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100 Cards in this Set

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Whole communities of tarpaper shacks. (USA)
Who introduced the New Deal in the U.S.?
Who was John Meynard Keynes?
British Economist, radical solutions. Defecit Financing
What is the WCTU?
Womens Christian Temperance Union
When was the notion of collective security first brought up?
Treat of Versailles, League of Nations
What was one main failure of the League of Nations?
Lack of military enforcement
What are some of the successes of the League of Nations?
Administered the Saar Valley, settled many small quarrels
What are two examples of the failure of collect security?
Japanese conquest of Manchuria, Italian invasion of Ethiopia
What was the Maginot Line?
Line of concrete forts and tunnels along France's common border with Germany
What are the proletariat?
Common workers
What is the meaning of a bolshevik?
Majority party
What does Mensheviks mean?
What was bloody sunday?
Tsarist troops opened fire on a group of protesters who were begging for the Tsar for help, 130 were killed.
Who used the slogan of 'Peace,Bread, and land'?
What did War Communism involve?
Nationalization of industry, Compulsory labour, Private trade supressed
Who was in struggle for power after the death of Lenin?
Stalin and Trotsky
What were the Gulags?
Forced labour camps
What is collectivization?
Forcing peasents to give up their own land and become workers on the collective farms
What is a Kulak?
Peasnt who was a cut above poverty stricken
What is Italia Irredenta?
regions with ethnic Italian populations living outside of Italy
Leader of Italy during the Second World War?
Benito Mussolini
What were the blackshirts?
Groups of ex-servicemen, middle class youths and anti-communist, under Mussolini
What does Il Duce mean?
The Leader
What was the march on rome?
Mussolini threatened to march on Rome with 26,000 troops and seize power, he did so without any fighting
What does Putsch mean in German?
Attempt to overthrow the Government
What is lebensraum?
Living Space
What was the Luftwaffe?
German Airforce
Who was Dr. Josef Goebbels?
Minister of propagando under Hitler
Who was Herman Goering?
Minister for Air and organizer of the Luftwaffe
What were the Nuremburg Laws?
Package of Anti-Jewish laws
What were the Gestapo?
German Secret Police
What is Anti-Semitism?
Hatred of Jews
What was Kristallnacht?
Jewish shops, homes, etc. Were ramshacked and many Jews Imprisoned(Glass Night)
Who formed the SS?
Himmler in 1929
Balfour Declaration?
Agreement in principle to the creation of a national homeland for the jews
What is Manifest destiny?
Idea that the newly formed United States had a god-given right to the continent
What was the Klu Klux Klans main beliefs?
Racials Superiority of white people and anti-communism
What were some consequences of the Great Depression?
Unemployment, Banking Failures, Political Consequences and a change in the role of government
What is the lend lease act?
Authorized the American president to give credit to
"Any country whose defence President deems vital to the defence of the USA"
What method of war did the Germans use during the Second World War?
What were the basic principles of Nazi Foreign Policy?
Repudation of Versailles, Uniting Germans with Father land, Lebensraum
Where was the Sudetenland?
Far western boundary of Czechoslovakia
What were the aspects of the Nazi-Soviet Pact?
Agreed not to fight eachother, secretly agreed to carve up Poland, Gain of time
What is a Panzer?
German Tank
Where did the French and British extract from the German forces?
Port of Dunkirk
Who organized the French troops?
General Charles De Gaulle
What was Operation Sealion?
Control of air and channel to get at Great Britain
What was the Enigma?
German Cipher machine
What was the Winter War?
Red Army attacked Finland
Who led the Americans in the battle of the Second World War?
General Eisenhower
What was the Suez Canal?
Shipping connect, originally the British shipping lane
What are the U-Boats?
German Submarines
Where were the Atom Bombs dropped on Japan?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
What were Kamikaze attacks?
Suicide attacks, Japanese planes would crash into the American ships
What was discussed at the Newfoundland Conference?
Roosevelt and Churchill met to discuss common war aims
What was discussed at the Casablanca Conference?
Roosevelt and Churchill agreed that Germany should be forced to surrender unconditionally.
What is the Domino Theory?
European countries would one by one fall to the Soviets
Satellite States?
Soviet Union controlled the affairs of the six Eastern Block countries
What is the National Security Council?
High level group was formed to advise the President upon matters concerning the defence of the U.S.A.
What was the Truman Doctrine?
Economic and Military aid too Turkey and Greece
What is NATO?
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
What was involved with McCarthyism?
Fear of widespread communism
"Socialism with a human face"?
What was the the American Response to Kruschevs statement?
Eisenhower Doctrine
Who launched Sputnik?
The USSR in April of 1957
What was the Bay of Pigs?
1400 Cuban Patriots were embarassed by the Cuban Forces, USA let them use Guatemala as a marshalling ground.
What is MAD?
Mutually Assured Destruction
What is a Pre-emptive strike?
A surpise nuclear attack meant to disable the enemy
What is an ICBM?
Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile
Who began to resist Japanese occupation in Vietnam?
Ho Chi Minh and his Communists
Where was a major French Garrison surrendered in Vietnam?
Dien Bien Phu
Who was Mohandas Ghandi?
Nationalist,believed in Non-violent or passive resistance to the British Masters, Hindu
Who called India in the post war years?
WHo became Prime Minister during the Egyptian Rev.?
Gamal Nasser
What is OPEC?
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
What is Islamic Fundamentalism?
Return to the basic tenets of the Islamic religion
Who did Islamic Fundamentalism threaten?
What did Sadam Hussein fear of the fundamentalist revolution?
Spread to his country(Iraq)
What was the Long March?
Mao's Red Army retreated 9,000 km and lost 3/4 of there infantry
Who was Mao Zedong?
Communist Leader of China
Who was Chiange Kai-Shek
Under control of the Kuomintang
What were the goals of the cultural rev.?
Introduce a more 'pure' form of communism
Who gained control after the death of Mao in China?
Deng Xiaoping
What did Xiaoping announce?
Open door policy, and created special economic zones
What is Detente?
Relaxation of Tension
What does the German word Ostpolitik mean?
East Politics
What was SDI?
Strategic Defence Initiative
What was the nickname for SDI?
What was the Velvet Rev.?
Huge demonstration in Prague was put down
When did Leonid Brezhnev lead the Soviet Union?
Mikal Gorbachev?
Last communist ruler of the USSR before collapse
What did Martin Luther King fight for?
Black Rights
What was the parallel line in Vietnam seperating the north and south?
17th Parallel
What was the Parallel line seperating north and south korea?
38th Parallel
What year was the peoples republic of China admitted to the United Nations
When did relations begin to warm between China and the West?
In the late 1960's, Nixon publicized China
When was D-Day?
June 6th,1944
What was the Canadian beach on D-Day?
Juno Beach
How many beaches were the Americans given on D-Day?
Who took the other two beaches on D-Day?
Great Britain