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104 Cards in this Set

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-Rome is in it decline by 410

- Suffer led many invasion till the German ended up ruling Rome

-although the culture is still preserved because they appreciated it but still runned differently -Germans were heretics (challenges the doctrines of an established church) Dark times

3 Germanic peoples: Lombard's- Italy Franks- Gaul Angelo-Saxons -Britain


- writing room

- Manuscripting decorated and illuminated


The Prince: How it is vs how it should be

secular and religious matter should be separate

-problem: a leader should do what is needed to establish and bring about his empire

- was an Italian Renaissance historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher, humanist, and writer

The Battle of tours

Growth of Islam took over a lot ofEurope but Charles Martel drove them Out

-although continued to occupy the iberian peninsula, but wouldn't go northern in

Ministerial Kingship

When clergy allied and shared power with the King

John Wycliffe

challenged the church's core doctrine that salvation was attainable only by adhering to its sacraments as administered by the clergy.

-inspiration from scripture, rejected the church doctrine

-attacked the luxurious life style of bishops and the pope

Bubonic Plague

-Most devastating natural disaster in European History

- Rats and Fleas

- Originated in Asia Arrived in Europe in 1347 -Mortality reached 50 – 60 percent in some areas

- Wiped out between 25 – 50 percent of European population (19 – 38 million dead in four years)

-Plague as a punishment from God

- Attacks against Jews

Act of Supremacy

- English act of Parliament that recognized Henry VIII as the “Supreme Head of the Church of England.”

-The act also required an oath of loyalty from English subjects that recognized his marriage to Anne Boleyn.

-subsequent monarchs Royal Supremacy

Jon Hus

like Wycliffe, advocated vernacular translations of the bible, which would be accessible to common people

upbraided the upper clergy for their luxury and immorality

burned at the stake

The Institutes of Christian Religion

-became the leading textbook of the new theology

-trained a new generation of protestant reformers of many nationalities who carried his message back to their homelands

- “hand on some elementary teaching by which anyone who had been touched by an interest in religion might be formed to true godliness.

Christmas Day 800

-Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of the West by the Pope.

-This was the first time Europe had had a ruler that unified West since the end of the Roman empire in the West

Great Schism

-Papacy returns to Rome in 1378

- Rival Popes elected Pope Urban VI and Pope Clement VII

- The Great Schism divides Europe Council of Pisa (1409)

- Deposed both popes and elected a new pope Popes refuse to step down Results in three popes

Council of Constance -End of the Schism


-The Normans (settled in France) defeated the anglo-saxons in the battle of Hastings and became the masters of England

-William the conqueror tightened his control by retaining some anglo-saxon administrative practices

St Francis of Assisi

-abandoned his possessions and devoted his life to imitating Christ

-went around preaching, healing, and befriending

-proclaimed to the poor of the towns ; personal feeling

attracted disciples called Little Brothers


Muhammad and his small band of followers left mecca in 622 for Medina

known as the hegira, gained converts and won respect

celebrated as a yearly pilgrimmage every year for muslim

when the Islamic calendar starts

Unam Sanctum

writing by Pope Boniface VIII- vigorously upheld papal claims to supremacy over seccular rulers

-saying people shall be judged by the spiritual power (The Pope), and can't resist the ordinacnce of God

but the pope can be judged only by God not by man

-made him suffer defeat and humiliation

95 Thesis

Written by Martin Luther that was a set of short propositions that started a public rebellion against the church's authority that in less than one decade shattered the religious unity of Christendom

First Crusade

-the first of a number of crusades that attempted to recapture the Holy Lands, called by Pope Urban II in 1095.

-achieved its goal with the capture of Jerusalem in 1099, the invading Christians set up several Latin Christian states,


256, 258-259

an abbot of the Benedictine Monastery of Bec in Normandy

used rational argument to serve the interest of faith

faith was a precondition for understanding

GOd exist because if he was just in our head, his powers would be limited..


The restoration of some of the learning of the ancient world (medieval philoshophy)

the rise of universities

the emergence of an original form of architecture

the erection of an imposing system of thought

applied reason to revelation

clarified christian teachings by means of concepts and principles of logic derived from Greek Philosophy

Charles V

Holy Roman Emperor (1519 – 1556), orginally king of spain

bribed the electors to win title over 7 others

-summoned Martin Luther to worms

regrets for not intervening more forcefully

- He struggled to hold his empire together against the growing forces of Protestantism, increasing Ottoman and French pressure, and even hostility from the pope.

Phillip II

had a war against the Muslim Turks and the protestant dutch and English

persecutes Jews and Muslims

wanted to restore England to catholicism

Peace of Augsburg

Division of Christianity acknowledged

It decreed by the famous dictum "whoever rules, his religion" that each territorial prince should determine the religion of his subjects

people were not happy with this


“laid the egg that Luther hatched”

“The Philosophy of Christ” The Praise of Folly

Wanted Reform within the Church

Dedicated to the translation of the Scripture into vernacular

Promoted education- even among women Debates Luther

Diet of Worms

meeting of the Diet (assembly) of the Holy Roman Empire held at Worms, Germany

-An Assembly Martin Luther stood in front of to talk about his 95 thesis

Ignatius Loyola

-The Spiritual Exercises

-ordinary clergy

-Spainish reformer created a new religious order

fused the intellectual rigor of humanism with a reformed Catholicism, forming a renewed spirituality with wide appeal

Ulrich Zwingli

- (1484 – 1531)

-Unrest in Zurich (Swiss city)

-Seeks alliance with German reformers as a Switzerland reformer

-Priest and reformer, preached faith and not good works and saw the Bible as the key to divine will and law

Mendicant Monks

Begging monks?

Monks who do not own property, either individually or collectively, and members have taken a vow of poverty, in order that all their time and energy could be expended on practicing or preaching and serving the poor

Peace of God/The Truce of God

Rules for knights

Peace of God: no innocents (women and children)

Truce of God: not on holy days

City of God/Confessions

City of God: Augustine

-The ultimate goal of all things

-No man is in isolation, but building community

- Imaging the community which is the inner life we God

-We inhabit the earth as strangers

Confessions: Augustine

- narrates his ascent from sinfulness to faithfulness

- to be itself a story of God's greatness and of the fundamental love all things have for Him

The Divine Comedy

Written by Dante Alighieri

-synthesized the various elements of the medieval outlook and summed up, with immense feeling, the medieval understanding of the purpose of life

written while in exile

poets journey through hell, purgatory, and paradise

5 Sola’s

Sola Fide = Saved by faith alone

Sola Gratia = by grace alone

Sola Scriptura = by Scripture alone

Sola Christo = by Christ alone

Solo Deo Gloria =glory to God alone


those in a position of power who put the success and well-being of their state above all else

Queen Elizabeth I

Edict of Nantes

signed probably on 30 April 1598, by King Henry IV of France, granted the Calvinist Protestants of France (Huguenots) substantial rights in the nation, which was, at the time, still considered essentially Catholic.

-temporary ended catholic and protestant rivalry

Image, Service, Journey, City of God


Oath of Fealty

-swear allegiance and pay homage to his lord in a commendation ceremony.

- create a lasting bond between a vassal and his lord.

Fealty and homage are a key element of feudalism.

The ceremony consisted of swearing the Oath of Fealty and the act of homage.

Chain of Being

higher and lower realms

The chain of being is composed of a great number of hierarchical links,

from the most basic and foundational elements up through the very highest perfection,

God sits at the top of the chain, and beneath him sit the angels ...


-Recaptured Jerusalem from the Franks 1187

-emir of Syria

-was the most powerful leader in the muslim near east

-led to the third crusade

Council of Trent

Called by Popes

Met at three separate councils

Popes were not in attendance

Responding to Luther and protestants:

Kept sacraments at seven

Kept faith and works for salvation

Kept services and text in Latin

Kept apocryphal books

Addressed: absenteeism and pluralism of bishops—they are now to check in once a year on priests-promote preaching on Sunday, hold only one office.


only in the priesthood can one be lead tosalvation

Vernacular Translations

Meaning the normal spoken language translations

Bibles that would be able to treat the peasants, not just the higher

the start

of something new

Latin Christendom

It is the westerners, tured to the roman catholic church, while in the east, byzantium, it was eastern greek orthodox.

Latin Christendom blended Christian, Greco-Roman, and Germanic traditions by incorporating elements of classical Christian thought with the institutional patterns of the Roman Empire and the German culture.


Byzantine rulers felt that God had chosen them to rule and to institute divine will on the Earth

started in the east with the Eastern Greek Orthodox church

-successors to the roman emperors, claimed to rule all the lands

Emperor Leo III

ordered the destruction of all images of Christ the virgin and the saints and persecuted monks who continued to bring them back.


Justinian was one the best eastern emperor, wanted to restore east and west, rebuilt the city and makes the Hagia Sophia the best known church

He revised the Roman law because it was confusing and numerous called the corpus juris civilis written in Latin

Theodora was Justinian wife(entertainer) gave her husband good advice and brought energy to the empire

Corpus Juris Civilis

Irnerius lectured on the corpus

-roman laws and judicial commentaries codified by Byzantine jurists in the sixth century by order of the emperor Justinian

Emperor Heraclius

regained the provinces and in 627 crushed the Persians near the ruins of the ancient city of Ninehvah.

Seljuk Turks

people from Central Asia who had adopted Islam, defeated the Byzantines in Asia Minor

-Internal dissenstion broke up seljuk turks which helped the Byzantines regain their land with the help of Latin Christians (For the purpose of keeping muslims away from the holy lands)


-First crusade (1096-1099)Christians capture Jerusalem and set up states around-Second Muslims captured Edessa, leading to the loss of the northernmost Crusader state.-Third Crusade (1189-1192) Reaction to the fall of Jerusalem Saldin-Fourth crusade (1202-1204) Sack of Constantinople Latin empire of Constantinople (LATIN KNIGHTS GREEDY FOR BYZANTINE


during the fall of Rome, the new religion of Islam(surrender to Allah) emerged amoung the Arabs of Arabia by Muhammad

he was a merchant in mecca who devoted himself to meditation

he began to experience visions, "messages from God" believed he was a prophet


slowly gained followers and


-For muslims, God final word and infallible

-the holy book that muslims believe continas the words of Allah as revealed to Muhammad

-contains numerous other injuctions designed to promote righteous behavior (modesty, polythesism as a sin)

Five Pillars of Faith

-A Muslim must accept and repeat the state of faith "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet"

-At least five times a day, a believer must face the holy city of Mecca and pray

-Muslims have a religious duty to be generous to the poor

-During the holy month of Ramadan, believers should not eat or drink between sunrise and sunset

-Muslims are expected to make at least one pilgrimage to the holy city of mecca



-One of the most important yearly events for Muslims

,- pilgrimage to Mecca


two meanings:

1- internal striving by the individual for moral self-improvement

2- collective military struggle to defend Islam against its enemies and to extend Muslim power


A collection of sayings, stories, and actions of the Prophet on a wide range of topics

-complete way of life for Muslims

A Sunni

A Sunni is (in majority) followed traditional teachings and established practices as defined by the consensus of the Muslim communityShiite believed that not he existing caliphs but the descendants of Muhammad, starting with Ali, were the rightful rulers of the Islamic community

A Shiite

Shiite believed that not he existing caliphs but the descendants of Muhammad, starting with Ali, were the rightful rulers of the Islamic community


wrote a medical encyclopedia in which he discussed measles, poison, skin diseases....and ways to maintain ones health

translated into latin and were widely consulted


wrote commentary on Aristotle, offered proofs for Gods existence based on logic that were later studied


a poet, doctor, scientist, and philosopher

relied of aristotle

Genghis Kahn

leader of the mongols

poured across asia into muslim landns

muslim world fell to the mongols

Theodoric the Great

ostrogoth ruler of Italy who retained the Roman culture of Senate, civil service, and schools and rich aristocratic roman familes continued to hold high governmnetn offices


last speaking scholar of the roman world to have mastered the greek language and to have intimate knowledge of greek philosophy

translated to keep the culture alive


established the monastic library containing Greek and Latin manuscripts and his advocacy of higher education to imporve the quality of hte clergy

St. Patrick

converted Irish to Christinaty


-Scholars born in Durham England

- Devoted to Latin, Greek and literatures of the church fathers

- Wrote on the lives of saint and commentaries of OT and NT

- Bede wrote Ecclesiastical History of the English (One of the finest medieval historical works)

- Begins with the geography and carries the story from Caesar to the conversation of the Angle-Saxon to Christ

Gregory 1


one of the ablest medieval popesorganized and adminster papal property in italy...

tried to strengthen the pops authority within the church

tightened the bonds between the monks and the papacy


First able king at age 15 for the Franks

Ambitious, ruthless, able

Conquered a few provinces till ruled by Roman Patriciates

Converted to Catholic Christianity through wife- therefore all subjects follow

Christ Wars of aggression/holy wars against heretics

Clovis died and wars of inheritance ensued 4 sons= 4 divisions of property

Charles Martel

Fought Muslims in Spain "stirrups" won the day Stopped Islamic takeover of all of Europe

Pepin (The Short)

father was Charles Martel

crowned by Boniface

king of franks and was to protect the papcy from the Lombards

deafeted them and gave lands to papacy (known as the papal states)


-Pepinthe Short was his father, gave to sons (one dies) land to him

-Transition formed classical to early medieval civil completed

- Came to the throne in 771 ruled until 814

-produced stability and brought harmony between Roman past, Germanic ways, and Christianity

-Unite all Germanic peoples

- Converted all Frankish kingdom

POPE LEO III Crowned him on Christmas Day 800

missi Dominici

royal Messengers

generally two laymen and a biship or abbot


given charge of the palace school attended by Charlemagne and his sons and daughters, high lord, and youths training to serve the emperor

-expanded schools and libraries, promoted the copying of ancient manuscripts, and imposed basic literary standards on the clergy

Louis the Pious

Chharlemagne son

inherited the throne, aimed to preserve the empire, but was impossible

the empire was too big and relied on Charlemagne

when he died, he divided the land to his three sons

Treat of Verdun

gave louis the German the eastern part of the Empire (marked the beginning of Germany)

TO charles the bald- western part

Lothair- middle kingdom

St. Boniface

founded monasteries (Abbey of Fulda)

converted pagans

imposed Christian standards of behavior on both clergy and laypeople

Manorialism and Feudalism

-Feudalism laid the groundwork for the principle of limiting a kings power

-built on manorialism showed the significance of the social classes and how they needed to stay there for the society to work

-Clergy who prayed, lords who warred, and serfs who toiled. And peasants remained irreverent


a vassal was a knight who in a solemn ceremony pledged loyalty to a lord

-the becoming of a vassal

Hagia Sophia

Best known church

largest church ever built in the Byzantine world

former Greek Orthodox Christian patriarchal basilica, later an imperial mosque

St. Augustine

The City of God and Confessions.

- No man is in isolation

We inhabit the earth as strangers

-chief architect of the christian outlook that succeeded a dying classicism

-earthly city vs heavenly

St. Ambrose

urged clerics not to pursue wealth but to practice humility and avoid facoing the rich over the poor

Agricultural revolution

increased production

heavy plow that cut deeply into the soil

collar harness, choke horses


water mill

three-field system

The greater agricultural production reduced the number of deaths of startvation and dietary dieses, thus making the popoulation increase.

William the Great- england

King of anglo-Saxon England; Duke of Normandy

'William the conqueror tightened his control by retaining some anglo-saxon administrative practices

kept power by dividing the land

he looked for the opinions of leading nobles and bishops

by now major issues need to be consulted with advisers as a king

Doomsday Book

indicated the number of tenants, cattle, sheep, and pigs and the quntites of farm equipment through tout hte realm

Henry I- england

became king in 1100 for england

increased the Royal power by having a kings court

Henry II; Eleanor of Aquitaine- england

Made the early form of trial by jury a regular procedure for many cases heard in the kings court

Married Eleanor of Aquitaine and acquired much of southern France through the marriage

The Exchequer

The royal accounting office was formed during the early years of Henry 1 reign

saw to the collection of all revenues owed the king

formed a class of professional administrators who were personally loyal to the king

King John-england

he fought a costly and lost a war with the king of france,

used his vassals for revenue and trailed unfairly

people rebelled and the MAgna Carta came about

Magma Carta

-Wanted more and more power and money and Taxed the people heavily

John Was forced to sign the magna carta "A king must rule with common consent from the people"

Could not levy taxes without consent of parliament 1215

-it celebrated as the root of the uniquely English respect for basic rights and liberties-originally to put against a king, now interpreted more widely.

-IN the future when England sought to limit the kings powers, they look after

Hugh Capet-French


The count of Paris was chosen to maintain the throne when the Carolingian fmaily couldnt

-strengthened the french monarchy by having hte lords also elct his son as his co-ruler

Louis VI- French

successfully subduing the barons in his own duchy

it was known now that this family would be steadily keeping the royal power

Phillip augustus - fRench

struck successfully at king john of england

Louis IX


best lvoed french monarch of the middle ages

issued ordinances for hte ntire realm without the seeking the consent of his vassals

the power of the french monarch continued to grow

extended royal justice

Philip IV

engages in a struggle with the papcy

seeking to demonstrate that he had the support of his subjects

Estates General

a national assembly

summoning the representatives of the church, nobility, and the townspeople

never became an important body in french political life


Broken german territories

Otto the Great

German king that antagonize the dukes

allianced with German bishops and archbishops who provided with men

was named Otto "EMperor of the ROmans" after protecting the pope from his Italian enemies

The Sacraments

sacred rites

seven sacraments

in denial of sacraments you had no salvation

Baptism,confirmation, extreme unction (last rites), marriage, ordination/holy orders/ Eucharist, Penance. (Things all Christians do to be a Christian)

POpe Nicholas

moved to end the interfernce of roman nolbles and German Holy Roman emperors in choosing the pope

a select group of clergymen called cardinals would be responsilbe for picking a new pontiff

Pope Gregory VII

part of a diveinely ordered universe governed by GOds law

all bishops came under his authority as well as kings

inteneded to improve the moral qualit of the clergy and to liberate the church from all control by secular authories

Henry IV

Gregory and Henry had a controversy

Gregory threatened henrys authority

henry calls gregory a fanatic who trampled on custom

Henrt called for Gregory to descend in returned he excommunicated henry and deposed him as king

Henrys troops took down the pope, crowned a new one, and greg went into exile

Concordat of worms

A compromise that says the king would grant tohe ishop the scepter, to indicate that the ishop was also the recipent of a fief and the kings vassal owing feudal obligation to the crown

recognized the dual function

Council of Clermont

meeting where they exaggerted ethe danger confronting EAstern Christiantiy

called for a holy crusade against the turks

Led by Pope URban