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41 Cards in this Set

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19th century urban housing
most poor people lived in apartments called tenements; wealthy people started moving out to the outskirts of the city known as suburbs

Late 19th century immigration (3)

push factor: land and job scarcity

pull factor: employment opp and freedom

first wave were typically from northern and western europe

Bull moose party (3)

-republican party split in 1912 election

-Theodore Roosevelt formed his own progressive party (he was fit as a bull moose)

- loss to democrat candidate Woodrow wilson

U.S entry into WWI (5)
-wilson urged neutrality at start

-U.S trade with britain and france was interrupted

-Unrestricted submarine warfare: germany sanked lusitania

-Zimmerman telegram: note from germany to mexico, to urge mexico to attack U.S

-Election of 1916: wilson’s “kept us out of war”

Great migration of African Americans (3)

-Mass movement of african american from rural south to industrial north

-Pushed by poverty and racism

-Pulled by factory jobs and freedom

Spanish american war & its aftermath (3)

-yellow journalists expose cuban war, then the U.S intervenes to "aid" cuba but takes over it

-cuba gained independence

-U.S becomes a world power

Silver coinage issue (5)

-"free and unlimited coinage of silver"

-saw silver as "people's money" and gold as money of oppression

-populist party didn't want to rely on gold for money system

-to relieve labor conditions

-cut farmer's debt, increase money currency and supply

Yellow journalism (2)

-exaggerated news, to sell more newspapers

-false information spread across the nation, increased interests in world affairs

19th century union movement

-union workers fought for their rights as labor workers

Development of mass communication (2)

-radio became one of the most influential inventions

-making communication and news easier

Chief joseph (4)

-chief of nez perce tribe

-friendly with whites, but some indians killed whites and now the whites were hunting/attacking indians

-he took his tribe to flee, but was surrounded 50 miles away from canada border

-chief tried to resolve it peacefully, in the end they were all sent to Oklahoma

Joseph Pulitzer

hungarian-born journalistic tycoon who became the leader in the techniques of sensationalism in new york world

William jennings bryan

united states lawyer who advocated free silver and prosecuted john scopes for teaching evolution in Tennessee high school

Booker T washington (2)

-ex slave who worked hard and became the head at industrial school

-believed that one should make them self useful to go against white supremacy

Geronimo (2)

-leader of apaches in arizona and new mexico

-fought against white man who tried to force them off their land


William Mckinley (4)

- president during spanish american war

-raised protective tariffs and rejected infationary proposes

-defeated democratic rival william jennings bryan by advocating the "gold standard"

- established open door policy to china

-made hawaii U.S territory in 1898

Billy sunday

-left his baseball career to win people to christ

-american fundamentalist who opposed radicalism and progressivsm

John rockefeller (3)

-started the oil company and absorbed or destroyed any competition

-succeeded by marketing high quality at low cost per unit

-threatened rivals, bribed politicians, employed spies and extorted railroad rebates

Theodore Roosevelt domestic policy (7)

-clayton act attempt to imporve anti-sherman act (outlaws monopoly)

-federal trade commission: increased govt regulatory power

-northern securities company

-federal reserve act (central bank and U.S money)

-underwood tariff act

-pinchot-ballinger affair: forestry reservation

-national reclamation act

The "Lost generation"

generation reaching maturity during and after the war

causes of first world war

M.A.I.N. (Millitarism, Alliances, Imperialsm, Nationalism) and assasination of duke franz ferdinand


term coined by theodoore roosevelt in 1906 to describe writers who practiced exposing corruotions of public figures

-targetes corruption in gov't and politics

Populist movement

revolt from south and midwest farmers against democrat and repub for ignoring their interests and difficulties

- farmers were suffering from crop failures and falling prices

The scopes trial

1925, john scopes a biology teacher was prosecuted for teaching the evolutionary theory in Tennessee high school

- defense lawyer was clarence darrow

Urban machine

gangsters had power and political affiliations

- able to get a political candiate votes in exchange, the candidate looks the other way as gangsters commits illegal acts

Social darwinism

"science" ideal used by wealthy Americans that they deserved their wealth and by natural selection

The red scare (4)

-1919-1920 led by attorney general Mitchell palmer against suspected communists

-Thousands of americans arrested

-Occurred due to the formation of the Comintern and bombings

-Palmer raid: only uncovered 3 pistols

The black sox scandal

-consipiracy in 1919 world series between chicago white soxs and Cincinnati reds

-conspired with gamblers, white sox intentionally lost the game

socialist movement

international organization of socialist party in 1904, who shares a common marxist worldview

-transition of capitalism to communism

Open door policy

mckinley's policy open trade with china and everyone has equal opportunity to trade with everyone else

- no discrimination

horatio alger

writer of dime novel stories for young boys

james garfield

-president of U.S in 1881, assassinated 6 months into office

-favored tariff reform and social reform

- halfbreed (moderates)

william randolph hearst

expelled from harvard then built a newspaper empire based on yellow journalism and sensationalism

sitting bull

one of the leaders of sioux tribe (1877), a medicine man. fought alongside crazy horse in the sioux war in 1876

in the battle of little big horn, they were forced into canada

Frederick jackson turner

american historian who said that humanity would progress as long as there is land to occupy. frontier provided homes and fixed social problems

Andrew carnegie

kept wages low and disliked unions

-bought steel company and built railroads, becoming billionare success

W.E.B dubois

black leader who opposed booker t washington's approach for helping blacks

helped found the NAACP in 1910

calvin coolidge

pro-business president who took over for harding (1923-1929), restored honesty in gov't, accelerated tax cutting and created laissez faire policy

william cody and wild west shows

shows in 1883 that was considered "american"

included indians, live buffalos, and good shooter annie oakley

teddy roosevelt's foreign policy

panama canal (part of his big stick diplomacy)- allowed ships to travel from east cost to west coast faster

monroe doctrine- kept america isolated and stated america can interfere in economic affairs of america

Sacco-Vanzetti trial

Two italian immigrants (nicola sacco and bartolomeo vanzetti) were charged with murder and executed because they were anarchist and draft dodgers