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46 Cards in this Set

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Battle of Chaeronea
Alexander the Great was given control of cavalry in this battle. Greatest victory or Phillip II
Battle of Salamis
Naval battle. Athenians outmanuvered the Persian fleet even though they were outnumbered.
Battle of Plataea
After battle of Salamis. Final battle in Southern Greece.
Battle of Marathon
490 B.C. Greeks and Persians. Greeks defeated Persians. Athenians gained confidence.
Battle of Issus
Fought on a narrow field. Macedonian victory. Darius exited before it was determined who would win.
Battle of Hydaspes River
Alexander won brutally fought battle. Afterwards, soldiers refused to continue campaigning.
Battle of Gaugamela
331 B.C. Alexander's men clearly outnumbered. Turned into a rout and Darius managed to escape.
Neolithic Revolution
Shift from hunter-gatherer society to agricultural society.
Paleolithic Age
Creation of shelters. use of tools and fire.
Minoan Civilization
Palace at Knossus. Named after Minos who was a legendary Crete king. Love of nature.
Large brick structures. Irrigation throughout cities.
Lived on fringes of farming regions.
Created 1st dynastic empire.
Indo-Europeans that fortified palace centers. Warrior people, proud of performance in battle.
Attalid dynasty
Pergamum. Freed itself from Seleucid. Brought in Romans as allies, allowing them to conquer Seleucid. Gave kingdom to Rome in will.
Seleucid dynasty
Syria and the east. Founded by general Seleucis. Largest of Hellenistic kingdoms. Extended empire to include most of India.
Antigonid dynasty
Wanted control of Greece but didn't wish for outright conquest. Fell to Roman power.
Ptolemaic dynasty
Egypt. Macedonian general Ptolemy. Lasted longer than other Hellenistic dynasties. Didn't fall until Cleopatra VII allied herself with the wrong side of Roman civil war.
Human queen. Mother or Gilgamesh.
God of the sun.
Athenian statesman. Changed sides often. Many enemies. Mutilation of hermai. Asked to be put on trial before he went into battle.
Athenian politician during Peloponnesian war. Peace of Nicias.
Made laws for Athenians.
Persuaded citizens to pursue new military policy. Development of navy.
Betrayed the Spartans and told Persians about mountain path. Rejected by Spartans originally because of his deformity.
Alexander the Great
Attacked Persian empire. Conquered much of Asia Minor. Built cities in Egypt. Made a pharoh. Took over Persia when Darius died. Died in Babylon.
Darius III
Persian king. Wanted to make peace with Alexander but it was refused. Killed by one of his own men.
Leader of Spartans. Thought to be a descendant of Hercules. Killed in battle.
Over-ran previous city-states around his conquered territory.
Creation of 1st justice-based law code.
1st female pharoh.
United territory surrounding his kingdom. Plans to take over Persia before Solon shared knowledge. Dies because of hubris (Herodotus)
559 B.C. Ruler of Persians. Restored temples and permitted worship of natives. Died 530 B.C.
Organized satrapies more rationally. Introduced tributes.
Persian monarch. Bent on revenge and expansion.
Phillip II
Instituted military reforms that transformed Macedonia into a major military power. Lighter armor than Hoplites. Hegemon. Assassinated.
Embarked on policy of expanding democracy and empire. State pay for office holders.
Philippics. Phillip: ruthless, deceitful, treacherous. Called on Athenians to undertake a struggle.
Wrote a great deal. Pupil of Socrates. Focused on essence of reality and ideal forms. Women could rule.
Elements. Systematic organization of the fundamental elements of Geometry.
Geometry of spheres and cylinders. Established value of pi. Science of Hydrostatics. Creates inventions that helped in battles.
Believed that gods did not play an active role in everyday life. Self-interest as basic motivational force. Pleasure was freedom from turmoil.
Aristarchus of Samos
Greek. Heliocentric model of the universe.
Left no writings. Stone-mason but had a passion for philosophy. Questioned authority. Sentenced to death.
Prophet of 'true religion'. Ahuramazda was the only true god. Wrote book of Zend Avesta.
Concerned with how individuals find happiness. Virtue was harmony with divine will. Nature was a manifestation of the gods.