outside their town
overall impact of Crusades
Europeans contacted other civilizations; renewed interest in long-distance trade
order to advance in a craft guild
apprentice, journeyman, master craftsman
rights of townspeople in High middle Ages
not required to work on the manor
for a serf to be free he lived in a town
more than a year
number of deaths in Europe from the Black Death
25 million
impact of the Black Death
increased demand for workers, leading to a decline in serfdom
writing in the vernacular language means
the common language of the region
effects of the 100 Years War on England
new weapons caused great loss of life;
parliament gained more pwoer than the king
effect of the 100 years War on relations between the king and assembly in France
assembly became less powerful than the king
female warrior who helped Charles VII to power in France
Joan of Arc
common them of the rise of monarchies at the end of the Middle Ages
competing powers led to improved weapons, and improved seafaring technology;
marks the beginning of the Early Modern Era