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13 Cards in this Set

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Function of types of Collagen

Type I, II, III, IV, VII, X
Type I: bone ligaments and majority of connective tissue (Fibrilar)

Type II: Cartilege (Fibrilar)

Type III: Reticular fibers spleen and lymph nodes (tip: 3 is for Secondary lymph organs)

Type IV: basal lamina, muscle, myelin (mesh forming collagen)

Type VII: basal lamina (hemidesmosome) (Anchoring Fibril)
What stain shows Collagen well
Masson's Trichrome (stains blue)
Group names of Collagens
Fibrillar: Type I, II, III
FACIT: helps organize and form collagen fibers
Anchoring: Type VII
Mesh Forming: Type IV
How do you view Type III or Reticulin collagen fibers?
Use Silver stains. You can't see it with H&E due to heavy glycosylation
Composition of Elastic Fibers
Collagen fibers made up of a Fibrillin outside structure with Elastin in the inside.

Fibrilin is like steel rods on the outside with the Elastin resembling concrete poured in the inside
Function of GAG's and ground substance
1. Bind to water and ions like Na
2. Form a barrier to pathogens
3. Bind growth factors

Tip: GAG is gagged by the ions, water, and growth factors it has to suck down
General composition of GAG's
Large unbranched molecules.
Composed of sugars and generally sulfated. Sulfation makes them highly negatively charged and helps in binding water.

Tip: If you are GAGged you are being SULFacated (sulfur) and that is a negative aspect. You can feel SULFacated when you are taking in water and being waterboarded.
Different GAG's
Hyaluronic Acid: made outside of the cell, not sulfated
Chondroitin sulfate: made inside, sulfated
Heparin Sulfate: made inside, sulfated
Keratin sulfate: made inside, sulfated
Proteoglycans: many GAG chains linked to a core protein. The three sulfate groups are added intracelluarly and make up parts of this
Function of Focal Adhesions
Adhere mesenchyme to surrounding matrix
Composition of Focal Adhesions
Integrins bind to fibronectin (a glycoprotein in ECM) outside of cell. Integrin's cytoplasmic tail binds to plaque proteins.

Tip: Focal Adhesions are like hemi-desmosomes in which the cells are trying to be attached to outside different cells. So both use integrins which bind to internal plaque proteins
Connective Tissue Cells
1. Fibroblasts
a. Mesenchymal Cells
b. Active Fibroblasts
c. Inactive fibroblasts

2. Adipocytes
a. Unilocular (white fat)
b. Multilocular (brown fat)

3. Mast Cell
4. Monocyte
5. Plasma Cell

Tip: Fibroblasts are in CT because CT has many fibrous elements
Tip: Fibroblasts are in CT because CT has many fibrous elements
Types of Fibroblasts and functions
Mesenchymal cells: attached to ECM by focal adhesions. They are in fetal CT and secrete mainly Type III collagen. They look unorganized and brown.

Actibe Fibroblast: actively secreting collagenous matrix (esp Type I). It's organized and euchromatic.

Inactive fibroblast: Found in mature CT. Cell doesn't make collagen and has heterochromatin

Tip: Mesenchyme is a stem cell that is in developing CT. When its developing it needs all the basic things built first, especially the lymph nodes and the reticular membrane. (Type III)
4 Types of Connective Tissue
1. Loose/Areoolar: lots of fibroblasts. Smaller collagen bundles
2. Dense Irregular: Large disorderly collagen bundles
3. Dense Regular: fewer cells, large ordered collagen fibers
4. Adipose tissue