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36 Cards in this Set

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"Citizen King" or "Bourgeois King"
Louis Philippe of Orleans, heads an unsettled government, until Guizot (1840-48)
Monroe Doctrine (2 Dec 1823)
stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression requiring U.S. intervention
Minister Guizot
classic liberal advice on winning suffrage:
"enrich yourselves"
Luddite activity (1811-13)
anti-industrial action by workers
Corn Laws (1815)
a tariff to protect wheat prices, aiding large land owners.
Peterloo (16 Aug 1819)
Spectacular failure of the "moral" force faction
reducing 300 German states to 39
Holy Roman Empire (HRE)
ends in 1806
Prussian Reforms
1807-8, Stein reforms (ending serfdom, class/occupation restrictions, and entailment; greater autonomy to the city governments and citizens)
Hardenberg's military reforms: General staff reorganized; military education and opening of the officer corps to the middle class; more humane conscript army
Humboldt educational reforms: restructuring the University of Berlin, promoting higher standards, more research, and academic freedom)
Prussian defeat and the rise of volkish nationalism
architect of repression in Central Europe, minister of Francis I- (rightly) fearing the centrifugal dangers of nationalism
Carlsbad decrees
Outlaws student/ patriot clubs
Imposes strict press censorship
Institutes close police surveillance of universities
Poor Law of 1834
Redefinition of poverty. Poor houses and Malthusian logic:
"Among the lower classes of society, where the point is of greatest importance, the poor-laws afford a direct, constant and systematical encouragement to marriage by removing from each individual their heavy responsibility which he would incur by the laws of nature, for bringing beings into the world which he could not support"
The 4 R's
Revolution, Rift and Repression, Reaction (see page 60)
Louis Napoleon
The French anomaly (meaning exception to the rule)
Frankfurt Parliament May 1848
The failed liberal attempt at a unified Germany
Kleindeutsh vs. Grossdeutsch
The dilemma of how to constitute this new Germany: small vs. large, "volkish" vs. Charlemagne's First Reich
humiliated in the crisis in Hesse (1850), predicated on Russian support for Austrian position
see page 65
see page 65
EMS Telegram
The Spanish succession, Prince Leopold, French outrage, and the Bismarckian decision for war (toward the Franco-Prussian war)
Territory lost by France after the Franco-Prussian War
Risk Theory
having a navy of sufficient size that, in defeat, so weakens its opponent to leave that opponent vulnerable to attack by others
Danger Zone
the time period in which a preemptory attack by the British would negate the principles of the Risk Theory
Dreadnought Gap 1908-09
Political-military fallout of technological advance- "Fear God, and Dread Nought"
Bosnian Crisis
an Austrian-Russian deal gone bad- Austria gains sovereignty over Bosnia-Herzogovina.
Archduke Francis Ferdinand
assassinated by Bosnian student in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia-Herzogovina.
6 points of Chartist Movement:
Universal manhood suffrage;
written ballot;
end of property qualification;
payment of members;
equal-sized districts;
annual elections
February Revolution (23 Feb- 8 Mar 1917)
impact of WWI, call for reform.
uprising of strikers in St. Petersburg, now called Petrograd:
Battlefield defeats; disloyal military; strikes- abdication of Nicholas II
Hall of Mirrors
Harsh versailles treaty, french revenge: french force signing ceremony on 28 Jun 1919
Holy Alliance
Established to protect the "decent christian order" and the "sacred principles of order"
Falloux Law
Authorized private organizations to maintain public schools
Dogger's Bank
Where the Russian Arctic Fleet,claiming it had seen Japanese warships sank a British fishing boat
Occupied by the Prussians and Austrians after the Danish war 1864
The official form of worker relief instituted in Paris 1848
Tally Rand
French Rep. at the congress of Vienna in 1814