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34 Cards in this Set

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Large, arrogant. Master manipulator. Democrat. Civil Rights Act of 1964. Great Society. Believed war and domestic programs could be balanced.
Oldest, largest, most recognized civil rights organization. Secure right guaranteed by the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment. End slavery, equal protection, universal male suffrage. Jim Crow defense fund.
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Non-violent civil disobedience; challenge segregation. Worked with the youth council of the NAACP. Sit-ins, "non-violent workshops."
Greensboro, NC. 4 black college students sat at a segregated lunch counter.
1961 Freedom Rides
Tested 1960 decision prohibiting racial segregation. Met with violent reaction from angry white southerners and shocked middle class northerners watching at home.
Student Protests
Bureaucratic college systems, deprived rights. Berkeley start of protests, followed by Columbia in 1968, the year MLK and Robert Kennedy were assassinated, and was one of the 10 school researching for the Inst. for Defense. Kent State in 1970 after Nixon's invasion of Cambodia and My Lai incident and Draft lottery with 4 students killed by National Guard.
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
MLK followers, non-violent resistance. Freedom Rides and sit-ins.
Birmingham, AL Protests
Chief Police Eugene "Bull" Connor brutally tried to stop peaceful marches with attack dogs, tear gas, electric cattle prods, and fire hoses, sometimes at children.
Malcolm X
Nation of Islam's (black nationalists) movement leader. Killed by rivaling black nationalists.
Bay of Pigs
Plan to get rid of Castro during JFK Admin. Recruited and trained 2,000 Cuban refugees in order to inspire an uprising. JFK cancelled air support, which lead to the capturing of the men.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Photo evidence that USSR was creating nuclear sites in Cuba to counter US missiles in Turkey. Act of aggression to the US and quarantined Cuba. Planned to air strike the sites, but Khrushchev that they would remove the sites in return for Cuba's safety.
Gulf of Tonkin
Alleged attacking of North Vietnamese aggressor to US boats, violating international waters. LBJ, "unconfirmed, unprovoked attack on US." Resolution gave LBJ to repel NV forces. Reality: US ships violated international waters.
Tet Offensive
Communist efforts on the Vietnamese New Year (January 31) to attack American strongholds throughout SV.
MLK Jr.'s Assassination
Killed while standing on the balcony of his motel in Memphis Tennessee on April 4th, 1968. Assassinated by James Earl Ray
Ngo Dinh Diem
SV leader.
1968 Election
Nixon won.
The "Great Society"
LBJ, "Abundance and liberty for all." "End to poverty." "End to racial injustice."
Robert Kennedy
Shaped the "Kennedy Legacy." Hero to black, the poor,and many minorities. Assassinated by Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan after Kennedy's victory in the California primaries.
George Wallace
Alabama governor.
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)/The New Left
"Participatory Democracy" and direct involvement. Questioned university requirements, restrictions on student political activity, and dorm restrictions. Opposed the Vietnam war.
Port Huron Statement
SDS declaration of of beliefs.
The Counterculture/ Hippies
Youths attempt to alter themselves. Rejected individualism, competition, capitalism, monogamy, and traditional family structure.
American Indian Tribe Movement (AIM)
Formed in Minnesota to protect police brutality. Occupied Alcatraz for 19 months. Trail of Broken Treaties. Wounded Knee. 1972 Indian Education Act. 1976 Indian Healthcare Act. 1978 Indian Child Welfare Act.
Alfred Kinsey
Studied sexual behavior.
Stonewall Riots
NY police raids of gay bar that resulted in riots.
1961 Commission of the Status of Women
Call to end legal restriction of married women's rights, equal opportunities in employment, greater availability of child care services.
National Organization of Women (NOW)
1968 Miss American Pageant protest.
Yom Kippur War
Syrian and Egyptian forces attacked Israel on their holy day.
Invaded by Nixon
1972 Election
Nixon Won
Fall of Saigon
Taken over by communists in 1975.
The Equal Rights Amendment
Passed in 1972 but died out during ratification.
Cost of living rises, but the rate economic growth declines.
Rachel Carson
Wrote, "Silent Spring." Marine biologists. Investigated the insecticide DDT.