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23 Cards in this Set

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1.The charter of English political and civil liberties granted by King John at Runnymede in June 1215.
2. A document or piece of legislation that serves as a guarantee of basic rights.
3. Also known as the Magna Carta
The Great Charter
1.Created by Louis Blanc
2.Were created in an effort to deal with the unemployment problems in Paris. However, the workshops had residency requirements that were so strict even many Parisians had difficulty meeting them. Consequently, unemployment rates went up, and the government went bankrupt trying to support the programs.
National Workshops
Uprising that occured in response to the closure of National Workshops. Led by General Cavaignac, the revolt led to the death of thousands and the deportation of thousands of prisonersto Algeria. While Cavaignac became head of the executive power, Louis Blanc, who was head of that National Workshops, was judicially persecuted by the government. This event marked the end for hopes of a "Democratic and Social Republic" and defeat for Radical Republicans.
The June Days
A German philosopher, poet, and literary critic, but most importantly, a German Nationalist. A student of Immanuel Kant, this person rooted National identity in German Folk Culture. He focused on language and cultural traditions as the tie that created a nation, which included folklord, dance, music, and art. His philosophy on German nationalism became the inspiration for the Grimm brothers in their collection of German folktales.
Johann Herder
Jacob Ludwig Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm. In an effort to promote German Nationalism, the pair collected old German folktakes and peasent folklore that had been traditionally passed down through oral communication. Witht their collection of stories, the brothers published these old German tales in print, which allowed widespread knowledge of stories such as Snow White and Cinderella.
The Brothers Grimm
In 1848, this met in response to the Revolution in Prussia and the German States. At the assembly, a frame for a constitution and unification of Germany was made. Made up of mainly the mid-class, the parliment favored a small Germany, excluding Austrian GMs. They agreed to offer the crown to Frederick William IV who was king of Prussia. However, their plans crumbled when Frederick refused the title.
Frankfurt Assembly
King of Prussia (1840-1861): head of the largest/most powerful of the German states. He preferred to use military force in response to popular demonstrations. March 1848: yeild to the force of revolutionary crowds building barricades in Berlin by ordering his troops to leave the city and by promising to create a national Prussian assembly.He crushed the Revolution of 1848 and refused the crown of a united Germany offered to him by the Frankfurt Parliament violently suppressing democratic movements.
Frederik William IV
included the territories ruled by the Austrian branch of the House of Habsburg, and then by the successor House of Habsburg-Lorraine, between 1745 and 1867/1918. The capital was Vienna. The monarchy from 1804 to 1867 is usually referred to as the Austrian Empire and from 1867 to 1918 as Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Hapsburg Monarchy
was a Hungarian lawyer, politician and Regent-President of the Kingdom of Hungary in 1849. He was widely honoured during his lifetime, including in the United Kingdom and the United States, as a freedom fighter.During the Revolutions of 1848, he worked towards establishing a seperate Hungarian State in Budapest.
Lajos Kossuth
This man was a nationalist who led the Young Haly movement. Supporting a democratic revolution, he overthrew Pope Pius IX's control over Rome, forcing the Pope to flee from the city. He then stepped into power creating The Republic of Rome in Feb. 1949, However, when France decided to intervene in defense of Pope Pius, sending in troops to defeat the republicans, on of his disiples, Giuseppe Garibolds, was sent to fight France. Ultimatley, he failed to provide the leadership necessary for a national movement.
Guiseppe Mazzini
Also known as The European Revolutions of 1848, orYear of Revolution, appeared to be a revolutionary wave which erupted in Sicily and then, further triggered by the revolutions of 1848 in France, soon spread to the rest of Europe and as far afield as Brazil. These European revolutions were the violent consequences of such a wide variety of causes such as changes in politics, both liberal reformers and radical politicians were seeking change in their nations' governments. In society, technological change was creating new ways of life for the working classes, a popular press extended political awareness, and new values and ideas such as popular liberalism, nationalism and socialism began to spring up.
Springtimes of the Peoples
The rejection of ramantic idealism and subjectivity, arised in response to the political failures of the post 1848-era. Realists focused on depicting the challenges of urban and industrial growth. This gave birth to many historically well known artists such as Gustave Courbot (famous for his paining, the Artists' Studio) and Charles Dickens.During this time period Charles Darwin came up with his natural selection theory and Marx and Engles became noted for their phiolsophy on society and government.
"The Age of Realism"
King of Italy. Appointed Cavour as his first minister. Cavour undertook liberal administrative measures that included tax reform, stabilization of the currency, improvement of the railway system, the creation of transatlantic steamship system, and the support of private enterprise. Cavor made an alliance with France against Austria which eventually led to this person
's rule over Tuscany, Modena, Parma, and Romagna. Sardinia doubled in size to become the dominant power on the Italian peninsula. Italy was declared united. When Prussia prevailed against France in 1870, The King of Italy took over Rome. The boot of Italy, from top to toe,was now a single nation
Victor Emmanuel II
During the age of realistic politicians, a pragmatic political theory advanced by Otto von Bismarck; ruthless prusuit by any means, including illegal and violent ones, in the interest of the state. Bismark was a Junker, an aristocratic owner from east of the Elbe River, who entered politics in 1847. In the 1850s, he became aware of Prussia's future in the center of Europe; he saw that the old elites must be allied with the national movement to survive.
In 1862, at the moment of crisis provoked by the king over military reorganization, this person became minister president of the Prussian cabinet and foreign minister. As Minister-President of Prussia from 1862 to 1890, he engineered the Unification of Germany. From 1867 on, he was Chancellor of the North German Confederation. When the second German Empire was declared in 1871, he served as its first Chancellor, gaining the nickname "Iron Chancellor". His primary objectives were to ensure the supremacy of the Prussian state within Central Europe, and of the aristocracy within the state itself. His most significant achievement was the creation of the modern German state, with Prussia at its core, through a series of wars and political maneuvering in the 1860s.
Otto von Bismarck
was a conflict between France and Prussia, which was backed by the North German Confederation and the South German states of Baden, Württemberg and Bavaria. The thorough German victory brought about the final unification of the German Empire under King William I of Prussia. It also marked the downfall of Napoleon III and the end of the French Second Empire, which was replaced by the Third Republic. As part of the settlement, the territory of Alsace-Lorraine was taken by Germany, which would retain it until World War I.
Franco-Prussian War
Congo River is the richest part of Africa. In the 1880s it was originally owned by Belguim this scared the British because of Belgium's gain in power.
Domestic Politics ("Congo Rive")
Industiralization:Marx-capitalism very effective
Materials: increase of raw materials, cotton, tea, coco, spices (luxury items)
Markets: expanding comsumption, rise in living standards, search for luxury items increase
The "New Imperialism": Causes
-much better transportation- steamboats, riverboat
The Suez Canal connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea expanding trade
Transport(Suez Canal 1869, Panama Canal 1914)
The Gatling Gun(1862): Created by Richard Gatling, was a multiple round firing gun
Maxium Gun: automatic, multiple round firing gun--lighter and faster
played a major role in expansion--cultural factors: popular pressure pushed nations to colonize-- idea of race and rationalism connected(domination of other races)
This poem was written in response to the US involvement in the Phillipines. Kipling's poem revelead an arrogant and smug attituted towards the "white man's mission", exposing the racism towards people that were considered "half-devil and half-child."
Rudyard Kipling
Rhodes was interested who was interested in investing money into the gold industry to the north of Africa. To do so, he wanted to extend the power of the British to the north. Rhode's lietnant, Dr. Jameson, led the jameson raid against the government of Transvaal in an attempt to overthrown the Afrikaner goverment. To his disappointment, though, the Jameson Raid failed.
Cecil Rhodes