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58 Cards in this Set

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The Great War
“The war to end all wars” WWII
Triple Alliance
Germany, Austria- Hungary, Italy
Triple Entente
Great Britain, France, Russia
Serbia, Russia, France, Great Britain, Belgiam, italy, US, Japan
Central Powers
Gremany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey
British Passenger ship carying 128 americans, Sunk by german U boats
Sussex Pledge
germany promised to stop attacting non-military vessels
U- Boats
“untersee boat” submarines used by germany
Terrorism in the early 20th century
Assassin Garrilo princip acting on behalf of the Serbian terrorist group “the black hand” assassinates archdunk Fraz Ferdinand of Austria- Hungary in 1914
Zimmerman note
telegram sent to the german ambassador in mexico, instructing him to make a deal with mexico to attack the US
Trench Warfare
predominit factor in WWI, machine guns, prolonged war, easy to get lost, lack of bathrooms
1918 flu epidemic
a flu epidemic made worse because of war
Armistice Day
changed to veterans day, agreement to stop fighting so they can make a treaty
Wilsons 14 points
points for world peace, and he hoped that would be apart of the final peace treaty
Treaty of Verailles
New boundries and new nations/ league of nations was created/ GERMANY: was disarmed and colonies were given to victors/ forces to accept full blame (“war of guilt clause”)/ made to pay reparations/ UNITED STATES: did not ratify the treaty/ did not join the league of nations (“fear of entangling alliances”)
League of Nations
A world organization established in 1920 to promote international cooperation and peace
Warren G. Harding
as president, he vetoed the bonus bill that would have provided a bonus for WWI vertans
Calvin Coolidge
Mr. Impersonality- he restored trust in the government- coolidge, also vetoed the new bonus bill, that offered veterans a 20 year life insurance policy- congress passed the bill over his veto
Red Scare
people in the US were afraid that the communist were trying to take over in this county like they did in russia
Palmer Raids
agents from the attorney generals office arrested of 4,000 people suspected of being communist
Scopes Trail
a teacher named john scopes was arrested for teaching evolution in the public schools, although it was against the law in Tennessee- scopes was found guilty and fined $100 but then the state supreme court threw out the decision on a technicality
condemned catholics, jews, and aliens as well as blacks
National Origins Act/ Emergency Quota Act
the US congress restricted the number of people who could come to the US from each country in a years time- they also capped the total number of immigrants in a year
Sacco & Vanzetti
italian immigrants and also anarchist, they will be executed for a crime they may not have committed because of prejudice and radicals
the 18th amendment to the constitution was the prohibition amendment, it outlawed the manufacture, sale or transportation of alcoholic beverages
Volstead Act
set up a prohibition bureau to enforce the law but it was underfunded and under staffed
illegal bars where you had to use a password to get in
Al Capone
gangster who supplied bootleg alcohol to chicago
Installment buying
customers could purchase a product, take it home and then pay for it in equal monthly payments
Model T
it cost $845 in 1908 by 1925 Ford had reduced the price to $290 by adding a moving conveyer belt to his assembly line- the model T was called the Tin Lizzie and it only came in black- it was the first car that most americans could afford to own
19th Amendment
women's suffrage amendment that gave women the right to vote
wild young women of the 20s, they wore short dressed, make up and cut their hair in a bob- got their nickname because they left the buckles unfastened on their shoes
equal rights amendment, an attempt by women to gain political equality but they couldn't get it passed until 1972 and it was never ratified by the states
Babe Ruth- the home run king of the 20s
Babe Ruth
the home run king of the 20s
Jim Thorpe
an indian who went tot the carlisle school for his education “worlds greatest athlete”- won the gold medal in the 1912 olympic games for both the pentathlon and decathlon- medals revoked and he because a pro, helped found the NFL
Marcus Gravey
lead a “back to africa” movement in 1914- stressed black pride and sought to return Africans to Africa- his movement inspired the harlem renaissance of the 20s that celebrated black literature, art and music and reflected a new pride in being black
Jazz Age
Jazz was created by black musicians in New Orleans
Louis Armstrong
a black trumpet player who helped make jazz popular
silent movie theaters that charged 5 cent admission
The Jazz Singer
first movie with sound
Charles Lindbergh
completed the fist non-stop solo flight from New York to Paris in 1927- flight took 33 1/2 hours and his plane was called the Spirit of St. Louis
Dawes Plan
the US gave loans to germany so it could make its reparation payments
Washington Navel conference
the major world powers took steps to stop the naval arms race by reducing the size of their navys
Kellogg-Briand Pact
nations agreed to outlaw aggressive war
“Black Tuesday”
occurred on Oct. 29, 1929 when the great stock market crash marked the beginning of the Great Depression- by 1930 6 million people were unemployed and by 1932 it was 12 million (75% of wage earners)
economize to stretch your resources and make with what you've got
FDRs Meat packing plan
the US supreme court had ruled several New Deal programs unconstitutional so FDR threatened to increase the number of justices to 15 so that the democratic judges could carry the vote- he didnt have to carry out his treat because the court did not rule anymore programs unconstitutional
Good Neighbor Policy
begun by Hoover but FDR got the credit for it
Federal Emergency Relief Administration: congress offered grants of money to the states on a matching basis for the purpose of providing relief
Civil Works Administration: employed 4 million men but was abolished because it was too costly and there was too much criticism about ridiculous jobs
Agricultural Adjustment Administration: paid farmers to produce less; declared unconstitutional
Civilian Conservation Corps: hired young men, ages 18-25, to work on conservation and flood control projects and national park improvements
Tennessee Valley Authority: built a series of dams and electric power plants
Reconstruction Finance Corporation: first made by hoover; made loans to big businesses and banks
National Recovery Administration: used blue eagle to show who was partcipating in this, and people would only shop at the blue eagle stores; declared unconstitutional
Public Works Administration: provided more useful employment than the CWA
Works Progress Administration: largest works relief program in history, constructed river walk,
Soil Conservation Service: created to teach farmers how to minimize erosion with terraces, counter plowing and ground cover