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40 Cards in this Set

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Thomas Becket

Archbishop of Canterbury

When was Thomas Becket killed?

December 29, 1170

How did the post change Becket?

He became like a monk and lived like his calling

The spot of Becket's death became a


People left

Valuables at the spot of Becket's death

They believed a visit to the shrine

Left them free of illness and disease

Where was Becket killed?

The floor of Cabterbury Cathedral

Henry VII

Shut down the monastaries and churches and he took what valuables he wanted

Henry hoped that

By appointing his good friend Becket to Archbishop, he might have more of a say in how the church punished offenders

How did becket die?

4 knights killed him because they thought the king wanted him dead



He and thomas were

Very good friends

What is the most important positiion in the church in medieval england?

The Archbishop of Canterbury

What did Henry not expect?

The change Thomas had when he became Archbishop

When was the appointment made?

In 1162

Who appointed Becket?

King Henry II of England.

What were Henry II's reforms?

He used common law to unify the people, and he used circuit judges.

Common law

Uniform laws in England that determined justice for all people. (Same laws on every manor)

Circuit Justices

Traveled to fuedal manors; used a judge and a jury.

Who is forced to sign the Magna Carta?

King John

Edward I

Developed Parliament


Advisors to the king

How did Parliament, common law, and circuit justices sway peoples' loyalty from the pope to the king?

People got more benefits, and things were now actually fair.

Is it bad or good that people became loyal to the king over the church?

Its not a bad thing

Why is this?

The Roman Catholic Church did not have true teachings.

Our constitution is based on..

The Magna Carta

Magna Carta 1

A watershed document that limited royal power and gave fuedal lords rights.

What did the noble landowners do?

They led a rebellion to take over London and force King John I to accede to their demands.

The nobles composed the magna carta in order to

Curb the power of the king and protect themselves from abuse of power.

When did the nobles do this?


What did the magna carta do?

It spelled out the people's garunteed rights.

When was the king forced to agree to the terms of the magna carta?

On June 19, 1215, at Runneymede.

What else did the magna carta do?

It gave the nobles the right to seize the king's castles if he did not abide by the law and respect their rights

The king did or did not abide by the agreement

He did not

Many of the rights listed in the magna carta were just..

A reiteration of what was already in the law, but the nobles did add some new rights

These rights

Influenced the development of democratic law, and they still hold sway today as part of due process

The magna carta established the right of

Habeas corpus

Habeas corpus

The authorities have to prove to a judge that they have just cause to detain a person.

The magna carta said that

The king did not have the right to take away other peoples' rights so he could not arrest them, imprison them, or seize their land or possessions without a trial by jury.

The magna carta set

The rule of law over the personal preferences of the king and garunteed individual civil rights.