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70 Cards in this Set

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Reconstruction Amendments
13th Amendment
Abolished slavery
Reconstruction Amendments
14th Amendment
Granted citizenship to all
Reconstruction Amendments
15th Amendment
Granted black (male) suffrage
Radical Republicans
Congressional Republicans who wanted strict handling of the south during reconstruction:
Full black rights
Redistribution of property
Thaddeus Stevens
Radical Republican Congressman who favored disenfranchisement, allocation of full rights to blacks, and redistribution of property
Charles Sumner
Radical Republican Congressman who favored disenfranchisement, allocation of full rights to blacks, and redistribution of property
Tenure of Office Act
Required all dismissals of cabinet members to be approved by the senate. Act used to impeach Andrew Johnson. Largely unconstitutional.
Election of 1876
Hayes vs. Tilden
20 disputed electoral votes distributed by a congressional committee. The committee voted straight party lines and gave all the votes to Hayes.
Compromise of 1877
A democratic filibuster threatened to stop the commission from reporting how it would allocate the 20 disputed votes in Hayes/Tilden. Senators met and the R's promised to withdraw from the south, so the D's let the commission report.
Freedman's Bureau
Created under Lincoln. Served to assist liberated slaves. Helped establish schools and churches, helped blacks find land, distributed food.
Atlanta Compromise
Booker T. Washington's speech at the Atlanta Convention. He argued for blacks to stop pursuit of political freedom and instead focus on self inprovement and economic gain.
Plessy v. Ferguson
A ruling in which the supreme court upheld "Separate but Equal."
Jim Crow laws
Laws designed to strip blacks of their rights through loopholes in the amendments.
WEB DuBois
BTW critic. Believed whites would never treat blacks as equals so long as blacks didn't see themselves as equals. Helped start the NAACP.
People allowed to work land so long as they gave a portion of their crops to the land owner. Mutually beneficial (Plantations needed labor, farmers needed land) but exploitative.
"Forty acres and a mule."
Myth that the Freedmen's Bureau would supply freed slaves with forty acres and a mule to start their new lives.
Restoration of white supremacy and white government.
The "extra legal process" by which white supremacy was enforced. Occurred in all states, not just southern ones.
Manifest Destiny
The belief that the fate of the US was to stretch from coast to coast, "obvious fate."
Indian Removal Act
A land exchange between settlers and Indians. The Indians didn't buy into this agreement and so the government began to forcibly evict them (trail of tears).
Homestead Act 1862
Allowed settlers to buy cheap plots of land if they agreed to occupy the land for 5 years and improve it. The plots were too small, so more acts followed which allowed for more land allocation. Goal: to further increase the growing economy.
Reservation System
How the Indians were dealt with as settlers moved across the continent. Tribes were given low-quality "reservation" land
Dawes Act
Sought to destroy the tribal foundation of Indian society and replace it with a familial lifestyle. Plots of land were given to individual owners while tribal ownership was eliminated. Adult landowners given citizenship.
Rugged Individualism
Homesteaders, cowboys, prospectors, all striving to make lives for themselves in the west.
Horizontal Integration
Buying out or merging with the competitors. Doing so eliminates the inefficiencies of competition and creates monopolies and trusts.
Vertical Integration
Taking over the supply chain so that one company owns all means of production from raw material to finished product.
"Acres of Diamonds"
Russel Conwell. A lecture in which he proclaims that opportunities are everywhere, waiting for us to seize.
Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad
Supreme court case which set the precedent or the Doctrine of Corporate Personhood. Lawyers had argued that the RR lacked standing in court, the SC agreed to hear the case, thereby establishing standing and the Doctrine.
Doctrine of Corporate Personhood
Precedent set by Santa Clara Cty v. Southern Pacific RR. By agreeing to hear the case, the court established that corporations can be viewed as people by the constitution.
Horatio Alger Tales
Rags to Riches Stories
Hands off economy. The populists wanted to decrease laissez faire and allow govt intervention in the economy to support the livelihoods of economically ailing farmers
Wealth vs. Commonwealth
H.D. Lloyd. Book which exposed John D. Rockefeller's ruthlessness in making standard oil.
The new immigrants
Chinese and Europeans flocked to the US during the Gilded Age, prompting legislature like the Chinese Exclusion Act and sentiments of nativism.
Subtreasury Program
A populist idea. Wanted warehouses in which they stored their crops to be govt owned. In addition,wanted farmers to be able to borrow money against the value of their stored crops, creating inflation.
Coxey's Army
Jacob Coxey led a march on Washington in an effort to convince conress to create massive public works projects. He was ignored.
Legal order requiring a person to do, or refrain from doing, a particular act.
"Cross of Gold" Speech
William Jennings Bryan. He took a pro-silver stance (unlimited coinage) and said "You shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold." Went on to win democratic nomination in 1896, but lost to McKinley.
Petition to put an initiative on the ballot for public consideration. Only available in some states, removes power from the hands of the political leaders and places it with the people. Liked by Progressives.
Social Darwinism
The idea that natural selection and survival of the fittest applied to society. The theory was used to support laissez-faire, saying that corporations that weren't fit to survive would go under.
RR Strike 1877
Workers saw the RRs as controlling and as having the power of the govt on their side. A strike started in Chicago and spread. Deaths and Damages ensued, and federal troops had to be brought in to restore order.
The Gilded Age
Term coined by Mark Twain that indicated how superficial the economic growth was during this time.
Machine Politics
Machines thrived off of the voting power of immigrants. Bosses would reward people with patronage in exchange for votes. Used various corrupt schemes to make money.
Progress and Poverty
Henry George. Proposed a single tax which would destroy the big monopolies and place everyone on equal foodting for progress. Blamed social problems for the success of millionaires and rampant poverty
Gospel of Wealth
Andrew Carnegie wrote that people who have wealth should use all excess for the good of the community.
Belief in the supremacy of the native culture and people. Expressed by the populists because they were upset with immigrants taking their jobs. Govt supported it with the Chinese Exclusion Act
Movt of the common people. Began with farmer's alliances and grew into a working-man's party. Supporters were tired of having their interests fall second to corporate/big business. Supported graduated income tax, nationalization, creation of inflation, subtreasury program.
Pullman Strike
Pullman employees living in a company town received a pay decrease but not a rent decrease. Went on strike, Pres Cleveland had to send in troops. Eugene V. Debs was the leader.
Crime of '73
The silver:gold ratio stood at 16:1. Commercial silver had a better value, so people sold silver commercially instead of having it minted. Congress passed a law switching to just gold, people are outraged when commercial value falls below 16:1 but can't sell to the govt.
Free Silver Movement
Farmers wanted an increase in inflation and demanded that the govt return to free and unlimited coinage of silver at the 16:1 ratio.
Municipal reform
Local governments begin to move away from mayoral system and towards town councils in an effort to decrease corruption and spread the power amongst more people.
16th Amendment
Progressive Amendment
Income tax
17th Amendment
Progressive Amendment
Direct election of Senators.
18th Amendment
Progressive Amendment
19th Amendment
Progressive Amendment
Women's suffrage.
Social Gospel
Protestant doctrine that advocated the application of Christian principles to the array of social problems caused by industrialization and urbanization.
Jane Addams
Led settlement house movt
Settlement House Movt
SH's were places where immigrants could find meals, language assistance, and legal assistance.
New Nationalism
TR's platform 1912. Strong Fed. Govt, graduated income tax, worker's comp, labor regulations, corporation regulations, ran against Taft and Wilson
New Freedom
Wilson's platform 1912. Freedom from any kind of concentrated power, be it in business or in govt.
Northern Securities Case
The Supreme court had to decide if Great Norther as a monopoly and in violation of the sherman Anti-trust laws. It was. First major business industry defeat.
"Anglo Saxon Predominance"
Josiah Strong.The idea that Anglos were the most advanced people and had an obligation to look after everyone else.
"White Man's Burden"
Poem by Rudyard Kipling about Anglo superiority and the obligation to assist others less fortunate. "Noblesse Oblige"
Cuba Libre!
Free Cuba! Part of the reasoning behind Spanish-American war. People believed Cuba should be freed from oppressive Spanish rule.
de Lome Letter
Sent by Spanish Ambassador to Cuba to Spain to tell the Spanish that the US wouldn't want to go to war over Cuba because president McKinley is a coward.
Yellow Press
Sex and Sensationalism by the press to sell papers. Hearst and Pulitzer competed for subscribers. Drove the desire for war with Spain, especially after the stories printed about the USS Maine.
USS Maine
Exploded in Havana harbor while there on a goodwill mission. Yellow press blamed Spain, it was actually an accident.
Commodore George Dewey
Ordered by TR to capture the Philippines in the Spanish-American War.
Platt Amendment
Required that Cuba place certain provisions in its constitution, including one allowing the US to intervene in Cuban affairs and one allowing for a US naval base.
Like a colony, a piece of land is protected by an imperial power
Emilio Aguinaldo
Filipino who helped Dewey capture the Philippines.