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156 Cards in this Set

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What group was the first to have abolition?

The Quakers

States wrote what early on which defined the power of the government?


What set up the land surveying system we still use today?

Land Ordinance of 1785

What laid out the rules for creating new states?

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

The Land Ordinance of 1787 laid out the rules for what?

Creating new states

What occurred when Massachusetts farmers protested for closures and taxes?

Shays' Rebellion

The 1787 Convention was called to fix what?

The Articles of Confederation

What was called to fix the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

The 1787 Convention

During the convention, what occured?

The Articles were abandoned in favor of a new constitutuion

The Great Compromise created what?

Modern legislature composed of two houses

What created the modern two house legislature

The Great Compromise

What two houses are the legislature composed of?

Senate (upper) and House of Representatives (lower)

Another term for our legislature is?


How many votes does the Senate get for each state?


How many votes does the House of Representatives allot to each state?

Based on population

What counted slaves as 3/5 of a person?

The Three Fifths Compromise

How is the president elected?

Indirectly by the Electoral College

Which state was the first to ratify the constitution?


Which state ratified the constitution after getting a Bill of Rights to protect individual liberties?


Which state made the constitution officially ratified?

New Hampshire

Which state was won over by the federalist papers?

New York

Which state was the last to ratify the constitution?

Rhode Island

Washington's body of advisors was called?

The Cabinet

Who created the Cabinet


Who was the key figure as Secretary of State in Washington's Cabinet?

Alexander Hamilton

Hamilton structured the financial system to favor who?

The wealthy

What was the first test of power of the new government?

The Whiskey Rebellion

Opposition to who's economic program led to the first two party system in America?


Opposition to Hamilton economic system led to the first what?

Two party system

Who were the parties of the first two party system?

Federalist and Democratic-Republican

What did the federalists believe?

Rule by the elite, pro Britian, pro strong government

What did the democratic republicans believe?

Belief in democracy, pro France, pro states rights

Who were the early federalists?

Washington and Hamilton

Who were the first Democratic Republicans?

Jefferson and Madison

Who wrote the Bill of Rights?

James Madison

What did the Nuetrality Proclamation do?

Kept America out of European affairs

What kept America out of European affairs?

Nuetrality Proclamation

Which treaty dealt with Native American troubles in the old northwest?

Treaty of Greenville

Which treaty dealt with the British harassment of American ships?

Jay's Treaty

Which treaty restored access to the Mississippi River for the US?

Pinckney's Treaty

What mistreatment of American diplomats by the French outraged American citizens?

The XYZ affair

What acts were the Federalists attempts to crush their opposition.

The Alien and Sedition acts

What did Jefferson and Madison pen in order to resist the Alien and Sedition acts?

Kentucky and Virginia resolutions

The states began to do what to laws they did not agree with?


The election of 1800 was decided by who?

The House of Representatives

Who won the election of 1800 after 70 votes?

Thomas Jefferson

Last minute appointed federal judges by Adams were called what?

Midnight Judges

Perhaps the most important case in US history, what rejected the states right to nullify federal laws and made the Supreme Court the final say on a law's constitutionality?

Marbury v Madison

Who did America go to war with at sea?

Barbary Pirates

What did Jefferson want to buy from France?

New Orleans and possibly the river delta

The Louisiana Purchase led to what famous expedition?

Lewis amd Clark

Where did Lewis and Clark explore to?

The Pacific Ocean and back

Who explored to the Pacific Ocean and back?

Lewis and Clark

Who wanted to sabotage America for his own gain?

Aaron Burr

What was the seizing of American ships and forced enlistment into the military by the British?


What was pacifist Jefferson's way of fighting impressment?

The Embargo Act

The Embargo Act did what?

Banned all American exporting

Who in Congress called for war against the British and indians

War hawks

Who united the native Americans


What area of America was pro Britain to the point if treason?

New England

How did the war of 1812 begin for America?

Bad due to invasion attempts of Canada

Where did Creek indians massacre hundreds?

Fort Mims, Alabama

Who led the US to several victories over the Creek Indians

Andrew Jackson

Where did Jackson defeat the Creeks for good?

Horseshoe Bend

The key battle of the war of 1812 that kept the new York and new England from seeding from the US was where?


Where did the national anthem originate after a failed British attack?

Fort McHenry

What city was Fort McHenry guarding?


What battle led Jackson to be a hero and was the worst defeat in the war for the British?

New Orleans

The war of 1812 brought a new spirit of what?

American Nationalism

What were Henry Clays 3 points of his American System?

Strong banking system

High tariff to protect US industries

Network of roads and canals to connect natiom, paid for by tariff

The time of prosperity in America is referred to as what?

The era of good feelings

What was the era of good feelings?

A time of prosperity in America

Disputes over slavery in new states led to what?

The Missouri Compromise

What 4 important cases did pro-federalist Chief Justice John Marshall reside over?

McCullough v Maryland

Gibbons v Ogden

Cohens v Virginia

Fletcher v Peck

What did McCullough v Maryland deal with?

Implied powers which made the constitution adaptable

What did gibbons v Ogden deal with

Only congress could regulate interstate commerce

What did Cohens vs Virginia deal with

Supreme court could review decisions on federal powers

What did Fletcher vs Peck deal with

Court could invalidate state laws which conflicted with the constitution

What treaty gave us Florida after General Andrew Jackson seized it from Spain?

Adams-Onis treaty

What said that there would be no more laying claims in the new world?

Monroe Doctrine

What was the term used for the Election of 1824?

The Corrupt Bargain

Who won the vote in the house in 1824?

John Quincy Adams

Who did John Quincy Adams appoint as Secretary of state during 1824?

Henry Clay

Who took office during the corrupt bargain of 1824?

John Quincy Adams

What two parties did Jefferson's party split into

National Republicans and Democratic-Republican

Who led the National Republicans?

Quincy Adams

Who led the democratic republicans?

Andrew Jackson

Who won in 1828?


What was the granting of political office to supporters and rewarded party loyalty?

The Spoils System

What was the large Tarriff imposed by Jackson in 1828

The Tarriff of Abominations

Which state took a stand for states rights on the Tarriff issue?

South Carolina

Jackson's followers were very pro what


Expanding west would cause trouble with who?

The Native Americans

What did Jackson want to do with the Indian tribes?

Relocate them to the west

What tribe took to the Supreme court?


This led to what?

The 1830 Indian removal act

Jackson felt the Bank was what


What did Jackson say that exceeded his presidential authority?

He said the Bank was unconstitutional

The election of 1832 had the first what?

Three party system

The election of what year had the first three party system?


What was the third party of 1832?

Anti Masonic Party (feared secret society)

What hurt federal land sales?

Specie Circular

What party ran four local candidates to try and throw the vote to the house of Representatives but failed in the election of 1836?


Who won the election of 1836?

Martin Van Buren

What party won in 1836?


What became a big issue under Van Buren?


What conditions did Mexico require for Americans to settle in Texas?

Become Mexican citizens

Convert to catholicism

Later, No slave owning

What angered Santa Ana

Many settlers kept slaves anyways

What battle saw the Mexican forces wiped out in a matter of minutes and caused Santa Anna to sign a treaty?

The battle of San jancito

The treaty Santa Anna signed did what?

Acknowledged Texas ' Independence

Van Buren delayed annexing Texas because...?

Anti Slavery movements blocked it

Who delayed action in annexing Texas

Van Buren

The 1840 election saw who compete for office?

Van Buren (democrat) vs William Henry Harrison (whig)

Who won the election of 1840?

Tippecanoe (Harrison)

What two types of immigrants began coming to America from Europe?

Irish and Germans

What brought the Irish to America?

Famine and poverty

What brought the germans to the US?

Many were political refugees; middle class and settled in the midwest

What were Nativists

Anti Foreigner groups

Who invented the cotton gin

Eli Whitney

Who invented spinning and weaving machinery?

Samuel Slater

Who perfected the sewing machine?

Isaac Singer

Although good for the economy, why were factories hard on workers?

Long hours for low pay

Dangerous work environments

Child labor was often used to save space and money

Unions were illegal

What became the weapon of choice for workers?


What was the importance of Commonwealth vs Hunt

It legalized labor unions in Massachusetts

What case legalized labor unions in Massachusetts

Commonwealth vs Hunt

Due the increase of mechanization in Agriculture, what farming was replaced by commercial farming?

Subsistence farming

What boom connected lakes and rivers?

Canal building boom

What was the major canal of the era?

The Erie Canal

What was the greatest technical innovation of the era?


Most early railroads were built where?

Northern states

These technological advances brought America to what type of economy?

A market economy

Homes transformed from centers of commerce to what?

Woman dominated family refuges

What religious revival occured in the early 1800s

The Second Great Awakening

Which branches of religion gained the most from the revival movements?

Methodists and Baptists

Slavery caused church splits into northern and southern factions of which three religions?

Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians

What caused churches to split into northern and southern factions?


Public schools were supported by what?


Who shunned schools early as they were seen as only for the poor

The upperclass

Later, the upperclass decided to support schools because?

They believed it kept the poor from growing up ignorant

Who wanted better teacher pay, longer terms, and expanded curricula?

Horace Mann

What brought educational and reading opportunities to the adult public?

Libraries and Lyceum lectures

Who was a crusader for asylum and prison reform?

Dorothea Dix

What was the biggest moral reform movement of the mid 1800s or 19th century?


Who was the father of prohibition?

Neal Dow, mayor of Portland, Maine

Which state was the first to go dry?

Maine (1851)

Where is the home of the modern feminist movement?

Seneca falls, ny

What was the importance of Seneca Falls, NY convention?

It gave birth to modern feminism

Who wrote On the Duty of Civil Disobedience?

Henry David Thoreau

Civil Disobedience was an example of?

Passive Resistance

Who wrote Leaves of Grass in 1855?

Walt Whitman

Who wrote the Scarlet Letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Who wrote Moby Dick?

Herman Melville

What was Walt Whitman's big work?

Leaves of Grass

What was Thoreau's influential essay?

On the Duty of Civil Disobedience

What was Hawthorne's big work?

The Scarlet Letter

What was Melville's big work?

Moby Dick