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70 Cards in this Set

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--Jeffersonian Era
--We are all Republicans, We are all Federalists
Marbury vs. Madison
established the principle of Judicial Review
Federal Judiciary Act of 1789
court only has jurisdiction in cases involving ambassadors or states
Ohio admitted to the Union
--increased to 17 states
Jeffersonian govt.
--reducing govt. expenses "wise and frugal govt."
--got rid of excise taxes
--cut back on military
Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson sent Livingston to negotiate with the French over Louisiana -->Napolean wanted a North American Empire. Tallyrand asked if they would buy the whole of Louisiana - 15 million
Lewis and Clark Expedition
--Jefferson wanted to explore the far NW
--Gave the U.S. claim to Oregon Country due to discovery and exploration
Burr Conspiracy
Burr was the governor of NY and VP candidate during the Jefferson presidency. He was not liked by the Jeffersonians. Challenged for the presidency but lost and was VP. After the Hamilton duel, Burr could no longer be VP and he decided to try and detach the lower part of the Louisiana Territory and have a separate political entity. He was going to be the president. It was a military area and Gen. Wilkinson was offered part of the territory if he allowed Burr to do this and Wilkinson at first agreed but then told Jefferson of his plans.
Hamilton/Burr Duel
Hamilton said something about Burr should not be allowed in politics and Burr wanted to duel. Killed Alexander Hamilton.
War in Europe 1803
Napolean embarked on his journey to get land. He was defeated in 1814 and was exiled. He returned to France and organized an army but was defeated again by the Duke of Wellington and was exiled for good.
US Neutral Rights
British and French; both countries in Europe were seizing American ships and trying to trade with the other.
Chesapeake Affair 1807
Chesapeake was attacked by the Leopard; a man-of-war ship and the crew asked to search the ship and they said no so they started to fire on the Chesapeake. They took the men and forced them into service and the US was outraged. British Impressments
Embargo Act of 1807
-- Congress met after the Chesapeake Affair
--all foreign trade; illegal for any American ship to trade with any foreign country and vice versa. well enforced; British/French suffered but America suffered the most. Economic pressure.
small number of Jeffersonian Republicans who refused to support Madison; the Republican candidate for 1808. some people feel this is the first third party of politics; no platform.
Battle of Tippecanoe
--occured two years after Madison took office.
--Indian Territory; W. H. Harrison was leading his troops through and was startled by the Indians; fighting continued through the night and sometime the Indians quit and left so the next morning Harrison declared himself the winner. Harrison found on the field british made weapons and realized the British had been arming the Indians
War of 1812
second war for American Independence
Madison (War of 1812)
1. Orders in Council
2. Illegal blockades
3. Violations of US terr. waters
4. Impressment
5. Inciting Indians

1. Canada
2. Respect
Peace Republican
DE Whitt Clinton -- came from Madison's own party but who opposed the war/ along with Federalists. Father of "Big Ditch"/Erie Canal
During the War of 1812
Army, Navy, Finances
Army -- too small to garrison the forts; poorly lead; poorly equipped; poorly armed
Navy -- better than the army but still small
Finances -- reluctant to send money to a war they opposed (Fed. NE)
the Opposition -- Hartford Convention
Federalists from New England gathered and came up with a list of demands to put upon Madison and Congress. It was an ultimatum and there were several amendments to limit the influence of the Republicans. -- 2/3 vote to declare war, one term presidency, ban those from the same state succeeding each other in office. failed attempted threat at secession. Celebration from the Treaty of Ghent was already happening when the Hartford messengers got to D.C.
End. Treaty of Ghent
British finally decided that the war was not worth the cost. Agreement to end the fighting, return prisoners, restore previous boundaries, and settle nothing else. Treaty to end the war.
Battle of New Orleans
defeation of a much superior army. A battle that raised Jackson up to be a hero. He later became president of the USA.
Postwar (Madison's message to Congress)
--called for a larger army even though there was no war; we were unprepared
--called for a protective tariff because the British were beginning to dump on US again, established the second BUS, government funding for internal improvements. Bonus Bill Veto
Election of 1816
Federalists -- Rufus King
J. Rep.-- James Monroe

end of the Federalist party, disbanded as a national organization
"Era of Good Feelings"
President James Monroe
--there was only one political party; everybody seemed to be of one mind politically speaking;
Election of 1820
James Monroe ran w/o opposition. Won all but one electoral vote.
Marshal Court
John Marshal was chief justice; highly influential in the development of the US; handed down Hamiltonian Federalist decisions
Goals of the Marshal Court
--enhance authority of federal courts
--enlarge the power of the national government
--protect the national government in conflicts with states
--protect private contracts
McCulloch vs. Maryland
--imposed a tax on the branch bank. Maryland could not tax the bank and he upheld the constitutionality of the bank. "the power to tax is the power to destroy"
Dartmouth College Case
illegal to change the charter without the approval of the trustees
Gibbons vs. Ogden
involved the travel of steam boats between NY and NJ. State of NY claimed the right to regulate steam boat traffic between NY and NJ. Congress ruled this interstate and only Congress can regulate interstate commerce.
Missouri Compromise
involved a territory in the LA territory. Creating small territories out of the large territory. (get enough population have your own constitution) Wanted to be a slave state.

Missouri- slave state
Maine - free state
Slavery banned in LA territory above the 36 30.
Commercial Treaty
permitted GB and US to trade; GB dumping; new protectorate
Rush-Bagot Agreement
Rush -- Sec of State
Bagot -- british minister to the US

agreed to have no navel vessels on the Great Lakes because there was threat of naval competition. Longest de-militarized border.
Convention of 1818
defined the northern boundary of LA territory.
Spain -- Florida Indians persist in invading Georgia
Andrew Jackson was put in charge of guarding the Georgia border. He took it that if FL Indians were found in GA he could pursue them into FL.
Adams-Onis Treaty
--Spain yielded FL to the US
--US paid Spain $5 million
--defined Western border of LA territory
Monroe Doctrine
-- declared that the Western hemisphere was no longer open for European colonization
--US would allow current colonies to remain
--would not interfere in European domestic affairs

no actual law
Election of 1824
J.Q. Adams -- Mass. N
A. Jackson -- Tenn. W
W. Crawford -- Georgia S
Henry Clay -- Kentucky W
The American System
National bank
Protective Tariff
Internal Improvements at Federal expense
Corrupt Bargain
Election was thrown into the House of Rep. and Clay was the deciding factor. He did not think Jackson was fit for the presidency. His vote was the deciding factor and Adams won the presidency. There was speculation that this was not fair because Clay was awarded Sec of State
Formation of New Parties
organized after Adams election as the party of Jackson.
Democrats efforts to embarass Adams
1. Panama Congress, 1826 -- Adams wanted participation in the Congress which was supposed to bring unity to the countries of the Americas. There was no presence at Panama and the Jacksonians blamed it on Adams even though they were the ones who delayed the appointments.

2. Tariff of 1828 -- highest tariff in American history to that point. Jacksonians were determined to stop it and Jackson got support from the South
Election of 1828
Democrat -- Jackson
JQA -- National Republicans

1820's to 1840's "Age of Jackson" "Age of the Common Man"
Kitchen Cabinet
Jackson's private advisors
Indian Removal Act
All native Americans were being relocated from lands east of the Mississippi to lands west of the Mississippi
Maysville Veto
a road was supposed to be built to possibly connect to the national road. Seemed to be an undertaking. Jackson vetoed the bill. Internal Improvements
Nullification Controversy
one's political and philosophical thoughts about the Union.
State's rights

S.C. was the first to succeed the Union.
Tariff of 1832
lower rates; but still not low enough for SC
Clay Compromise Tariff
lower tariff rates still -- gradually lower the rates until 1842. no rate above 20 percent.
Force Act
gave the president the authority he so desired if he needed it. to enforce militia upon SC if they would not obey the law.
Bank War
-- poorly run by the first president of the bank
-- opposition to the bank
-- Nicholas Biddle -- president of the bank 1832; perfect choice, sophisticated
Election of 1832
Democrats -- Jackson (anti-bank)
National Republicans -- Clay
Antimason -- William Wirt -- secret organization; aroused opposition because of secrecy

issue -- Recharter of the 2nd BUS
Secretary of Treaty Robert B. Taney
Jackson kept ordering the secretaries to take out money from the bank and none of them would until Taney. the bank went under
Shirt Sleeved Diplomacy
inexperienced but hard workers
Texan Revolution
government was established, troops were raised, battles were fought
Battle of the Alamo
many Texans wanted to join the army after this battle
Battle of San Jacinto
Texans won; Houston captured the general of the opposing Mexican army who happened to be the president of the country
Santa Anna
could have their independence as long as they don't become part of the USA
Election of 1836
Democrat- MVB (Jackson's handpicked successor)
Whig party -- Clay (Anti-Jackson) believe in anything as long as it did not support Jackson
Panic of 1837
MVB had to accept responsibility for the panic. He thought the government was responsible for the Panic. economic downfall for 4 to 5 years. Speculation of bad loans, caused panic. Did not want to put national money in state banks
Pet Banks
state banks federally owned
Subtreasury or Independent Treasury
government would buy vaults in major cities around the USA and keep money in those treasuries. Only deal with hard money.
Ashburton Treaty
MAINE boundary.
easy to negotiate.Map showed that the British had the better end of the deal. Lord Ashburton came into the treaty showing that the US had the better deal. SOS Webster and Ashburton had to compromise knowing neither one had the better compromise
Aroostok War
war faught between to lumber companies.
United States expansionism

-- Texas as a state
-- California annexed
-- Oregon territory annexed
Mexican American War
dispute among the southern border of TX

-- manifest destiny
-- polk wanted more land
-- Northern businessmen wanted to trade with China
-- Slave-owners
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
1. Rio Grande River
2. Mexican Cession -- Mexico had to yield california territory and New Mexico
3. U.S. paid 18.25 million
California statehood
everyone streamed to CA to strike it rich. threatening secession if CA was admitted as a free state
Compromise of 1850 (Clay)
1. California -- free state
2. slave trade prohibited in D.C. -- keep slavery but not the slave trade
3. Organization ofterritories of New Mexico and Utah on the basis of popular sovreignty