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184 Cards in this Set

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The aztecs were one of the 3 first major empires in the new world before the 1500's. They helped prosper in education, medics, and administrative government
Prince Henry the Navigator
He was a minor prince of portugal. he established portugal's seafaring preeminence. he wanted to find a sea route to asia. he also dreamed of establishing a christian empire to fight the moors
The Conquistadores
they were spanish people who conquered lands while looking for gold. For example, cortez conquered the aztecs while on his exploration. He was from spain.
they were license to exact labor and tribute from the natives in specific areas
The enclosure movement
theory that the nation was the principal actor in the economy, not the individuals
Doctrine of predestination
It was the idea that was brought about by John Calvin, he believed that God has chosen who is going to heaven and hell, before they even existed.
The plantation model
it was when the english wanted to colonize with Ireland, so they put a part of their society in the middle of Ireland or elsewhere they might colonize
Coureurs de Bois
Adventurous French fur trappers
Croatoan (lost colony)
this was found on a post when white men were deserted on an island. Either colonists were slaughtered or left the settlement. We do not know what happened
3 reasons for intermarriage between native americans and the spanish explorers
1) women could bare children
2) Women were protected
3) Women could translate
3 important and postitive exchanges occurred b/t native americans and europeans in 16th century
1) cows, horses, pigs
2) corn
3) tobacco
3 major empires in new world up to the 1500's
1) aztecs
2) mayans
3) incans
5 tribes constituting the Iroquois confederation
1) cayuga
2) onondoga
3) Oneida
4) mohawk
5) seneca
7 catagories of pre- columbian indigenous people in north america
1. artic
2. plains
3. subartic
4. northwest coast
5. southwest
6. eastern woodlands
7. far west
Scholars estimate that more than 50 million people and perhaps as many as _ _, lived in the Americas by 1500
75 million
The 3 pre columbian civilizations that occupied central and S.S were the -, the -, and the -
The north american indian tribe that occupied land near present day St. Louis, MO was the - Indians.
The - - was a catastrophic epidemic of the - plague that began in Constantinople in 1347 and decimated Europe killing more than one thirt of the population.
Black death
Christopher columbus was born and raist in -, Italy. He obtained his skills in seafaring from the -. He was commissioned by Queen - of - to find a trade route to china.
When columbust sailed by the - River, he concluded that he had discored not an island off the coast of china, but rather a separate -
The first man to be credited with - the globe was - -; however, he died in a battle in the philippines.
Ferdinand Magella
In1518, - - lead a small expedition of men into Mexico and met forceful resistance from the- and their leader -.
Hernando Cortes
The most devastating assault against the indigenous people of Mexico was not from the weapons of the conquistadores, but rather from the - - brought unknowingly by the Spaniards.
Small pox
Beginning in the 1570's, new spanish laws entitled - - - banned the most brutal military conquests by the conquistadore against the indigenous people of the new world
ordinances of discovery
the spanish mission, used for the purpose of converting the natives to catholicism, had military garrisons connected to them called -. They provided additional protection to the missioin
The intermarriage of the spanish with native women resulted in a population of mixed race peope referred to as -.
England's first experience with colonization occured in -.
In 1585 and again in 1587, sir - - sent two expeditions to a place called - by the natives. Both expeditions failed to establish a permanent english settlement in the New world. That settlement is located in present-day - -
Walter Raleigh
North Carolina
The first american born child of english parents was - -. This child was born in 1587
Virginia Dare
the english litteraly put a part of their society in the new world. First they put it in Ireland then moved it to england to help colonize.
"starving times"
It occured in the new world. It is when only 60 out of 500 people survived. Those people only survived off of nuts, dogs, and other dead bodies.
headright system
it is when new settlers were given so many acres of land when they came to the new world. Also, people that were already there were given 100 acres
when the indians made deep cuts in the base of trees to kill them
congregational church
when the congregation was able to elect its own minister and deal with its own affairs
a society where there is a fine line b/t the church and state (church is the state)
annual arguments in maryland an V.A. to the king
articles of capitulation
when the dutch surrendered to the british for assurance that the dutch settlers would not be displaced
society of friends
It is the Quaker society. They condemned the idea of predestination. They also believed in equality.
navigation acts
These acts were issued because of mercantilism, to keep dutch ships out of the new world, and to regulate colonial trade. It also encouraged colonist to create their own ship building industries, such as iron, lumber, etc..
2 english carter companies and person who issued them
london company
plymouth company
James 1
3 significant reasons for Bacon's rebellion
1) whites vs. Natives for land
2) large lanless owners
3) competition b/t the eastern and western land owners
4 proprietary/ restoration colonies
The carolina
3 reasons why the caribbean islands were subject to numerous slave revolts
1) african population out number european
2) Europeans were scared of slaves so they treated them harshly
3) Europeans let slaves die because it was cheeper buying new slaves
The first enduring english settlement in the Northern americas was - -. The second enduring english settlement in the northern americas was the - -.
Jamestown company
plymouth settlement
Survival in the Jamestown settlement was paramount after the first winter when only 38 of the original 104 lived. - - - provided the leadership during the 2nd year with only - dying the second winter
Captain John Smith
The first governor of Jamestown was Lord - - - who employed an extremely harsh means of discipline and punishment over the colonists
De La War
The first cash crop produced in the New world and exported to england was -. The first successful farmer of the product was - -.
John Rolfe
After the Virginia company became defunct and near bankruptcy, James 1 - the company's charter and Virginia became a - -.
crown colony
Due to the fact that the - settlement lay outside the territory of the London Company, the - - was signed that established a - government and proclaimed - to the king.
Mayflower compact
the single largest migration to the new world during the 17th century involved an expedition of - people on - ships led by john - carrying the charter of the - - company.
Massachusattes Bay
English settlers allied with the Mohegan and Narragansett Indians waged war against the - Indian tribe. The bloodiest act of the war occurred when hundreds of the indian villagers were killed or - to death in what was known as the - war.
In 1660, Charles 2 returned from exile and claimed the throne of England. This is referred to as the - -.
Stuart Restoration
The technology that changed the dynamics of the conflicts b/t the colonists and the indians was the introduction of the - rifle that replaced the less accurate, more cumbersome - rifle
Charles 2 granted the second proprietary charter for a colony in the New world to -, duke of - who was his -. The duke sent richard nicolls to capture - - from the dutch.
New Amsterdam
The society of Friends, better known as the - gained a valuable convert in the person of - -. He gained a proprietary charter for a colony in the New world from - 2 who owed his father a large sum of money and repaid the debt with this grant. The colony created was named -
William Penn
The imperial conflict that allowed the english to colonize the caribbean islands with little interference occurred b/t the - and the -
The most prosperous and populous spanish outpost in north america was - -. (exclude mexico city)
New Mexico
Parliament offered the throne to - of Orange and his wife -(James 1 daughter) and in essence deposed James 2 from the throne of England. This was known as the "- -."
Glorious Revolution
Why did the starving times occur during the winter of 1609-1610?
It occured because when the colonists arrived, they spent the mojority of their time on a futile search for gold. They had not considered preparing for the winter or growing food, so when the indians barricaded them in and killed the english livestock, the settlers had basically nothing to survive off of but rats and their fellow dead settlers. Only 60 out of 500 survived
Why did the english civil war restrict further colonization in the New world? What prompted the resurgence of colonization in the mid-1600s?
Charles 1 had been practicing absolute authrity and had dismissed parliament several times, parliament retaliated against him and started the english civil war. The war consisted of the roundheads )supporters of parliament, mostly puriton_ vs. the cavaliers (supporters of the king). The people were so occupied with the civil war and the king had to much on his plate, so this restricted colonization. When charles2 arrived (stuart restoration) and took the throne, this propted resurgence of colonization.
explain how the navigation acts, the dominion of new england, and the glorious revolution are all interconnected.
the navigation acts placed restrictions on colonial trade, and JAmes 2 created the domminion of new england by comining massachusetts with the other N.W. colonies and placed sir edmund andros as governor. The glorious revolution are suited in william and mary becoming joing sovereigns, and conseuqently, they combined plymouth and Mass. into a royal colony and made the anglican church the official religion. Those are all interconnected b/c all placed monarchial restrictions on the english colonies by restricting colonial trade, putting the colonies uner the control of governors appointed by the king, and imposing monarchal authority on colonial laws and religion. Wheteher they like it or not, the colonies had to obey the laws of the monarchs, even though this is what most were trying to escape
natural increase
when the natural birthrate of residents were higher than the death rate
1 of the 3 medical techniques in the 17th century. It also was the worse, it usually lead to death. They believed by draining blood it would fix the unbalnced humors in your body
middle passage
is one of the legs of the triangular trade. It was the journey the slaved tood from africa to the new world. The conditions on the ships were horrible
Slave codes
they were laws that undermined (took away) the rights of the slaves. The one thing that determined this was color. If you had any black in you then you became a part of the slave codes.
silver and gold coins. In the colonial times the specie they used were land and tobacco certificates
a hybird of African tounges and english the slaves talked in so their masters couldn't understand them
Minister's preaching about dispair due to the declining of piety withing society
Dame schools
church schools usually held in widows and single women houses
Great Awakening
it was the fervor of religion. People blieved they should break away and start a new relationship with God. This brought conflicts with some.
A more secular view on the world. They believed in using science to prove why the world is the way it is. It encouraged people to look at science not God for guidence and to shape society.
4 factors contirbuting to increased longevity of life in N.E.
a. cool climate
b. less population
c. relativly deisease free
d. clean water
4 humors used by physicians to assess the health of their patients in colonial america
1. phlegm
2. black bile
3. yellow bile
4. blood
3 cash crops in southern colonial economies and where they existed
a. tobacco-chesapeake
b. rice-SC,GA
c. indigo-SC
5 example of home or cottage industries of the northern colonies
cabnit maker
rifle maker
3 medical techniques in 17th century
If a first generation american born male colonists survived- they typically lived to an average age of - and female colonists live to -.
Women in the chesapeake could anticipate a life consumed with - -. Those who lived long enough bore and age of - children apiece. Of those, - typically died in infancy or early childhood.
child birth
Before slavery ended in the 19th century, it was responsible for the forced immigration of as many - - Africans to the New World
11 million
Native african chieftains captured members of enemy tribes in battle, tied them together in long lines, or - and - them in the flourishing slave marts on the west african coast
The - - company maintained a monopoly of the - trade in the colonies and managed to keep prices - and - low.
Royal African
In the early 18th century, colonial assemblies began to pass "-" codes that limited the rights of - in law and ensured absolute authority to white masters. One factor, and one factor only, determined wheter a person was subjected to these codes: -.
The - of - of 1598 allowed the - - to become practically a state within the state of Roman catholic France. The revocation of this law in 1685 led a small group of these people to mnigrate to the english colonies
french hugonots
The rhineland of southwestern Germany, also known as the - suffered because of its close proximity to france during the reign of Louis 14. A small group of these Germans migrated to the English colony of PA and became known as the - -.
Pennsylvania Dutch
A yount antiguan woman by the name of - - introduced a new, staple cash crop to SC. This plant was -.
Eliza Lucas
At the - -, iron ore was melted and allowed to trickle down into simple molds that were known as - - that would be forged into marketable objects later.
Saugus Ironworks
Sow Bars
The - Act of 1750 was Parliament's answer to - metal processing in the colonies.
Why did the Enlightenment and the Great awakening produce competing cultural and social interests within the American colonies?
Enlightment was the idea of looking at the world move secular and prove things through science while the great awakening was a religious awakening to start looking and start a new world with God. These are two oppisite things which made competing cultural and social interest. Not knowing which to believe in. Also, the enlightment encouraged people to look to science not God for guidence and to shape society. Which is not what the Great awakening believed in- they wanted people to go to God.
Why was the concept of a nublear family within the slave population difficult to maintain and how did they (the slaves) deal with this problem?
It was difficult to maintain because at any time the mom or dad or brother or sister could be sold or shiped somewhere else. To deal with this problem the slaves introduced something called keenship. This idea is saying that wherever you go their is always an "aunt sally" to call your aunt or "grandpa" to call your grandpa.
The lack of specie prompted the colonists eto experiment with paper currency in the for of - certificates and - certificates. This currency was not acceptable as payment for goods from -.
In England, where - was scarce and the population- adnt eh relatively few people who owned - had enormous power over the majority who did not. In america, the opposite was true. Land was - and people were -.
The early slaves in South Carolina communicated with one another in - which was a hybrid of the English and - languages.
The - rebellion was a - - in South Carolina wherein a group of slaves seized weapons and killed several - and attempted to escape -.
Slave Rebellion
They system in England that provided for the passing of all inherited property to the firstborn - of the family was called -.
The - trials in Salem, MA led to the executions of - people.
Ministers preached sermons of despair due to the decline of piety within society which were called -.
The - encouraged men and women to look to - not to God for guidance as to how to live their lives and shape society.
In New England, the colonists strove to educate their children through institutions known as - - and achieved perhaps the highest - rates in the world
Dame schools
white literacy
Privy council
it was the central administrative agency for the government as a whole in england.
Albany plan
congress of colonial leaders who failed to create central government to deal with Indians
Middle ground
territory that the french shared with a powerful indian nation in ohio valley
when british commanders made the colonist enlist in the army to replenish it.
"paxton boys"
they were a band of men from western PA who wanted relief from taxes and wanted money to protect themselves from Indian invasion.
"sons of liberty"
people who terrorized stamp agents and burnt stamps. They also inimidated people so they wouldn't have to buy english goods. This made ENglish seaports go bankrupt and experience poverty
Mercy Otis Warren
a women who wrote saterical plays to emphasize and spread the hatred of England.
"daughters of liberty"
women that participated in riots and crowd activities to show hatred to Britain. They were anti-british. They mocked their male counterparts.
the mutiny act of 1765
stated that all colonist had to help maintain and supply a quarter of the soldiers in the army.
The currency act of 1764
British prohibited making colonial paper money and retired the ones that had already been made.
4 factors that weakened the hold of the British crown over the american colonies
1. few visited the colonies
2. no colonial office in london
3. britain was worried about domestic and international problems.
4. confusion b/t offices
4 factos that cause the french and indian or 7 yrs. war
1. the treaty of Urtchian (gave french land to english)
2. The Iroquios joined england in commercial alliance
3. other england french wars going on/ already happening
4. french toleration of the indians
5 tribes making up the Iroquois confederation
4 parliamentary acts imposed upon the american colonies
mutiny act
currancy act
sugar act
stamp act
5 major decisions made by the 1st continental congress
1. states they wouldn't be under a union with britain
2. endorsed a statement of grievances
3. stated they would raise an army against britian
4. non important, non exportation, non consumption the trde with Britain (stop trade with Britain)
4. agreed to meet next spring
The british administrative agency that held real - to run the government as a whole was the - -.
privy council
In administering the colonies, the british government believed that having a loose enforcement of the - - would lead to stimulated - b/t Britain and the colonies
Navigation acts
one of the factors that weakened the hold of the british crown over the colonies was the fact that few british - had ever - the colonies.
The - system in the colonies seemed to be the only thing that actually connected the disparate colonies together. It led to increased - b/t the colonies. However, until the late 1700's the fact that most colonists despised people from another colony and they were only linked together by -.
The 4 colonies that considered the - plan were PA, -, -, -.
New England
The relationship b/t the french and Native Americans was greatly enhanced b/c the french offered - toward the natives and oftentimes they would - native women
There were 3 wars fought b/t England and France prior to the french and indian war that had repercussions on the american colonies. These 3 wars were as follows: a. king - war, b. Queen- war, and c. king - War
A crude stockade built by Virginia militia forces was called - -. These forces were led by Colonel - - against French forces at Fort Duquesne. After more than - of his forces were killed, he surrendered.
fort neccessity
George washington
General - - was commander in chief of the british forces attempting to oust the french from the ohio valley. He was killed and his british forces were in disarray.
Edward Braddock
The Mercantilists or - Imperialists wanted england to return - to the french in exchange for Guadeloupe, one of the - islands.
The - Imperialists believed that the - itself was of great value because the population would be a source of taxation revenues.
The - of 1763 was an attempt by the british parliament to control the - expansion of the colonies. It established a line of demarcation alon the - mountains that prohibited the colonists from moving into these indian lands. It - miserably
The - act of 1765 imposed a tax on most documents in the colonies. Among those documents were included: -, almanacs, pamphlets, - , wills and licenses.
The - movement were a group of farmers in uncountry north carolina who were underrepresented in the colonial assembly and were opposed to the high taxes they had to pay.
The virginia house of burgesses modified the most extreme set of resolutions that were presented by - -. He declared that an american colonist possessed the same - as an englishman, especially the right to be - by their own representative. He stated that nayone advocating the right of - to tax virginians was an - to the colony.
Patrick Henry
The townshend duties was the result of a second act by Parliament that levied new taxes on various goods imported into the colony from England. These goods included lead, -, paper, and -.
A distant cousin of the future second president of the U.S., - - fomented public outrage over the Boston -. He was considered to be the most - - in the colonies.
Samuel Adams
effective colonist
Almost bankrupt and sitting on a large stockpile of tea, the british east india company, was allowed to export its merchandise directly to the colonies without paying the - - taxes by virtue of the - -. This allowed the company to - the American merchants and led to outrage of the colonists.
Navigational act
undercut/ undersale
One of the five major decisions made by the first - congress was that the colonies agreed to -, nonexportation, and - of goods to and from great britain in an effort to stop all trade.
non importatioin
non consumption
the initiation of the american revolution began with the shot heard - the - at the battles of - at -.
were loyal to the king. They also opposed the war
german mercianaries. They occupied trenton until washington suprised and surrounded them making them depart.
treaty of paris
a treaty saying that the french and spanish would end all hostilities against the british
Molly Pitcher
she got her name because she carried pitchers of water to the men in the war (the camps). She saw her husband die in war and toiok his gun and fought in his place. This raised the rights of women especially in education.
Ordinance of 1784
It said that lal the western territories were 10 districts and they could apply for statehood if the number of free inhabents in the smallest state was greater than the number of people in the smallest state
It was a system that divided land up for sale. It divided it up into square or rectangular shapes. It helped with the idea of cities. The streets being the ends of the squares running parallel to one another and perpendicular
Shays's rebellion
this rebellion was led by daniel shay. He and his followerd commanded tax relief and their debt to be gone. Also, the capital Boston be moved to the inner part. This rebellion was shut down.
Common sense
It was an impassioned pamphlet written by Thomas paine. It made the americans raise up together to want independence. It made them look at what Paine thought was the real problem with the british parliament and the english constitution.
"olive branch" petition
It was a peaceful negotiation, to find common ground b/t the Americans and the British prior to the revolutionary war.
Baron von Steuben
He was from prussia. He was one of Washington's allies in the American revolution
3 advantages the U.S. had in fighting the revolutionary war over the british
1. fighting on their own land
2. The patriots were highly committed, while the loyalist only half committed
3. They had more help abroad (mainly france)
3 phases of the revolutionary war and the region to which they were attached
1. New england
2. Mid atlantic region
2. the south
3 reasons why the final phase of the revolutionary war became a dismal failure for the british effort
1. they couldn't tell friend from foe.
2. they encouraged slaves to abandon their masters for return of priviledges.
c. they underestimated the patriots and over estimated the loyalists
Explain how the british blunder in the second phase of the war became a substantial advantage for the americans
Howe left his army to fight alone in Burgoyne. Also, he refused to attack a weakened continental army. Howe also let Washington retreat and regroup. Howe was an alcohalic and was in love with a philidelphia mistress.
Explain the effect that the revolutionary war had on the angican church, the quakers, and the catholics in america.
The anglican church was disbanded and subsidies were evacutated. The church stayed but was much weaker. The Quakers were damged and hurt because of pacifism. The catholics in America increased because they were patriots. They grew and many french were catholic that came over.
how was the reality of the concept of "all men created equal" dealt with in this new republic?
This concept meant that only white males were born with the opportunity not neccessarily condition. In reality whites men had liberty. Blacks had no rights. Women were still suboardenant to their husbands and the natives were not included. They had basically no rights.
The - of - declared that the american colonies were absolved of all allegiance to the British crown
An impassioned pamphlet entitled - sense was written by - -. It helped change the American outlook toward the war
thomas paine
The first measure of business for the colonies after declaring their independence was to write a - - which established a - form of government in their respective states.
state constitution
The fact that the continental congress haad no authority to directly - - on the people made financing the war extremely difficult
levy taxes
2 significant foreign allies that aided Washington's efforts in building the Continental Army were the Marquis - - of France and Baron - - of Prussia
de Lafeyette
von Steuben
It became clear to British in the spring of 1776 that England must be prepared to - a much larger and protracted - in the Americas than had originally be thought.
On Feruary 27, 1776 a band of Patriots crushed a loyalists uprising at - - Bridge in NC and thereby discouraged a British plan to - the southern states.
Moore's creek
Nathaniel Greene confused and exasperated General - by dividing the AMerican forces into -, fast moving contingents and refraining from a showdown in - battle. One of the contingents inflicted what the british general admitted to be an unexpected and severe blow at -, SC.
The revolutionary war hotilities on American soil ended on October 17, 1781 with the battle of - in VA.
2 changes occured in the Massachusetts constitution the demonstrated a change in state government. The first change was in the process of - the constitution. The second change - the exectutive office of the state.
The articles of confederation gave limited power to the national government in that it had the authority to conduct - and foreign relations and to appropriate, borrow, and issue -.
The - ordinance of 1787 abandoned the 10 districts set in 1784 and created a single territory out of the lands of the Ohio. It also specifided a population of - as a minimum for statehood, it guaranteed freedom of - and prohibited - throughout the territory.
Society of cincinnati
They were revolutionary officers who were made up by a group of representatives. They had influenced and invigorated the nation government. The government was afraid they would control military dictatorship.
The great compromise
this was in result to the virginia and new jersey plan to come up with the constitution. It said that every 3 out of 5 slaves counted as one free man. It also stated that each state had 2 representatives in the senate. The house was based on population
Bill of Rights
It was the first 10 ammendments of the constitution. The first 9 saying that every man had freedom of religion, speech, press, and others. The 10th saying that every man was free except under their own federal government laws.
whiskey rebellion
It was when the people decided to stop paying taxes on shiskey. They terrorized tax collectors, much like the stamp act washington raised up 15000 soldiers and shut the rebellion down in western PA.
Edmond Genet
he was the first france diplomat to america, he wanted to use American ports for french battle ships and also use american battleships. The americas were scared he was violating the nuetrillity act which would cause war with Britian. So washingto made him move to the US.
Jay's treaty
the treaty helped the americas gain complete soveriegnty over the entire northwest territory. It also helped gain a commercial relationship with Britain
Alien and sedition acts
the alien act helped the president have more control over who became a citizen and it made it harder to come a US citizen. The sedation acts said that they could pentalize anyone that participated in "sedation" of the constitution.
Judiciary act of 1801
passed by lameduck congress and reduced the supreme court justiceships and increased the federal judges. Adams created new positions.
vice preisend
secretary of state
secretary of treasurey
secretary of war
attorney general
postmaster general
George washington
john adams
thomas jefferson
alexander hamilton
general henry knox
edmound randolf
samuel osgood
14, 15, 16 states to join the union and date
14- vermont 1791
15- kentucky 1792
16- tennessess 1796
why was commerce a driving influence in the call for a strong national government.
People wanted one institution within the government. It woul dhelp property owners, merchants, and other men. They wanted to be represented freely within one gov'e and not by seperate governments. Commerce would be more effective by a national government.
How was the campaign for president in 1800 different than it had been in 1796
Adams and Jefferson displayed reasonable dignity in the campaign, but their supporters showed no restraint. The federalists accused Jefferson of being a dangerous radical and his followers of being wild men who would bring a reign of terror comparable to the french revolution if jefferson was elected. The republicans portrayed Adams as a tyrant conspiring to become king, and they accused the Federalists of plotting to subvert human liberty and impose slavery on the people. The story of Jefferson's romantic involvement with a slave woman was first aired.
the demographic profile of the "founding fathers" was one that depicted men whose average age was -. They were well - by the standards of their time. They also represented the - interests of the country
The plan that called for a new national government consisting of 2 houses was called the - plan.
The 2 primary and important philosophical ?'s answered by James Madison in writing the consitutuion were the ? of - and the ? of - -.
limiting powers
the federalists feared the unchecked - of the - whereas, the Antifederalists opposed the consitution because it placed obstacles b/t the- and the exercise of -.
9 of the first 10 amendments to the constitution place - on congress by forbidding it - on certain basic human rights
The objection to Hamilton's proposal of - the war debt was not the actual accuring of the debt but rather funding it as "par" or - -.
face value
Because of a fear that the federalists were creating what appeared to be a menacing and tyrannical structure of power, the - party was formed to provide vigorous opposition to it.
Jefferson's political philosophy envisioned an - republic composed of sturdy, independent - tilling their own soil.
Because spain feared that britain and the US would join together to challenge Spain's holding in the AMericna South, they entered into - treaty. In the agreement, they conceded that the northern boundary of Florida would run along the - parallel.
The X,Y,Z affair occurred because 3 french agents demanded a - and a - from the US before any negotiations would begin with France. This led the US and france to be embroiled in a - war for approximately 2 years.