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131 Cards in this Set

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What are the general functions of the nervous system?
1) Responds to changes in internal/external environment
2) Regulates organ activities
What are the anatomical divisions of the nervous system?
1) CNS- brain and spinal cord
2) PNS- nerves (cranial, spinal, and peripheral) that transmit info to/from CNS
Describe an afferent nerve
Travels toward CNS
Describe an efferent nerve
Travels away from CNS
What are the functional divisions of the nervous system?
1) Somatic nervous system (SNS)- provides sensory and motor innervation to all parts of body except viscera, smooth muscle, and glands
2) Autonomic nervous system (ANS)- efferent involuntary motor innervation to smooth muscle, the conducting system of heart and glands; afferent sensory innervation from viscera (pain and autonomic reflexes); further subdivisons of ANS- sympathethic, parasympathetic, and enteric
Describe the development of the nervous system
1) Ectoderm germ layer--> neural crest and neural plate
2) Neural plate grows in response to signals from notochord--> invaginates--> neural groove--> closes to form neural tube--> CNS structures
3) Neural crest separates from neural tube and ectoderm--> PNS neurons and glial cells, arachnoid, and pia mater
What is a neuron?
Structural and functional unit of nervous sytem
What are 4 characteristics of a neuron?
1) Function- receives and transmits info as electrical impulses
2) Synapses- site of interaction/contact between neurons and/or target cells
3) DO NOT DIVIDE (multipotent precursor cells in ventricular zone CAN generate new neurons--> migrate to site of injury and differentiate into new neurons
4) Derived from: CNS- neural tube, PNS- neural crest cells
What are the 3 functional units of the neuron?
1) Cell body
2) Axon
3) Dendrite
Describe the cell body
1) LM appearance: large, euchromatic nucleus w/ prominent nucleolus (distinguishing feature); rER (nissl bodies), mitochondria, golgi, lysosomes (with lipofuscin), microtubules (transport), neurofilaments (equivalent to intermediate filaments), and vesicles
2) Organelles (nissl bodies and free ribosomes) extend into dendrites but NOT into axon
3) Axon hillock- region of cell body free of LARGE cytoplasmic organelles, site of origin of axon
Describe the axon
1) Largest process extending form cell; originates from axon hillock, may give rise to recurrent brand near cell body
2) Transmits impulses AWAY from cell body to target cell
3) Contains microtubules, neurofilaments, mitochondria, and vesicles
4) Initial segment- region of axon between apex of axon hillock and beginning of myelin sheath (site of generation of action potential)
5) Periaxoplasmic plaque- site of protein synthesis in large nerve terminals
Describe the dendrite
1) Usually many per neuron
2) Shorter process with greater diameter than axon
3) Receives and transmits info TOWARD cell body
4) UNMYELINATED and can form extensive aborborizations called dendritic trees; used to characterize neuron types (pyramidal or Purkinje cells)
5) Does NOT contain Golgi
What are the 3 morphological characterizations of neurons?
1) Multipolar
2) Bipolar
3) Pseudounipolar (unipolar)
Describe a multipolar neuron
1 axon and 2 or more dendrites
Most abundant
Includes motor, interneurons, pyramidal cells of cerebral cortex, Purkinje cells of cerebellar cortex
Describe a bipolar neuron
1 axon and 1 dendrite
Located in olfactory bulb, vestibular and auditory
Describe a pseudounipolar neuron
1 process (axon) divides into 2 long processes
Majority located in dorsal root ganglia and cranial nerve ganglia
Describe the functional classifications of a neuron
1) Sensory
2) Motor
3) Interneurons
Describe sensory neurons
Pseudounipolar (unipolar)
Afferent- carry impulses from receptors to CNS
Cell body in DRG; 1 axon branch extends to periphery and other extends to CNS
Somatic afferent fibers- pain, temperature, touch and pressure from body surface; pain and proprioception from organs; visceral afferent fibers- pain and other sensations from mucous membranes, glands, and blood vessels
Describe motor neurons
Efferent- convey impulses from CNS or ganglia to effector cells
Somatic efferent- impulses to skeletal muscles; visceral efferent muscles- involuntary impulses to smooth muscle, cardiac conducting cells (Purkinje fibers) and glands
Describe interneurons
Multipolar or intercalated
Neurons whose axons do not ramify outside its local area
Forms network between neurons
Describe the axonal transport systems
Bidirectional transport (via microtubules) of material between cell bodies and axons and dendrites; described by direction of travel: anterograde or retrograde
Describe anterograde transport
Cell body to periphery via kinesin
Describe retrograde transport
Periphery to cell body via cytoplasmic dynein
What are the two types of transport based on rate of transport?
1) Slow transport system
2) Fast transport system
Describe the slow transport system
0.2-4mm per day
Only in anterograde direction
Carries structural elements (neurofilaments and microtubules) and cytoplasmic matrix proteins
What are the two types of fast transport?
1) Fast anterograde
2) Fast retrograde
Describe fast anterograde transport
20-400 mm per day
Membrane-limited organelles and low molecular weight materials
Describe fast retrograde transport
20-400 mm per day
Same molecules as fast anterograde and endocytosed materials
Utilized by toxins and viruses that enter CNS at nerve endings
Describe the method of infection of Rabies
1) Axonal transport in pathogenesis of neurologic infectious diseases
2) Bite from rabies-infected animal releases virus into muscle--> replicates
3) Virus is released from infected muscle and binds ACh receptor of innervating neuron
4) Virus carried by fast retrograde transport to neuronal cell body and ultimately to CNS--> replicates and causes encephalitis (clinical stage)
5) In peripheral nerve innervating salivary glands utilizes anterograde transport to infect new victim--> virus transferred by saliva by bite
6) Negri and lyssa bodies- eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions
Describe a synapse
1) Site of transmission of impulse between neurons and target cells
2) LM appearance: visualized by silver precipitation staining methods (golgi)- appears as oval bodies on surface of receptor neuron
3) Boutons en passant- multiple synapses generated by travel of incoming neuron along surface of target
4) Bouton terminal or end bulb- enlarged tip at end of axon
5) Variation in number of synapses appears directly related to number of impulses neuron is receiving and processing
What are the 3 morphologic classifications of synapses?
1) Axodendritic- between axon and dendrite
2) Axosomatic- between axon and cell body
3) Axoaxonic- between axon and axon
What are the two classifications of synapses based on mechanism of conduction?
1) Chemical synapse- uses release of chemical (neurotransmitter)
2) Electrical synapse- uses ion tranfer between cells via gap junction
Describe the electrical synapse
1) Direct spread of electrical current between cells
2) Does not require neurotransmitters for function
3) Mammalial equivalents: gap junctions in smooth and cardiac muscle cells
What are the three components of the typical chemical synapse?
1) Presynaptic knob- end of neuronal process; site of storage and release of synaptic; contains mitochondria and presynaptic density (proteins)
2) Synaptic cleft- 20-30 nm space between pre- and post-synaptic clefts
3) Postsynaptic membrane- receptor sites for neurotransmitters--> postsynaptic density
Describe 5 characteristics of acetylcholine (ACh)
1) Neurotransmitter between axons and striated muscle at neuromuscular junction
2) Neurotransmitter in ANS, released by preganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons; post-synaptic parasympathetic neurons
3) Neurons that use ACh as neurotransmitter are called cholinergic neurons
4) ACh receptor called cholinergic receptors- muscarinic and nicotenic ACh receptors
5) Drugs affect release of ACh and its interaction with receptor
Describe botulinum toxin (botulism)
Inhibits ACh release--> decrease receptor stimulation--> paralysis of skeletal muscle and respiratory distress
What are three catecholamines?
1) Norepinephrine
2) Epinephrine
3) Dopamine
What are catecholamines synthesized from?
Amino acid tyrosine
What is norepinephrine a transmitter for?
Between post-synpatic sympathetic axons and effectors in ANS
Exception is sweat glands and some blood vessels innervated by cholinergic (ACh) sympathetic system
What is an adrenergic neuron?
Neurons using norepinephrine as a neurotransmitter
What secretes epinephrine?
Some cells in CNS and endocrine cells (chromaffin cells) of adrenal medulla during fight or flight response
Describe dopamine
Stimulates motor neurons
Absence of dopamine motor neurons--> unable to control movement and cooridination
Describe Parkinson's disease
1) Second most common neurodegenerative disease
2) Loss of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra and basal ganglia of brain (~80% lost by time symptoms appear)
3) Loss of pigmentation, increase in number of glial cells, presence of Lewy bodies
4) ~20% have family members with similar symptoms; symptoms may also result from environment- infections (encephalitis), toxins, neuroleptics, repetitive trauma
What are the symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease?
1) Resting limb tremors, especially hand
2) Rigidity or increased stiffness in all muscles
3) Bradykinesia (slow movements)
4) Akinesia (inability to start movements)
5) Lack of spontaneous movements
6) Loss of postural reflexes
7) Slurred speech
What is the treatment for Parkinson's?
1) Relieving symptoms
2) L-Dopa- precursor of dopa that crosses blood-brain barrier
3) Cholinergic receptor blockers
4) Amantadine (stimulates release of DA from neurons)
5) Transplantation of dopaminergic neurons (aborted fetus)--> ethical considerations and fetal tissue developed disease
6) Surgery to remove overactive regions of brain (thalamus)
7) Electrodes implanted into brain to destroy thalamus and/or block brain waves that cause uncontrollable movement
Describe serotonin (or 5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT)
1) Formed by tryptophan
2) Neurotransmitters in neurons of CNS and enteric nervous system
3) Neurons that use- serotonergic
4) Portion of serotonin is recycled by reuptake into presynaptic serotonergic neurons
What amino acids function mainly in the CNS?
1) y-aminobutyrate (GABA)
2) Glutamate (GLU)
3) Glycine (GLY)
What are the main neurotransmitters of the CNS?
y-aminobutyrate (GABA) and glutamate (GLU)
Describe small peptides
1) Substance P, hypothalmic releasing hormones, enkephalins, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), cholecytokinin (CCK), and neurotensin
2) Many are synthesized and released by enteroendocrine cells of intestinal tract
3) Also synthesized and released by endocrine organs and by neurosecretory neurons of hypothalamus
Describe the simple gas, nitric oxide
1) Carries impulse from one neuron to another
2) Synthesized within synapse and used immediately (GLU activates NO synthase--> NO)
What are the two types of neurotransmitter synapse?
1) Excitatory
2) Inhibitory
Describe the excitatory synapse
1) Initiates action potential
2) Cation channels open--> influx of Na+--> local depolarization of post-synaptic membrane
3) Neurotransmitters- acetylcholine, glutamate, or serotonin
Describe the inhibitory synapse
1) More difficult to generate action potential
2) Anion channels open--> influx of Cl- into cell--> hyperpolarizes post-synaptic membrane (becomes more negative)
3) Neurotransmitters include: y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) or glycine
Describe the membrane potential
1) Difference in electrical potential across the cell membrane
2) K+ leaks out of the cell but the intracellular concentration of K+ is maintained by the Na+/K+ pump, which actively exchanges 3 Na+ for 2 K+ ions
2) This means high extracellular Na+ concentration and high intracellular K+ concentration
3) Resting membrane potential occurs when there is no net movement of K+ ions. Results in potential difference of ~70mV across membrane with respect to outside of cell
Describe the synaptic transmission (chemical synapse)
1) Membrane depolarization opens voltage-gated Ca2+ channels
2) Influx of Ca2+ --> fusion of synaptic vesicles with pre-synaptic membrane and quantal release of neurotransmitters into synaptic cleft via exocytosis
3) Neurotransmitters diffuse across cleft and bind receptor on post-synaptic membrane --> opening ligand-gated Na+ channel --> Na+ enters post-synaptic membrane
4) Depolarization --> open voltage-gated Na+ channels and generate an action potential (briefly reverses potential of resting membrane (-70mV) to positive (+30mV))
5) Na+ channels close and voltage-gated K+ channels open --> K+ leaves axon --> membrane returns to resting potential (-70 mV)
6) Membrane depolarization sends electrical current to neighboring unstimulated membrane repeating depolarization along membrane
7) Firing of impulses in post-synaptic membrane due to summation of hundreds of synapses (both excitatory and inhibitory; other neurons not directly involved in a synapse can impact impulse transmission)
Describe the removal of neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft
1) Limits duration of stimulation/inhibiton of post synaptic membrane
2) 80% of released neurotransmitters undergo high-affinity reuptake via transporters into vesicles in pre-synaptic knob
3) Enzymes associated with post-synaptic membrane degrade remaining 20% of neurotransmitters (acetlycholinesterase (AChE) and catechol O-methyltransferase (COMT) and monoamine oxidase (MAO) degrade norepinephrine)
What are Schwann cells?
Supporting cells of the PNS
Describe the development of Schwann cells
Develop from neural crest cell
Mostly by mitosis in peripheral nerve
What are the functions of Schwann cells?
1) Produce myelin sheath- isolates axon and ensures rapid conduction of action potential; 1 cell myelinates 1 axon
2) Support both myelinated and unmyelinated nerve cell fibers
3) Guide regrowth of PNS axons (regeneration and remyelination of severed PNS axons)
4) Clean up PNS debris
Describe the myelin sheath
1) Lipid-rich layer
2) Does not cover axon hillock or synapses
3) Thickness determined by axon diameter
4) LM appearance: not retained; clear space around axon
5) EM appearance: concentrically arranged, electron dark lamellae (layers) and electron-light spaces around axon
6) Node of Ranvier
Describe a Node of Ranvier
1) Myelin-free junction between two adjacent Schwann cells
2) Internodal segment- myelin between two sequential nodes
3) External lamina- secreted by Schwann cell, surrounds Schwann cell-axon complex and is continuous across node
4) Saltatory (discontinued) conduction: nerve impulse jumps from node to node allowing faster conduction of impulse
5) Site of voltage reversal- plasma membrane contains high concentration of voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels exposed to extracellular space
Describe satellite cells
1) Small cuboidal cells that surround neuronal cell bodies of PNS ganglia
2) LM appearance: only nuclei typically visible in H&E
What are four functions of satellite cells?
1) Establish and maintain microenvironment around neuronal body in ganglion
2) Electrical insulation
3) Metabolite exchange
4) Does not make myelin
Describe enteric glial cells
Morphologically and functionally similar to astrocytes in CNS
What are the functions of enteric glial cells?
Structural, metabolic, protective support of neurons located within ganglia of enteric ANS
Describe neuroglia (glial cells)
1) Supporting cells of CNS
2) Derived from neural tube
3) More numerous than neurons
4) LM appearance: only nuclei routinely seen; special stain for complete visualization
What are the four types of CNS supporting cells?
1) Oligodendrocytes
2) Astrocytes
3) Microglia
4) Ependymal cells
Describe microglia of the CNS
1) Phagocytic cells (originate from monocyte-->vimentin IF); enter CNS from vascular system
2) Account for ~5% of all glial cells in adult CNS
3) Proliferate and become active in areas of injury and disease
4) Smallest of neuroglial cells with small, elongated nuclei (distinguishing feature)
5) Short twisted processes seen with heavy metal staining
6) Both processes and cell body covered with spikes (analogous to ruffled border of other phagocytic cells)
7) EM analysis: lysosomes, inclusions, and vesicles but little rER, microtubules or actin filaments
8) Immune protectors of CNS
Describe astrocytes of CNS
1) Largest of neuroglial cells- derived from neural tube
2) LM appearance: large, oval, light-staining nucleus (distinguishing feature)
3) Contain prominent bundles of intermediate filaments composed of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), more numerous in fibrous astrocytes
4) Radial astrocytes- can span entire thickness of brain- provides scaffold for migrating neurons during development
5) Extends processes to blood vessels and neurons
What are the functions of astrocytes of the CNS?
1) Physical and metabolic support for CNS neurons
2) Movement of metabolites and waste
3) Regulate ionic concentrations
4) Maintain tight junctions of capillaries--> blood brain barrier
5) Covers bare areas of myelinated axons (nodes and synapses)- confines neurotransmitters to synaptic cleft
What are two types of astrocytes?
1) Protoplasmic astrocytes
2) Fibrous astrocytes
What are protoplasmic astrocytes?
1) More prevalent in gray matter
2) Numerous short, branching cytoplasmic processes
3) At brain and spinal cord surfaces, extend processes (subpial feet) to basal lamina of pia mater to form glia limitans- relatively impermeable barrier surrounding CNS
Describe fibrous astrocytes
1) More common in white matter
2) Fewer processes and are relatively straight
3) Fibrous astrocytomas account for ~80% of adult primary brain tumors
Describe oligodendrocytes
1) Derived from neural tube
2) Produces myelin (concentric layers of oligodendrocyte plasma membrane)
3) Multiple processes of single oligodendrocyte may myelinate one or more nearby axons
4) Nucleus of oligodendrocyte may be at a distance from axons it myelinates
5) LM appearance: small cell with few processes compared to astrocyte; often aligned in rows between axons; irregular, darkly stained nuclei (distinguishing feature)
What are three differences between myelin sheaths in the CNS and PNS?
1) No external lamina in CNS--> increase contact between myelin of adjacent cells
2) Nodes of Ranvier in CNS are larger therefore more efficient saltatory conduction
3) Unmyelinated neurons in CNS are not embedded in glial cell processes (i.e. no supporting cells around umyelinated axons in CNS)
Describe ependymal cells
1) Form epithelium-like lining of fluid-filled cavities of CNS (i.e. lines central canal and brain ventricles
2) Single layer of cuboidal to columnar cells (characteristics of fluid-transporting cells- junctional complexes, cilia and microvilli)
3) Lack external lamina; do not have basal infoldings--> interdigitate with astrocyte processes
4) Derived from neural tube
Describe the choroid plexus
Modified ependymal cells and associated capillaries located within brain ventricles
Produces CSF from uptake of molecules from capillaries
Describe the role of CSF
Protects and supports brain and spinal cord from external forces and allows removal of metabolic wastes
Describe hydrocephalus
1) Water on the brain; affects 1 in 500 births
2) Build-up of fluid--> increase pressure--> expansion of skull bones
3) Due to lack of asorption of CSF; block in flow of CSF; overproduction of CSF
4) Causes can be acquired: tumor, infection, prematurity, bleed inside head, birth injury, abnormal blood vessel formation, trauma; or genetic: defect in cilia formation or function
5) Symptoms in infants include: rapid increase in head circumference, vomiting, sleepiness, irritability, downward deviation of eyes and seizures; adults also display headache, gait and cooridination issues, blurred and double vision, progressive mental impairment and dementia
6) Diagnosed by clinical neuroligical evaluation and brain imaging (CT, MRI)
7) Treatment: shunt to remove excess CSF
Describe a demyelinating disease of the CNS
Characterized by preferential damage to myelin sheath--> decrease or loss of action potential transmission
Example: multiple sclerosis
Describe multiple sclerosis
1) Demyelination in multiple areas of CNS--> chronic progressive episodes of neurologic deficits: unilateral vision impairments, loss of cutaneous sensation, muscle coordination and movement, bladder/bowel control
2) Increase in IgG in CSF and abnormalities in T cell function (attacks myelin in CNS--> myelin detaches; loss of oligodendrocytes due to T cell-induced apoptosis)
3) Chemical changes in lipid/protein components of myelin--> irregular, multiple plaques--> pathological feature; myelin loss inhibits action potential conduction
4) Treatment: decrease immune response with interferon, adrenal steroids and imunosuppressive drugs
Describe the gray matter of the CNS
Outer covering or cortex
Contains nerve cell bodies, axons, dendrites, and glial cells
Describe the nuclei of the CNS
Functionally related groups of nerve cell bodies
Describe the white matter of the CNS
Contains axons of nerve cells plus associated glial cells and blood vessels
What is a tract in the CNS?
Bundles of axons going to or coming from specific location
Describe pyramidal neurons
Cells of gray matter of cerebrum
6 layers or lamina
Modified multipolar neurons
Large triangle-shaped cells with apical and two lateral dendrites
What are the three layers of the cerebellar cortex?
1) Molecular layer
2) Purkinje cell layer
3) Granule cell layer
Describe the molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex
Outermost layer
Few neurons
Mostly fibrous (neurophil) from Purkinje and granule cell processes
Describe the Purkinje cell layer of the cerebellar cortex
Middle layer containing single row of large pear-shaped neurons
Inhibitory output (GABA)
Describe the granule cell layer of the cerebellar cortex
Innermost layer
Lots of small neurons with dark staining nuclei
Excitatory and inhibitory output
Describe the blood-brain barrier
1) Restricts transfer of molecules of bloodstream --> CNS
2) Formed early in embryogenesis from interaction between glial astrocytes and capillary endothelial cells- created by tight jxns between endothelial cells eliminating gaps between endothelial cells and preventing diffusion, close association of astrocyte end foot processes with basal lamina of endothelial cells (astrocytes regulate tight junctions)
3) Pinocytosis restricted across brain endothelial cells
4) Molecules cross capillary wall by active transport
5) Astrocyte end feet play important role in maintaining water homeostasis in brain- site of water channels (aquaporin AQP4)--> water crosses blood-brain barrier, important in reestablishment of osmotic equilibrium in brain during edema
6) Barrier inefective or absent in some regions of brain- neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary), circumventricular organs; brain may need to sample blood to regulate neurosecretory control of nervous and endocrine systems
Describe the passing of some molecules through the blood-brain barrier
1)O2 and CO2 easily cross endothelial cells
2) Glucose (neuron depends almost exclusively for energy), amino acids, nucleosides and vitamins require active transport proteins
3) Other endothelial cell surface proteins prevent crossing of drugs, foreign proteins, etc
What are the three layers of CT membranes (meninges) of the brain and spinal cord?
1) Pia mater
2) Arachnoid mater
3) Dura mater
Describe the dura mater
1) Outermost layer, two thick layers of dense CT; periosteal layer- continuous with periosteum of skull and meningeal layer fuses with periosteal
2) Serves as principal channels for blood returning from brain
3) Sheetlike extensions of inner surface form partitions between parts of brain- support brain and carry arachnoid to deeper parts of brain
4) In spinal cord, meningeal layer forms a separate tube surrounding spinal canal
5) Two potential spaces: epidural (site of injection of analgesic drugs) and subdural (between dura and arachnoid, site of blood accumulation)
Describe the arachnoid mater
1) Delicate CT adjacent to inner surface of dura
2) Extends trabeculae to pia mater
3) Trabeculae composed of loose CT fibers containing elongated fibroblasts
4) Space bridged by trabeculae is subarachnoid space--> contains CSF
Describe the pia mater
1) Innermost layer; lies directly on brain and spinal cord surface; continous with perivascular CT sheath of blood vessels of brain and spinal cord
2) Delicate CT
3) Fuses with arachnoid around opening for cranial and spinal nerves as they exit dura mater
Describe the organization of the spinal cord
1) Flattened cylindrical structure directly continuous with brain
2) Divided into 31 segments that are connected to pair of spinal nerves: 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 1 coccygeal
3) Each spinal nerve joined to its segment of cord by number of roots or rootlets- dorsal (posterior) and ventral (anterior)
4) Cross section appearance: butterfly-shaped gray inner region and white peripheral region
Describe the white matter of the spinal cord
Contains myelinated and unmyelinated axons
Describe the gray matter of the spinal cord
Contains neuronal cell bodies, dendrites, axons and neuroglia
Describe the anterior (ventral) horn of gray matter
1) Site of cell bodies of motor neurons --> innervate striated muscle
2) Ventral motor neurons are multipolar, basophilic cells
3) Motor neurons contain large amounts of yellowish lipofuscin granules
4) Conducts impulses away from CNS- efferent neuron
5) Axon of motor neuron exits spinal cord--> ventral root becomes a component of spinal nerve--> travels to muscle
6) Axon is myelinated except at site of origin and termination
7) Near muscle cell, axon divides into numerous terminal branches--> forms neuromuscular synapses (motor end plates) with muscle cell
Describe a peripheral nerve
1) Bundle of nerve fibers held together by CT
2) Carry both sensory and motor information
3) Cell bodies may be located within the CNS or outside CNS in peripheral ganglia
4) Ganglia: clusters of neuronal cell bodies that reside outside of CNS and nerve fibers leading to and from it
5) Dorsal root ganglion (DRG): cell bodies of sensory neurons
6) Cell bodies in paravertebral, prevertebral, and terminal ganglia are postganglionic motor neurons (visceral efferents) of ANS
Describe somatic efferent motor neurons
1) Innervate skeletal muscle
2) Cell bodies lie in brain, brainstem, and spinal cord
3) Axons leave CNS and travel in peripheral nerve to muscle
4) Single neuron conveys impulses from CNS to muscle
Describe visceral efferent motor neurons of ANS
1) Innervate smooth/cardiac muscle and glands
2) Chain of two neurons connects CNS to effector organ(s)
3) Cell bodies of preganglionic (presynaptic) neurons located in specific region of CNS
4) Axons exit CNS--> travel in peripheral nerve to synapse with postganglionic (postsynaptic) neurons in peripheral ganglia (i.e. at synapse station)
Describe somatic and visceral afferent neurons
1) Single neuron connects receptor via sensory ganglion to spinal cord or brainstem
2) Cell bodies located in ganglia outside CNS along dorsal roots of spinal nerves (DRG) and in association with cranial nerves V, VII, VIII, IX and X
What are the three layers of CT that surround peripheral nerves?
1) Endoneurium
2) Perineurium
3) Epineurium
Describe the endoneurium
1) Bundles nerve fibers into fascicle
2) Type III collagen (Schwann cell derived) surrounds each individual nerve fiber
3) LM appearance: not apparent; requires special stain
4) EM appearance: collagen fibrils run parallel to and around nerve fibers
5) CT cells: few fibroblast (Schwann cells generate collagen fibrils), mast cells
6) 90% nuclei in cross sections of peripheral nerves are Schwann cells; 10% fibroblasts, endothelial cells and mast cells
7) Poorly vascularized- metabolic exchange occurs by diffusion with blood vessels in perineurial sheath
Describe the perineurium
1) Metabolically active diffusion barrier- contributes to formation of blood-nerve barrier
2) Specialized CT cells surrounding nerve fascicles; formed by one or more layers of squamous cells (perineurial cells) with contractile properties (actin filaments)
3) Perineurial cells express surface receptors, transporters, and enzymes allowing active transport
4) Immune system cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells) not found within endoneurial or perineurial
Describe the layers within the perineurium of peripheral nerve
1) Collagen fibrils present between layers
2) Each layer has external (basal) lamina on both surfaces
3) No fibroblasts
4) Tight junctions (between cells within same layer)- basis for blood-nerve barrier
Describe the epineurium
1) Outermost CT of peripheral nerve
2) Dense, irregular CT surrounds and binds nerve fascicles into common bundle
3) Often associated with adipose tissue in larger nerves
4) Contains blood vessels that supply nerve--> branch and penetrate into nerve and travel within perineurium
Describe the dorsal root of the spinal nerve
1) Site of cell bodies of sensory (pseudounipolar) neurons- afferent (into CNS)
2) Ganglia- collection of neuronal cell bodies outside CNS
3) Large cell bodies arranged as closely packed clusters with alternating layers of neurons and nerve fibers- important histiological features of DRG
4) Nerve impulses are generated in terminal receptor arborization of peripheral segment of nerve
Describe the afferent (sensory) receptors
1) Specialized structures located at distal tips of sensory neurons
2) Initiate nerve impulse in response to stimulus
3) Nonencapsulated (free ending)- simplest receptor is bare axon
4) Most sensory nerve endings acquire CT capsules- encapsulated endings; many are mechanoreceptors located in skin and joint capsules
What are three classifications of afferent receptors?
1) Exteroceptors- react to stimuli from external environment (temp, touch, smell, sound, vision)
2) Enteroceptors- react to stimuli from within the body (degree of filling/stretch of alimentary canal, bladder, blood vessels)
3) Proprioceptors- react to stimuli from within body (sensation of body position, muscle tone and movement)
What are some examples of mechanoreceptors of afferent receptors?
1) Krause's end bulb
2) Ruffini's corpuscle
3) Meissner's corpuscle
4) Pacinian corpuscle
Describe Meissner's corpuscles
1) Small, oval in shape and found in dermis of skin
2) Detect light discriminatory touch- degree of discrimination determined by proximity of receptors to each other
3) LM appearance: CT capsule surrounding mass of oval cells arranged transversely at epidermal end (looks like tornado)
Describe Pacinian corpuscles
1) Large encapsulated receptors
2) Responsive to pressure or coarse touch, vibration and tension
3) Found in deeper layers of skin, ligaments, joint capsules, serous membranes, mesenteries, some viscera and in some erogenous areas
4) LM: onion-like appearache in cross section: CT capsule encloses concentric lamellae of flattened cells
5) Center of corpuscle contains single large unbranched, non-myelinated nerve fiber--> becomes myelinated as it extis
6) Distortion of corpuscle--> amplified mechanical stimulus in core--> transduces into action potential in sensory neuron
What are the three divisions of the autonomic nervous system?
1) Sympathetic
2) Parasympathetic
3) Enteric
Describe the autonomic nervous system
1) Has 3 divisions
2) PNS that innervates smooth/cardiac muscle and glandular epithelium
3) Visceral- refers to ANS or its neurons
4) Sensory neurons leave organs --> CNS (visceral afferent neurons)
Describe the sympathetic divison of the ANS
1) Fight or flight
2) Nerve cell bodies (preganglionic) located in thoracic and lumbar segments of spinal cord--> preganglionic axons exit CNS via ventral roots--> postganglionic fibers form later-vertebral chain and plexuses near viscera
Describe the parasympathetic division of the ANS
1) Rest and digest
2) Nerve cell bodies in medulla, midbrain and sacral region of spinal cord--> preganglionic axons exit via CN III, VII, IX, X and sacral spinal nerves II, III, and IV--> postganglionic neuron found in ganglia located near or within effector
What happens when sympathetic and parasympathetic supply the same organs?
Antagonistic actions
Example: sympathetic increases cardiac muscle contraction while parasympathetic decreases the contraction
Describe the enteric division of the ANS
1) Brain of gut
2) Can function independent of CNS
3) Ganglia and processes that innervate the alimentary canal; located in lamina propria, muscularis mucosae, submucosa, and muscularis externa
4) Fxn: controls motility (contractions of gut wall), exocrine and endocrine secretions, bloodflow through GI tract, regulates immunologic and inflammatory processes
5) Neurons not supported by Schwann or satellite cells; are supported by enteric glial cells (resembe neuroglial astrocytes)
Describe the neuronal response to injury (degeneration)
1) Anterograde (Wallerian) degeneration- region distal to site of injury degenerates due to interruption of axonal transport
2) In PNS, degeneration occurs within a few days; CNS takes several weeks
3) Axon degenerates by fragmentation; axon fragments still ensheathes by myelin
4) Phagocytic cells migrate to injury site and remove myelin/axon fragments (derived from Schwann cell in PNS; microglia in CNS; blood monocytes)
5) Some retrograde degeneration occurs; extends only few internodal segments
6) In PNS, Schwann cells with external laminae remain as tubular structures distal to injury
Describe the morphological changes in neurons in response to injury
1) Cell body swells, nucleus moves peripherally and chromatolysis (loss of Nissl substance) occurs
2) Chromatolysis first observed within 1-2 days and peaks ~2 weeks
3) Cell body changes proportional to amount of axoplasm lost by injury
4) If motor fiber is cut, the mucle innervated atrophies
Describe scar formation
1) In PNS, CT and Schwann cells form scar tissue between ends of injured nerve
2) If little scar tissue or surgical apposition, severed nerve will probably regenerate
3) In CNS, scar tissue derived from proliferation glial cells prevents regeneration
Describe regeneration of neurons
1) In PNS, required divison of Schwann cells (presence of endoneurium essential)- Schwann cells dedifferentiate and begin to secrete glial growth factors, which induces Schwann cells to undergo mitosis
2) Schwann cells form cylinders--> guide for new neurites (nerve processes) of regenerating axons
3) If neurite encounters Schwann cell cylinder, it begins to grow through tube at 3 mm per day, otherwise it grows in disorganized manner. Schwann cell contact with axon induces redifferentiation of Schwann cells
4) Upon crossing scar, neurites enter surviving Schwann cell tubes in distal stump--> guide to destination
5) If physcial contact is reestablished between motor neuron and muscle, function usually reestablished
6) Schwann cells remyelinate axon but length of internodal myelin usually shorter
Describe peripheral neuropathy
1) More than 100 different types; affects ~20 million individuals in US; 3-4% of >50 have a peripheral neuropathy (likely underdiagnosed)
2) Symptoms include: tingling, numbness, prickling sensations, touch sensitivity, muscle weakness, burning pain, muscle wasting, paralysis, organ and/or gland disfunction, muscle cramps
3) Caused by either inherited (gene mutation) or acquired trauma (carpal tunnel syndrome), toxins, tumors, autoimmune, nutritional deficiency (vit B12), systemic disease (diabetes), alcoholism, vascular disorder, metabolic disorder
4) Examples of acquired: Guillain-Barre syndrome: AKA acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; due to autoimmune; results in ascending paralysis; a rare side-effect of various vaccines (influenza)
5) Examples of inherited: Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease- AKA heriditary motor and sensory neuropathy; affects 37 in 100,000; defects in forming myelin
6) If cause is autoimmune- treat by immune suppression; if cause is genetic, no treatment, treat symptoms
7) Diagnosed by: electromyogram- measures electrical activity of muscles at rest vs contraction, and nerve conduction study- measures how well and fast nerves send electrical signals
8) Damage to axon seen as loss of nerve/muscle potential amplitude; loss of myelin seen as decrease in nerve conduction velocity
Describe amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, Lou Gherig's disease)
1) Amyotrophic= muscle atrophy
2) Progressive degeneration of motor neurons of brainstem and spinal cord--> lateral sclerosis (tissue hardening) due to astrocyte gliosis (proliferation)
3) 5-10% of cases due to familial motor neuron disease (20% have mutation in gene superoxide dismutase 1- convert superoxide radicals to H2O2 and O2)
4) Sporadic ALS associated with Abs against voltage-gated Ca2+ channels
5) Average life expectancy from time of diagnosis is 2-5 years
6) No effective therapy although can slow progression of disease
Describe Alzheimer's disease
1) Progressive cortical dementia affecting language, memory, vision, emotion/personality
2) Familial forms--> mutations in presenilin 1/2 and B-amyloid precursor protein--> accumulation of abnormal large form of B-amyloid peptide and formation of amyloid plaques--> disrupt Ca2+ regulation--> causing neuron death
3) Presence of Hirano bodies- intracytoplasmic inclusions
4) Inheritance of 1 or more apolipoprotein Ee4 alleles (APOE locus; interferes with removal of large form of B-amyloid) indicative of susceptiblity risk factor, homozygous associated with earlier age of onset of common form of disease
5) No treatment- symptomatic therapy in early stages of dementia; Aricept (AChase inhibitor) controversial, no clinical evidence it halts progression of disease
Describe Huntington's disease (chorea)
1) Affects 1 in 10,000 people; children of affected patients have 50% chance of developing disease; DNA test to determine if mutation present
2) Mutation in HD gene results in increasing repeats of CAG--> amino acid glutamate--> programmed degeneration of basal ganglia neurons--> uncontrolled movements, loss of intelectual faculties and emotional disturbance
3) Large numbers of CAG repeats associated with early (childhood) onset of disease
4) No cure but can try to treat symptoms
Describe Tay-Sachs disease
1) Autosomal recessive disorder appears at ~6 months of age
2) Deficiency in hexosaminidase A--> accumulation of gangliosides in CNS neurons
3) Infants display characteristic cherry red spot in retina, delayed motor development, flaccid paralysis, weakness, blindness, mental impairment, and death
4) Histology- distension of CNS and PNS nerve cells with cytoplasmic lipid droplets; lysosomes filled with lipids (myelin figures)
Describe shingles
1) Re-remergence of nerve inflammation by herpes zoster (virus that causes chicken pox)
2) Results in painful skin lesions along dermatome (unilateral region of skin innervated by sensory fibers of single spinal nerve) of the infected nerve
3) Clinical presentation includes redness and vesicular eruptions of affected skin area