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83 Cards in this Set

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10.1 In the King ___________________ War, from 1689 to 1698, war was waged between the British and the French especially in the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine
10.2 The __________ Indians helped the British to wage attacks against the French settlement
10.3 The English merchants paid Sir William _________ to lead an attack against Port Royal.
10.4 After the French built two forts on the Mississippi River, the British declared Queen _________ War in 1702.
10.5 The British captured the city of St. ____________, founded by the Spanish in 1565.
10.6 In the King __________ War, France joined the fight with Spain against England.
10.7 The French built forts to stop the _______________ expansion of English settlers into French territory.
10.8 _________________ asked the English colonies to have a meeting in Albany, New York, in 1754.
Benjamin Franklin
10.9 The Albany Conference colony representatives wanted to have a council to deal with _____________ from the Indians for all the colonies.
10.10 Governor Dinwiddie of the____________ Colony tried to stop the French from building forts in his colony.
10.11 General Braddock led the British and the Virginians against the French soldiers at Fort _________.
10.12 An American hero and future president, ________, survived the attach on General Braddock's troops.
George Washington
10.13 When it looked like the English were losing America, ________ was made Prime Minister.
William Pitt
10.14 Under General Amherst and Colonel ___________________, the British recaptured several of their lost forts.
10.15 In an amazing attack, British General Wolfe was able to recapture Quebec from the French General ____________.
10.16 General Amherst led an attack against the French soldiers in Montreal, and forced the __________________ of that city to the British.
10.17 In 1762, Spain entered the war to aid the French in stopping the ___________ from conquering more land in America.
10.18 The British naval and land forces conquered every Spanish island in the West Indies including _____________.
10.19 The treaty ending the French and Indian War in 1763 is called the Treaty of ___________.
10.20 Spain traded with the English by giving England the territory of ____________ and taking Cuba and the Philippine Islands in exchange.
11.1Who was the lawyer who declared that the "British Crown has interfered with the sacred right of Virginians to govern themselves"?
Patrick Henery
11.2 Who was the attorney who opposed British searches, and declared, "A man's home is his castle"?
James Otis
11.3 Various British ______________ irritated the colonists.
11.4 A drawing of a _______________ cut into eight parts encouraged the colonists to join together to fight against unfair British taxes.
11.5 Outrage broke out in the colonies because of the British __________ Act on every newspaper and pamphlet.
11.6 The colonies wrote a Declaration of Rights and Grievances which declared that only the colonies have a right to _________ any colonist.
11.7 Colonists did not object to taxes by their own elected representatives, but they objected to taxes by representatives of the English _____________.
11.8 "Taxation without __________ " was a popular complaint in the colonies.
11.9 In 1767, the British Parliament passed the __________Act, which taxed four items, one being tea.
11.10 The citizens of Boston were so angry and unruly because of the British tax on tea, that British __________ were sent to restore peace.
"11.11On March 5, 1770, Boston citizens threw ____________ and wounded aBritish soldier


11.12 To defended themselves, the British soldiers fired into the crowd of Boston attackers, and killed _________ citizens.
11.13 ____________ and 3,000 angry Boston citizens forced the British governor of Massachusetts to withdraw all British soldiers from Boston.
Samuel Adams
"11.14 In 1770, the British Prime Minister and King George III, cancelled all taxes except the one on __________.


11.15 15. The colonists in Philadelphia and New York did not allow the British ships to _________________.
11.16 The colonists in Charleston, South Carolina, stored the tea in _______________ cellars where it would spoil.
"11.17 Certain citizens in Boston, dressed as Mohawk Indians, threw the British tea off theships into the water. This incident became known as the __________.

Boston Tea Party

11.18. King George III passed the ________ Acts which closed the port of Boston and forbid the people from holding public meetings.
11.19 The Quartering Act said that English _____________ could live in public buildings and private homes.
11.20 On September 5, 1774, representatives from the colonies met in Philadelphia and composed a Declaration of Rights that demanded freedom to impose their own _______________.
11.21 The First Continental Congress was the first public meeting of representatives of the thirteen colonies to ___________ the actions of the English king and Parliament.
11.22 The British king ordered more soldiers to Boston under General ______________.
Thomas Gage
11.23 The colonists began organizing into military units called ________________.
11.24 On April 18, 1775, as the British troops moved toward Boston, ______________ and William Dawes warned the colonial militias "The British are coming!"
Paul Revere
11.25 In the city of ___________ the English soldiers fired on the colonists, and the colonial militia fired back.


12.1 The Second Continental Congress chose __________ to command the Continental Army.
George Washington
12.2The Green Mountain boys, led by __________and Benedict Arnold, captured Fort Ticonderoga from the British.

Ethan Allen

12.3 In 1775, the colonial farmers and merchants refused to sell _________ and other supplies to the British.
12.4 In June, 1775, at the Battle of ________, the British Redcoats won as the American colonists fled, but 1,054 British soldiers were wounded, and 226 were killed.
Bunker Hill
12.5 Colonel ________ was in charge of building rafts and sleds to pull cannons captured from Fort Ticonderoga and Fort Crown Point to help George Washington in Boston.
Colonel Henry Knox
12.6. British ______________and his men escaped from Boston before being attacked.
12.7 The American colonists defended Fort Moultrie at __________, South Carolina, for ten hours before the British attackers sailed away.
12.8 As the year 1776 came to the end, General Washington had lost _____________City and was in constant retreat from the huge British army.
New York
12.9 In a surprise move, on Christmas night, 1776, George Washington and his troops quietly crossed the _______ River and defeated the enemy soldiers at Trenton.
12.10 General ____________led the final charge against the British and won the battle at Saratoga, New York.
General Benedict Arnold
12.11 The American soldiers, led by the American General Nicholas__________, suffered a terrible defeat by the British Redcoats at Oriskany, New York, in 1777."


12.12 __________________was the largest city in the colonies as well as the temporary capital of the colonies.
12.13 British General Howe decided to attack Philadelphia from the _______________________.
12.14 General George _________and his soldiers tried to stop the British from capturing Philadelphia, but they were forced to retreat.
12.15 The ________Bell was removed and taken to a safe place in basement of a church.
12.16 The capture of ______________ by the British soldiers was a terrible defeat for the American colonists.
12.17 The British General ____________ controlled the capital city of Philadelphia.
12.18 The British also conquered the two ________at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay.
12.19 A dense _____________ caused the American soldiers to accidentally shoot and kill their own soldiers.
13.1General Washington and his soldiers suffered the winter of 1777 to 1778 at a location northwest of Philadelphia, called ____________.
Valley Forge
13.2 The country of ________had been secretly sending money and supplies to the American colonists to help them fight the British.
13.3. France signed a _______with America that recognized the independence of the American colonies.
13.4 . France agreed to send money, soldiers, and _______to support the colonists and to oppose the British.
13.5 Sir Henry Clinton was the new British commander who tried to take his soldiers to_________ to fight the French ships.
New York City
13.6 General George Washington caused Clinton and his British troops to retreat, abandoning his ______which were picked up by Washington's soldiers.
13.7 The years 1777 and 1778 are known as "The _____Years," because of the Indian attacks.
Bloody Years
13.8 The _______ Indians helped the English by raiding villages and killing families.
13.9 American General ________, with an army of five thousand men, killed many of the Iroquois Indians who were killing the colonists.
13.10 10. An experienced frontiersman, ______________led an army of colonial soldiers and conquered Fort Kaskaskia.

George Rogers Clark

"13.11. George Rogers Clark convinced Colonel Hamilton to surrender Fort __________, which allowed America to claim a vast amount of land.


13.12 The Americans turned their trading and______ ships into war ships by equipping them with cannons.


13.13 _______. convinced France to lend America several warships.
Benjamin Franklin
13.14 _________commanded a French naval warship and successfully attacked a British warship, the Serapis.
John Paul Jones
13.15 __________was an American hero as well as a traitor.
Benedict Arnold
13.16 The English forces gained control of all of Georgia by attacking and capturing the city of __________.
13.17 Though the British were successful in South Carolina, Francis Marion, an American called The ________ , constantly caused damage on the soldiers and their supplies without a direct attack.
Swamp Fox
13.18 18. After the Americans recaptured Georgia and the Carolinas, the colonies were granted their independence when the Treaty of _________was signed in 1782.
13.19 The Americans were given all the land north of Florida and south of Canada, from the Atlantic on the east to the _________ River on the west.