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94 Cards in this Set

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Sexual selection
a mode of natural selection in which some individuals out-reproduce others of a population because they are better at securing mates
Struggle for existence
the automatic competition of members of a natural population for limited vital resources (as food, space, or light) that results in natural selection
Thomas Robert Malthus
British scholar from the 1700s/1800s who wrote An Essay on the Principle of Population, which argued that population would outgrow necessary resources and that this would eventually check population growth
Great chain of being
concept that details a strict, religious hierarchical structure of all matter and life, believed to have been decreed by god
Alfred Russel Wallace
British scientist known for independently conceiving the idea of evolution through natural selection
working class
went to Malaysia
idea came to him during malaria-induced fever
sent idea to Darwin, who was upset
Racial hygiene
a set of early twentieth century state sanctioned policies by which certain groups of individuals were allowed to procreate and others not, with the expressed
Invisible clothing
drawing nude people, usually women, with their bodies shaped as if they were wearing clothing; portraying naked women as if they were wearing clothing to sexualize them
John Scopes
Tennessee teacher charged with illegally teaching evolution in Tennessee in the influential Scopes Trial
Clarence Darrow
lawyer who supported evolution and represented John Scopes in the Scopes Trial
William Jennings Bryan
lawyer who attacked evolution during the Scopes trial and represented the state of Tennessee
religious belief that life, the Earth, and the universe are the creation of a supernatural being
Creation Science
rebranding of creationism that attempts to provide scientific support for Genesis and disprove other generally accepted scientific facts
Intelligent Design
rebranding of creationism and creation science, stating that the creation of the universe and life were created by an intelligent cause
idea that extinctions are episodic rather than regular, making catastrophism scientific by recognizing their rarity
Punctuated Equilibrium
idea that most evolution is gradual and rapid evolutionary change is instigated by rare, often catastrophic, events
Modern Synthesis
combination of Darwinian evolution and Mendelian genetics
Central Dogma
explanation of genetic information within a biological system: DNA makes RNA makes protein
Buck vs. Bell
1927 Supreme Court decision permitting the compulsory sterilization of the unfit
believe that the egg contains the whole embryo and germ of the future organism
believe that the sperm contains the whole embryo and germ of the future organism
James Ussher
created 4004 BC date of Earth's origin
theory that the Earth has been affected in the past by sudden, short-lived, violent events, possibly worldwide in scope
Principle of Plentitude
everything that can happen will happen eventually
Correlation of Parts
idea that after inspecting a bone, the rest of the organism can be inferred; all body parts are related and work together
Primacy of Vital Functions
in Couvier's work on comparative anatomy, he thought what was really important to an organism was what would really play out (nutrition, etc.), defining characteristic for survival
Social Darwinism
application of Darwinism to sociology and politics--superior groups will outcompete the inferior
idea that humans would inevitably evolve, "arrive," where they are today
"Homo erectus: a true man at last"
humans before Adam; part of the racist argument; humans before Adam were nonwhite (black); part of the different species argument
Epigenetic inheritance
idea that changes in genetics that are not in the actual DNA sequence are inheritable
Thomas Henry Huxley
idea that changes in genetics that are not in the actual DNA sequence are inheritable
evolution could have played out any way; if we replayed the tape, it would have played out differently; Gould
no matter what happened, we'd be where we are now
Jemmy Button
Fuegian man taken from his home in the 1800s, brought to England to learn Christianity, and returned in hopes of him being able to spread the religion; failed
walking on two legs, defining characteristic of humans
1933 Sterilization Law
Nazi law that allowed compulsory sterilization as part of the racial hygiene movement
Nuremberg Laws
anti-Semitic Nazi laws that incorporated scientific racism, strictly defining who was Jewish and restricting their powers
trait shared by descent
trait shared by adaptation
Conrad Gesner
founder of modern zoology-greatest naturalist of his century
ranked fossils on scale of how lifelike they looked
Tongue stones
fossils that were incorrectly identified as tongue stones, but were actually shark teeth
Inheritance of acquired characters
incorrect idea that characters acquired during an organism's lifetime could be inherited by its offspring
Watchmaker Analogy
Paley's argument that design implies a designer
Erasmus Darwin
Charles Darwin's grandfather who supported evolution without backing up his claims well
Francis Galton
Charles Darwin's cousin who supported eugenics ("nature versus nuture") and was a father of statistics
having more offspring than can possibly survive
Herbert Spencer
pre-Darwin supporter of evolution who created the "survival of the fittest" idea
Natura non facit saltam
idea that natural things change gradually, not suddenly
Natural Theology
theology based on reason and ordinary experience
Tree Of Life
concept and metaphor for the relationships between all living things and their common descent
unintentionally racist term used by Charles Darwin to describe indigenous people
ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny—is a largely discredited biological hypothesis that in developing from embryo to adult, animals go through stages resembling or representing successive stages in the evolution of their remote ancestors
Scientific racism
using (pseudo)science to justify racist beliefs
how we are today isn't fundamentally different from how we started; analog of genetic determinism; we are exactly who we were when we originated and we will always be that; individual level
idea that traits can shift functions during evolution
August Weismann
German evolutionary biologist who theorized that inheritance only takes place in germ cells
Trofim Lysenko
Soviet biologist who rejected Mendelian genetics in favor of hybridization, created pseudoscientific movement
Correlation of Growth
things happen to go along with things simply because they happen to go along; for example, chins show up because of jaws; in canines, tameness goes along with flat ears—only a byproduct
organisms can choose what characteristics will be inherited
modern synthesis of Darwinian evolution through Mendelian genetics
Personalized genomic medicine
medicine designed for the individual to best suit them based on their genetics
Negative Eugenics
improvement of the genetic makeup of a population by preventing the reproduction of the obviously unfit
Positive Eugenics
encouraging reproduction among the genetically advantaged
Human-Induced Evolution
evolution driven by human behavior
Thomas Burnet
English theologian
thought religion ignores certain events
determined this through using geological events only
believed in secondary causes-thought god was more passive
7 phases of the Earth
ignored fossil origins
believed in a deistic god, not christian
William Buckland
popular English geologist who thought geological history could be explained by reconstructing events from deep time, including biblical accounts
Robert Chambers
English evolutionary thinker who released a book giving a scientific explanation for the origins of the universe and life that was so controversial he released it anonymously and his authorship was not recognized until after his death
Richard Owen
English comparative anatomist who popularized the idea of living beings being derived from archetypal forms and who alternately denied Darwinian evolution and claimed to have anticipated it
rare element found abundantly in meteorites, used to help explain the K-T extinction of dinosaurs and many other species 66 MA
Sixth Mass Extinction
proposed name to describe mass extinctions within the past 10000 years, largely caused by humans
Multiple Inheritance Systems
idea that there are multiple ways of passing on characteristics (genetics, epigenetics, behavioral, symbol-based)
Robert Fitzroy
captain of the HMS Beagle while Charles Darwin was on it
Segregation of the Germ Plasm (or Germline)
Divergence of Character
over time, species get increasingly different
Undulating Women
women are traditionally portrayed to be made out of viscous material
The "Unequal Eye"
god sees everything with an equal eye (O'Hara); humans fundamentally incapable as seeing everything at once all together—we should be worried about our partiality
extinct massive Central and South American sloths
Luis and Walter Alvarez
theorized the meteorite impact that caused the K-T extinction
Butler Act
a 1925 Tennessee law prohibiting public school teachers from denying the Biblical account of man's origin
Replaying Life's Tape
idea that if life was repeated, it would take a different path because of contingency
Achulean Hand Axe
used to date human intelligence
the amount of brain mass exceeding that related to an animal's total body mass
originally bimana—two-handed and four-handed lineages; black people descended from quadrumana; either all or some races descended from; no longer used category to distinguish apes
Lord Kelvin
how old could the Earth be? (wrong because he didn't understand the radiation inside of the Earth)
Deep Time
concept of geologic time
Behavioral Inheritance
social transmission of information
Symbolic Inheritance
idea that humans are unique because they acquire understanding of symbols
Gregor Mendel
German monk who discovered principles of genetics and inheritance through experiments with pea plants
the study of the origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe: extraterrestrial life and life on Earth
Tierra del Fuego
archipelago off the tip of South America where Darwin stopped along his travels
about Erasmus Darwin (who wrote a poem about evolution without deeper explanation); the activity of making up crazy ideas about the history of the Earth
91. Ernst Haeckel’s trees- actually trees, with humans on top
Ernst Haeckel's Trees
actually trees, with humans on top
Irreducible Complexity
argument by proponents of intelligent design that certain biological systems are too complex to have evolved from simpler, or "less complete" predecessors, through natural selection acting upon a series of advantageous naturally occurring, chance mutations
Secondary Causes
a secondary cause is one created by another and is capable of creating future events
Natural Selection
(in particular the required conditions as defined by Darwin)
the gradual, non-random process by which biological traits become either more or less common in a population as a function of differential reproduction of their bearers