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139 Cards in this Set

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what's the tunica albuginea?
collagenous capsule
what are the parts of testis?
tunica albuginea
conn tissue septae
mediastinum testis
seminiferous tubules
what divides testis into lobules?
conn tissue septae
what's the mediastinum testis?
testis hilus
access points of vessels, nerves, lymphatics, efferent duct
where are seminiferous tubules?
each lobule has one to several highly coiled seminiferous tubules
what are seminiferous tubules?
blind ended tubules lined by spermatogenic epithelium
what's in the tunica propria of the seminiferous tubules?
outer wall of tubule
smooth muscle
what kind of epithelium is seminiferous epithelium?
what's the func of seminiferous epithelium?
sperm production
describe spermatogonia
type A and B
what is type A spermatogonia?
renewable stem cells
what is type B spermatogonia?
progenitor cells (highly mitotic)
differentiate to become primary spermatocytes
what do spermatogonia mature to?
mature spermatozoa
how long does it take spermatogonia to mature?
~60-70 days
which spermatogonia type stays connected? describe in detail.
type B
clusters stay conn via cytoplasmic bridges
-interconnections persist thru maturation of spermatids to spermatozoa
- these connections help synchronize differentiation
how many lobules in tunica albuginea?
are testes and epididymus separate organs?
yes-- connect via efferent ductules
what role can smooth muscle in seminiferous tubule serve?
helps w/ fluid transport
what cells are in seminiferous epithelium?
made up of spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids and Sertoli cells
what cells are a source of testosterone?
Leydig cells
in process of sperm maturation, what transition do dramatic changes happen in?
spermatid --> spermatozoa
which cell makes one of itself and differentiates?
type A spermatogonia
what is the complete sperm maturation process?
type A spermatogonia -->
type B spermatogonia -->
primary spermatocytes -->
secondary spermatocytes -->
spermatids -->
which are the mitosis divisions in the maturation process?
type A spermatogonia -->
type B spermatogonia -->
primary spermatocytes
what is the meiosis I division in maturation?
primary spermatocytes -->
secondary spermatocytes
what is the meiosis II division in maturation?
secondary spermatocytes -->
which stages make up spermatocytogenesis?
primary spermatocytes
secondary spermatocytes
what are stages of spermiogenesis?
how long do primary spermatocytes sit in prophase of meiosis I?
~20 days
why is it bad that spermatocytes are around that long in prophase of meiosis I?
susceptible to insult : temperature, radiation, toxic compound
how do you know if primary spermatocyte has likely been injured by something?
if spermatic epithelium has been impacted
how long do secondary spermatocytes sit in prophase of meiosis II?
short time! very fast division
what are the phases of spermiogenesis?
Golgi phase
acrosomal phase
maturation phase
what n is primary spermatocyte in prophase?
what n are secondary spermatocytes?
what n are spermatids?
which division is there no DNA synthesis in?
meiosis II
what happens in the Golgi phase?
organelle polarization
• hydrolytic enzymes (e.g. hyaluronidase,trypsin-like protease) accumulate in acrosomal vesicle
• centrioles migrate opposite to acrosomal vesicle
what happens in acrosomal phase?
development of acrosomal cap
• acrosomal cap flattens and spreads
• cell rotates so centrioles face lumen, axoneme outgrowth begins
what happens in maturation phase?
apparatus for motility
gains capacity to fertilize
• residual body is shed, sperm released into lumen
• morphologic development is not complete, sperm are not motile, incapable of fertilization
what happens to left over cytoplasm from spermiogenesis differentiation?
Sertoli cells eat it
if spermatozoa in seminiferous tubule, can it fertilize?
when spermatozoa in epididymus, can it fertilize?
describe Sertoli cell:
tall columnar epithelial cell
large euchromatic nucleus (commonly indented)
lots of eosinophilic cytoplasm
when does Sertoli cell become non-mitotic?
puberty.. decrease in fertility when it becomes non-mitotic
what are the Sertoli functions?
-supports spermatid production and spermiogenesis
-has close phys association w/ spermatocytes and spermatids
-Sertoli-Sertoli gap junctions contribute to spermatogenic cycle
how many days from spermatogonium to sperm?
~70 days
what's the spermatogenic cycle?
asynchrous cycle of seminiferous epithelium
Sertoli cell conditions microenvironment of seminiferous epithelium and promotes differentiation
Junctional complex (tight juncs and gap juncs) helps sertoli cells communicate
Timing of cycle is different in different places in male parts so there’s constantly a source of sperm being produced
why is there a blood testis barrier?
to prevent immunoglobulins from entering lumen of seminiferous tubule
what is blood-testis barrier?
specialization of seminiferous tubule
-made by Sertoli cell tight junctions
Describe testicular capillaries:
limited to no barrier func
where are Sertoli cell tight juncs:
on luminal side of spermatogonia
what is Sertoli cell tight junc func?
compartmentalizes seminiferous epithelium
-basal and adluminal compartments
-position of gap juncs that help cells communicate with one another so timing of spermatic cycle is same b/w adjacent sertoli cells
what happens if Sertoli cell tight junc isn't there?
without this barrier, cells of the luminal (adluminal) compartment may sometimes be recognized as non-self, contributing to infertility
what lives in basal compartment?
what lives in adluminal compartment?
everything besides spermatogonia
where are tight juncs in relation to sperm?
luminal to spermatogonia
on basal side for spermatocytes
what regulates Sertoli cell?
FSH and testosterone
what cell makes hormones that target Sertoli?
what's most of fluid in seminiferous lumen?
Sertoli cells
what does Sertoli cell make?
tubular fluid
androgen binding protein
inhibin and activin
what's androgen binding protein?
carrier molecule for testosterone
concentrates testosterone in lumen
what is inhibin?
-peptide hormone made by Sertoli cell
-negative feedback on FSH release from Sertoli
what hormone is Sertoli cell stimulated by?
what is activin?
-protein made by Sertoli cell
-positive Sertoli feedback on FSH release at anterior pituitary
what's most of fluid in seminiferous lumen?
Sertoli cells
what does Sertoli cell make?
tubular fluid
androgen binding protein
inhibin and activin
what's androgen binding protein?
carrier molecule for testosterone
concentrates testosterone in lumen
what is inhibin?
peptide hormone made by Sertoli cell
negative Sertoli feedback on FSH release
-acts on anterior pituitary
what hormone is Sertoli cell stimulated by?
what cells are phagocytic? eats what?
-degrades damaged cells
-degrades spermatid residual bodies
Leydig carry out negative feedback for what? on who?
on hypothalamus for androgen
what are the interstitial cells of Leydig?
clusters of eosinophilic cells in peritubular interstitium
-make testosterone that diffuses out of cell in response to LH
morphology of steroid secretory cells of Leydig?
lots of smooth ER
mitochondria w/ tubular cristae
no secretory granules
crystalline inclusions (see w/ TEM)
what's another name for LH?
= ICSH interstitial cell stimulating hormone
what's Leydig cell activity?
-transiently active during fetal period (need to develop male gonad)
-func reinitiated @ puberty (promotes appearance of secondary sex char)
what does Leydig have neg feedback on? for what?
neg feedback on pituitary for testosterone
the incredible journey thru the male reproductive tract!
seminiferous tubule --> tubuli recti (straight tubules) --> rete testis --> efferent ductules --> epididymal duct --> ductus deferens --> ejaculatory duct --> prostatic urethra --> membranous urethra --> penile urethra
describe straight tubule:
tubuli recti
-short segment
-contrib to tubular fluid
-simple cuboidal --> columnar
-has lots of Sertoli cells
describe rete testis:
-elaborate network of channels near testis mediastinum
-contrib to tubular fluid
-irreg epithelium: squamous, cuboidal, columnar
-fibromuscular stroma
Describe efferent ductule:
irreg epithelium:
-ciliated pseudostratified
-clusters of tall, ciliated cells sep by short cells
*only ciliated cells in male tract
-short cells are absorptive
what cells line epithelium of straight tubule?
Sertoli cells
where are there lots of stereocilia?
ductus epididymus
(epididymus' duct)
what's epididymus?
what's epididymus cell type?
pseudostratified columnar epithelium
-principle and basal cells
what's the function of the ductus epididymus?
-absorbs 90% tubular fluid
-secretes factors that promote sperm maturation, capacitation
-phagocytosis some cytoplasmic debris
where does muscle begin in male reproductive tract?
ductus epididymus:
smooth muscle
-thickens towards ductus deferens
-head: inner, circular layer
-tail: inner circular, outer longitudinal
what's another name for ductus deferens?
vas deferens
describe ductus deferens location:
runs w/ spermatic cord, crosses body wall
what type of epithelium for ductus deferens:
pseudostratified columnar epithelium w/ stereocilia
what are 2 places w/ muscle in male reproductive area?
ductus epididymus
ductus deferens
describe smooth muscle in ductus deferens:
thick muscularis:
inner- longitudinal
outer- longitudinal
*lots of sympathetic innervation!
where is ejaculatory duct?
at junc of ductus deferens and seminal vesicle
-paired ducts enter prostate @ colliculus seminalis
where is membranous urethra?
traverses muscular urogenital diaphragm
what type of epithelium does membranous urethra have?
pseudostratified --> stratified columnar
where's penile urethra?
runs w/ corpus spongiosum of penis
what type of epithelium for penile urethra?
pseudostratified --> stratified columnar
*stratified squamous near distal tip
what are urethral glands?
clusters of mucous cells in mucosa of penile urethra
how do spermatozoa differentiate in ductus epididymus?
Epithelium also making things deposited that condition env in ductus epididymus to promote continued and final differentiation of spermatozoa
func of principle and basal cells of ductus epididymus:
is muscularis more prominent in head or tail of ductus epididymus?
where are seminal vesicles?
junc of ductus deferens & prostate
describe seminal vesicle epithelium:
pseudostratified columnar
describe seminal vesicles:
-paired, blind ending pouches
-height and activity is testosterone dependent
-mucosal arches
-makes viscous mucoid secretion
what are mucosal arches?
highly folded, convoluted wall
in seminal vesicle
where are seminal vesicles?
junc of ductus deferens & prostate
describe seminal vesicle epithelium:
pseudostratified columnar
describe seminal vesicles:
-paired, blind ending pouches
-height and activity is testosterone dependent
-mucosal arches
-makes viscous mucoid secretion
what are mucosal arches?
highly folded, convoluted wall
part of seminal vesicles
describe viscous mucoid secretion in seminal vesicles:
60% ejaculate volume
rich in fructose and prostaglandins
why does seminal vesicle release fructose?
so spermatozoa have food in female tract
where's prostate?
surrounds urethra at base of bladder
describe prostate:
-compound tubulo-alveolar gland
-lots of branching ducts open into prostatic urethra
-corpora amylacea
-prostate secretory prod
-very thick fibromuscular stroma
-glandular epithelium
what type of glandular epithelium of prostate?
pseudostratified --> simple columnar
what's corpora amylacea?
eosinophilic glycoprotein rich concretions in lumen of glands
what's the prostate secretory prod?
watery, slightly acidic
factors (like Zn) inactivate macs
fibrinolysin inhibits clot formation ( so spermatozoa can swim! )
what are the 3 regions of prostate glands?
periurethral mucosal glands
• periurethral submucosal glands
• peripheral glands (main glands)
which glands surround urethra and are involved in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?
periurethral submucosal glands
what's prostate proper?
peripheral glands
what's commonly involved in prostate cancer?
peripheral glands
what's the prostate secretory prod?
watery, slightly acidic
factors (like Zn) inactivate macs
fibrinolysin inhibits clot formation ( so spermatozoa can swim! )
what are the 3 regions of prostate glands?
periurethral mucosal glands
• periurethral submucosal glands
• peripheral glands (main glands)
which glands surround urethra and are involved in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?
periurethral submucosal glands
periurethral mucosal glands
what's prostate proper?
peripheral glands
what's commonly involved in prostate cancer?
peripheral glands
what glands immediately surround urethra?
periurethral mucosal glands
which prostate glands proliferate w/ age?
periurethral submucosal glands
what 2 biochemical markers are used for diagnosis of prostate cancer?
-prostatic acid phosphatase
-prostate specific antigen
what are bulbourethral glands?
paired glands
@ junc of membranous and penile urethra
makes clear, viscous pre-ejaculatory fluid
sequence of events in ejaculation:
1) bulbourethral glands discharge
2) prostate releases contents
3) ductus deferens
4) seminal vesicle discharges contents
what happens when bulbourethral glands discharge?
secretion lubricates penile urethra
what happens when prostate releases contents?
-contraction w/i fibromuscular stroma
-products condition vaginal env
what happens w/ dutus deferens' role in ejaculation?
stimulated by sympathetic nervous system
what happens when seminal vesicle discharges contents?
fluid clears urethra
what are the erectile bodies?
-paired corpus cavernosum
-single corpus spongiosum (surr penile urethra)
what's tunica albuginea?
dense conn tissue that surrounds corpora cavernosa
describe venous channels for erectile bodies?
all erectile bodies made up of irreg venous channels
-lined by complete epithelium
-separated by collagenous trabeculae
what arteries supply corpus cavernosa?
deep arteries: run in center of corpora, branch to give nutrient and helicine arteries
helicine arteries: empty into venous channels
what nevous activity stim vasodilation?
parasympathetic activity
*venous drainage can't accommodate inc blood flow