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89 Cards in this Set

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Which was richer agriculturally in the north or south (britain)
What contributed to the Population Growth in Britain during the Indust. Rev even though people were emigrating from England to N.A. (5things)
Decline in Morality
(better eating,
substitution of wheat,
higher standards of cleanliness,
towns paved/sewer systems put in, increase of knowledge of medicine)
Taking open public land and closing it off, now saying its private territory
T or F: The British in the North needed more people to work on farms because they weren't as agriculturally advanced as those in the South.
False (they were beginning to get higher yields by experimenting and producing more crop with fewer people)
T or F: There would not have been an industrial revolution had there not been an agricultural revolution.
True. Increase in agriculture productivity lead to less need for jobs, so those people found industrial jobs
What is the relationship between the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution?
The aristocracy/nobility lead both
What 2 things lead to the increase in capital?
Credit Markers were built
Cost of interest rates (borrowing money) decreased
What was established in 1694 in Britain?
Bank of England (source of national capital)
What did banks bond in Britain?
The industrial North and agricultural South
Entrepreneurship included the coordination of what 3 things in Britain?
land, capital, labor
Why was it difficult to go from working in agriculture to industrial work?
wanted to work at home and set their own terms, not used to the labor market/being part of a central unit
What were the 4 areas of inventions and innovations
Agricultural, Iron Industry, Steam Engine, Textiles, Ceramics, Canal building/railroads
What did agricultural inventions improve?
soil cultivation, machines, breeding of cattle
What was big in the Iron Industry?
The invention of the cort technique (to get the carbon out) *iron production could now be done away from wooded areas, better quality iron
Steam engine invented by?
Thomas Newcomer
What did the steam engine do?
Allowed you to get water out of the mine by building up steam so you could dig holes
Who invented a lighter, mobile, more efficient steam engine?
James Watt
Textile machine that could spin as many as 80 threads at once (one woman one machine)
The jenny
Where were textiles manufactured?
What machine could spin textiles at a greater speed than the original?
Arkwright and kay FRAME
What was a combination of the first 2 textile machines, which included one person tending several machines at once
The Mule
What was significant about the textile industry
Had more of a political context, Indians had their own elaborate textile mills industry
Family name associated with Ceramics?
Wedgewood (china)
What lead to a rise in the ceramics industry in Britain?
a taste for tea and coffee
A mobile steam engine was a natural extension of what?
Everyone was used to working as a _ and now they are to work as a _
family unit/ entrepreneur
What effect did the scientific revolution and enlightenment have on the Indust. Rev?
People were inspired by the notion of progress to make innovations and risk capital for the future
What was amazing about the Industrial Revolution in terms of change and reform?
Change and reform happened without a revolution(without overthrowing the political system)
The settlement of 1815 was aka?
vienna settlement
The settlement of 1815 was meant to?
Balance the power b/t European states, so that no one state dominated, which France did during the Revolution.
Which 4 states were part of the Congress of Vienna?
Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria
(Prussia and Austria-germanic, Russia-slavic)
What are the principles set up by Metternich that people should obey so that France or Russia won't be too strong? (3)
Equilibrium-balance of power
Legitimacy- put legit leaders back on throne
Compensation- if you get this piece of land, i get this
What was the Polish Saxon Settlement about?
It was an argument between Russia and Prussia over lands
What agreement gave 2/3 of Saxon territory to Prussia and the rest as an independent territory (Saxony)
Polish Saxon Agreement
Charter of 1814 gave everything gained by _ to the French people.
Lower estates
The Charter of 1814 didn't determine what?
Where the power lied (monarch or parliament?)
Who was King at the time of The Charter of 1814?
Who succeeded King Louis XVIII
Charles X
Which French King became an absolute monarch who wanted to take away property and other rights?
Charlex X
What came out of the July Ordinances?
New electoral system and censorship on the press
Who came to power of France after Charles X? What was established?
The Duke of Orleans/ The July Monarchy(Bourgeoisie Monarchy)
What were the 2 levels of the Bourgeoisie in France? (Louis Philippe)
Haute (upper) and Petite (lower middle class)
Who was the leader of the July Monarchy?
Francois Guizot
What were the problems with the July Monarchy?
1. Too little/much censorship on press
2. Industrialization came too quickly/put people off course
3. Laisse-faire attitude.. didn't help economy
T or F: Britain was looser with religion and used the Church as a way of supporting the Crown.
George III is from where?
Alexander I is from where?
Klemens von Metternich is from?
Karl August von Hardenberg is from?
Metternich stands for?
What kind of people were against Metternich?
Ethnic forces, wanted to use their own language, he tried to keep them down, which he did but the pressure on them exploded in 18
What was created by Congress of Vienna which included 38 states?
The Germanic Confederation (control individual German states with spies watching over)
Who were the 2 liberal reformers in Prussia?
Heinrich von Stein and Karl August von Hardenberg
What did the 2 liberal Prussia reformers do?
Develop Prussian patriotism, abolished class distinctions, reform education system
What did Wilhelm von Humboldt and Gerhard von Scharnhorst do for Prussia?
They reformed the army and opened the door to aristocrat talents, instituted a draft
What 2 groups of people were involved in the Prussian reform movement?
Liberalists and nationalists
What did the Burschenschaften do?
They were student fraternities who wanted to open the market to free trade and rid barriers between states
Who was the leader of the Burschenschaften? What did he do?
Turnvater Jahn, brought about physical generation of youth (Prior Hitler)
What were the carlsbad decrees?
Metternich's way of cracking down to make sure the liberals/nationals didn't go far (rid of the Burschenschaften, press control)
Where did Industrialization take place in Germany?
in the west/by Rhineland River
What things came about through the German Industrialization period?
Revival of guilds
Rise of new factory system
Biggest name in steel/arms manufacturing in Germany
What was a big problem in Germany during the Indust. era?
people had to pay a tax to cross the borders, not good for econom. development
Zollverein was?
customs union (germany/anyone who belongs doesnt have to pay the toll from crossing borders/most german states included)
T or F Germany was not fully industrialized
What was the Risorgimento?
Movement for Italian unification
What was the liberal group in Italy called, and who was the leader who wanted Italy to be a united Republic?
Young Italy, Giuseppe Mazzini
Who was the conservative group in Italy called and who lead it?
Papacy, Neo-Guelphs, federation under the Church, thought Mazzini was too radical
Who was the leader of the moderate group? What did he want?
Camillo di Cavour, economic unity before political, wanted a constitutional monarchy, unification in distant future
What does Metternich refer to Italy as?
A geographic expression
2 parties in Britain, who was conservative?
Tories (conserv) Whigs (liberal)
Where did the Economic Depression come from in 1815 in Great Britain?
Grain/corn market went bad
What did the Corn Law of 1815 say?
Not allowed to import foreign grain until the Price of British grain rose above a specified level
Who did the Corn Law favor?
Large land owners/conservatives, hurt manufacturers and everyone not in agr.(to change corn laws-get whigs in house)
Bills proposed by the Whigs that introduced wide-ranging changes to the electoral system (granted house seats to larger cities, increased number of indiv entitled to vote)
Reform Bill of 1832
Who were John Bright and Richard Cobden?
in the Anti-Corn law league
Thought that if corn law was kept a revolution would arise
Robert Peel
Social question?
How do we deal with the social problems the industrial revolution has created?
Who was the first socialist?
Babeuf (change how we own property)
Socialists- just a dream/figment of imagination
Utopian socialists
Came up with the idea of classes instead of estates, the smartest shape society, there shouldnt constantly be progress
Henri de Saint-Simon
Came up with the idea that if the environment was changed, man is good but bad organization/environment/ man filled with passions/emotions vary in jobs= dif passions satisfied
Charles Fourier
Socialist who ran things like a feudal lord,wanted control over everything like who gets to come into country
Robert Owen (British)
Problem with utopian socialists
cant change society by a matter of will, no realistic idea of human beings
Who thought that Society is an evolving thing/all society is determined by material conditions of life (geography/soil)
Karl Marx (key to human history is economics)
5 points in the communist manifesto
1Materialist History; Base and
2Surplus Value theory of labor
3Class Struggle
4Social Character of the Modern World
5Bourgeoisie as Revolutionaries
What does superstructure include? Base?
super- law/politics/science/culture
base- material resources/technology both = forces of production
What is the surplous value theory of labor?
if someone is paid $10 but the manufacturer is making $20 off of their work, then they are stealing from the worker
Class struggle b/t who?
slaves/slaveowners, feudal lords/serfs/ bourgeoisie/proletarians (industrial workers-ones left and no one to go against them)